A Round World Real Fantacy - From Beginning 'Till The End
第1話 The Prologue
In the classroom, filled with students, everyone was silent, only the sound of teacher could be heard..
This was the last period for the day but most of the students wanted to go home immediately but ware waiting for the lecture to end.
Near the window , a boy looked outside. An ordinary boy with normal looks- neither ugly, nor hansome.... His name is Alex, this year he is 15 years old..
Outside, the sun was nearing horizon, reminding that only little time has left for the day to come to an end.
(_ The delivery should have arrived by now...)
He thought, recalling the purchase order he had made three days back and the notification that arrived this morning indicating, the delivery would be done by today...
Since he had classes, he asked his mother to take delivery, he already paid the fee online..
Soon, the bell indicated the end of the school time and everyone relaxed, waiting for teacher to leave before they are free to go..
"_For today, let's stop here....Make sure to revise the chapter after you go home.." in his strong voice, he said and left the classroom.
Immediately afterwords, students also began to leave one by one...So did the Alex.
Outside, he met two more boys around same age as him but they weren't his classmets..Perhaps, his regular home walking frinds...?
They greeted and left the school grounds behind, walking on the cement road, chatting happily....
(_I want to get back quickly..) Alex, looking at the road ahed, wanted to get back to his home as fast as possible.
But looking towards the two friends walking beside him with the corners of his eyes, he can't lave them behind as they were his friends who lived in the same area as him.
Alex sighed, and thought it's fine. They were walking as usual and will eventually reach the destination, but one of his friend looked towards the empty ground to his side and suddenly thought of something.
"_You guys, how about we play a little..?" Pointing his finger towards the ground, he said with excitement.
The empty place, it shouldn't be called ground, it was just left untouched and unused...Perhaps, one day, a construction would take place and it will be occupied, but for the time being it was empty...
They looked towards the empty ground, and Alex thought for moment. If he stayed here to play, he will definitely be late....But, no matter what, he didn't want to be late today. He would have agreed if it was any other day without thinking much or lying to his friends, but not today, he thought something and finally...
"_Um.., you guys, I have something important today, I have to be home as soon as possible..........." Scratching his head a little, he expressed his thoughts without reveling the true matter directly.
"_Something important..? What..?" One of his friend looked towards him and asked.
It was natural to want to know what the important thing is their friend has to do today and Alex also understands..
(_How should I say... Oh, Right..!) He thought for a second and decided his action.
".. Actually, mom said to come back as soon after finishing the school...I think, she needs my help in cleaning...So, I have to go.." Naturally, it was complete lie but his friends wouldn't know this unless they decided to follow him till his home..
"_Hm..? Isn't your sister helping..?" Another of his friend asked him a question. They were friends since childhood, lived around same area, naturally they would know about his friends family members..
Alex knew it that his friends will inquire about his sister, why isn't she helping like usual...But he had thought of the answer beforehand and that was why he lied to them ...
"_Alicia..? Today, she cought fever and is resting...That's probably why, mother asked me to be back little faster..." Reveling the illness of his little sister, alex knew his friends will not doubt him and even if they followed him, his sister really was ill today so they won't disturb him for long even if they accompany him... .
(_Sorry guys, today I am in hurry..) No matter, he felt guilty for lying, but he also knew if he doesn't lie here, he will only regret later, he knew his friends more thoroughly than any others...
Since it was a matter of doing work, naturally no friend would want to accompany him, it was such a convenient lie he had thought...
"_Thats too bad...Hope she recovers soon.."
"_Yeah, let her rest, you should go help you mother instead..."
(_Hehe~ I knew you guys would not accompany me when I say it's work I need to do....) He knew his friends really good, he knew their responses after hearing their is work to do in his house....
Anyway, he still has to act and so he replied with face saying he didn't want to..
"..I will do that...See you guys at the school~" They said goodby and went their own way. Looking behind, he can see his two friends having fun in the empty ground...Anyway, he didn't regret not playing with them..
"_I am Home~" Opening the entrance door, Alex took his shoes out, and went upstairs.
(..My parsel should be on the table..) Before him was closed door, simply pushing it will open since none the room here locked. This was his room and without waiting further, he pushed open and entered..
".......' Yo~" On the chair, a girl with long silver hair, greeted him. Before her was book, half opened.
Looking at the book on the table, Alex thought he imagined things for a moment but immediately after, he found the empty packaging for parsal below on the tiles..
Without thinking anymore, he grabbed the book from table, looked at the cover, and the more he looked, more angry he become...
"_I was bored and saw the parsal....I thought you prepared the birthday present for me and couldn't wait so..." Their was no need to say what happened next. The curiocity killed the cat...
"_I know. I know you did this on purpose, didn't you..? Say it.." Controlling his anger, he asked why would she do it..?
( Why do you always do something to make me angry...Just why..?) But Inside his was bubbling lava and if she didn't explain it properly, it will surely burst in the form of anger.
"_I am sorry~" getting up from the chair gracefully, she still teased him.
(_Sorry..!? Is that all you have to say..! All my excitement...Why? Couldn't you wait at least wait for while..) Looking at the packaging paper on the floor below, he recalled the wait he had gone through...
Closing his eyes to control his anger, he recalled the events so far.
Three days before, he found out their was really popular fantacy novel being reprinted again and again because of its popularity. Going online, he found the reviews saying it was really good novel, naturally as a fantasy lover, he used his savings and purchased the physical copy online...
Today, after waiting for two days with excitement, message arrived from delivery company saying the parsal should be delivered by today..
But, today was Tuesday and he had school to attend. He asked his mother to take parsel and leave on the table without opening the packaging...
He wanted to open the package himself, read the story from start to finish without anybody disturbing him...Only to know that his sister had already opened the book, read halfway through before him..!
All the excitement was gone now and he was really angry.
(_calm down~ calm down~ fuuuun~. Tomorrow's her birthday, I don't want to fight with her right now...Calm down~) Thinking on what she said about her birthday, he tried to calm down himself. Je didn't want to have fight with her on the spilled milk before her big day...
"_By the way, can I borrow it..? The story is fine and I want to finish it..." Politely, she asked to borrow the book. Only he knew, how angry he was on inside.
(_I know damn it! That's why I bought it in the frist place....Cool~Cool~Cool~ Don't forget, tomorrow is her birthday, if you fight right now, mom and dad will definitely take her side...She has already killed my mood...It's fine~)
Remembering the big day of his sister was coming tomorrow he knew that his parents wouldn't take his side of they fought, instead they might get more angry to make his sister happy, controlling his anger here wise choice and he knew it.
"~Thanks.. I will return it after reading it.." while Alex was still in thought, she grabbed the book from his hand and left the room, closing the door behind.
Without reacting excessively, Alex looked towards the now closed door, with little tiredness finally appearing on his face..
"...Hehe~ I used her to lie to my friends, I should have known some bad omen was heading towards me..." Considering her to be a bad omen, he became too tired..Without thinking anything, he threw himself on the bed, burying his head inside the pillow...
(_I shouldn't have lied, those two mist be having fun...) Remembering the faces of his two friends who stayed behing he started regretting that he had lied to them only to something like this happen.....
Closing his eyes, finally his brain shut down, turning everything blank.....
A Round World Real Fantacy - From Beginning 'Till The End @Isean2000
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