

 まず「HEIDEGGER’S GOS:AN ECOFEMINIST PERSPECTIVE」の「Lilith and Agamben」からリリスがホモ・サケルであると的確に述べている箇所を引きます。

 In terms of the application of these ideas to Lilith, she is undoubtedly the homo sacer. Lilith is exiled, under ban, abandoned, and cast out. The sovereign masculine first establishes itself as the rule, as a sovereign power, by excluding Lilith, by excluding what she represents. But, as Agamben would stress, she is included in his exercise of power by being excluded. Having thus established Lilith as a state of exception, the sovereign masculine, from within this “zone of indistinction,” makes the further distinction between the two realms in which masculine sovereign power rules, the two realms included in his domain: the realm represented by Eve (nature / zoe) and the realm represented by Adam (culture / bios). The masculine is to Lilith as the sovereign is to homo sacer. And while Adam represents in embodied form, the masculine itself, it is the ultimate masculine, God, who is behind it all, the supreme sovereign masculine.¹⁵

((それらのアイデアをリリスに応用することに関して、疑いようもなく彼女はホモ・サケルである。リリスは、追放され、禁止され、 放棄され、そして追い出された。主権的男性はリリスを除外することによって、彼女が表現するものを除外することによって、規則として、主権権力として、まず初めに自分自身を設立するのである。しかしアガンベンが強調するように、彼女は締め出されることによって彼の権力の使用の内に含まれる。リリスをこのように例外状態として設立させることで主権的男性は、この「区別のつかない域」の内部から、彼の領地における二つの領域――つまり、イブ(自然/ゾーエ)によって象徴される領域と、そしてアダム(文化/ビオス)によって象徴される領域――を含んだ男性的主権権力の規範の内部におけるその二つの領域をそのうえさらに区別させる。男性はリリスに対している。主権者がホモ・サケルに対しているように。そしてアダムが具体化された男性自身の形式を象徴している限り、それは究極な男性、神、そのすべての裏に隠れている、もっとも高い主権的男性である。))






 God, it may be argued, is nothing more than the projection of sovereign masculine power onto a supposed transcendent reality. Of course, this ties in with ecofeminism’s concern regarding the rise of patriarchal religion and its rejection of immanent divinity in favor of a merely transcendent divinity understood as masculine. However, because there is a need for and the necessity of a woman, of the feminine, the realm of zoe is established and the aspect of the feminine as represented by Eve is consigned thereto. ¹⁶

( 神とは、超越的な現実と仮定される方への主権的な男性の力の投影に過ぎないものだ、と主張されるかもしれない。もちろん、これは家長的宗教の発生と、また男性的として理解される単なる超越的な神性を支持する内在的神性のその排除に関わるエコフェミニズムの懸念に結びついている。しかしながら、女性による女の必然性と必要があるため、ゾーエの領域は設立され、そしてイブによって象徴される女性の面が、そこに委ねられる。)


 Keeping in mind the ways in which sovereign power is established in terms of the structural necessities, I think it appropriate here to call to mind the concepts of value dualisms. Such dualisms, it seems, are likely dependent upon some third thing that has been rendered a state of exception, abandoned, and thereby make possible the very distinction between the two parts of the created duality or binary. In considering the value dualism of the rational / irrational, I see the rational ( identified with that aspect of the feminine as represented by Eve ) as the two sovereign realms founded by means of excluding what I will call the non-rational (identified with that aspect of the feminine as represented by Lilith ).¹⁷



 Lilith, in all her non-rationality, is wild sexuality, untamed, like nature itself, unpredictable, and therefore threatening. The aspect of the feminine represented by Lilith is, in its essence, and has been described as, beyond comprehension or subordination to reason. Such is the very essence of the affects of desire and lust. They defy reason, do not submit to it, and as such, they are attributed to Lilith. This, it may be argued, is precisely why she is perceived as so dangerous. Thus, the masculine establishes itself as sovereign in relation to the feminine as represented by Eve by abandoning, casting out, and rendering as a state of exception that Lilith, as an aspect of the feminine, is more correctly understood as actually representative not of woman alone, but of that aspect of embodied human existence that is non-rational human sexuality. The masculine seeks not only to distance itself from nature without, but from nature within.¹⁸

( リリスは、彼女の非‐合理性のすべてにおいて、野蛮な性欲で、自然そのもので、それ自身が自然のようで、予測できず、したがって脅迫的である。リリスによって象徴される女性の面は、その本質において、理解あるいは理性への従属を超えたものとして記述されてきた。これが、欲望と色情による影響の本質にほかならない。彼女らは理性に反抗し服従せず、そのため彼女らはリリスに起因させられる。これが――議論されるかもしれないが、すなわち彼女がとても危険であると理解されるわけである。したがって放棄され、追放され、そして女性の面によるリリスという例外状態として表現されることによって、またはイブによって、象徴される女性との関係性の中で、自身を主権者として設立する男性は、女個人のではなく、非‐合理的な人間の性が具体化された人間の存在の面である実際的な象徴としてもっとも正確に理解される。男性は自身を自然の外だけではなく、自然の内からも遠ざかるよう努める。)



Eve, like zoe, represents reproductive or biological life, that which is necessary to the continuation of the species. Eve represents the realm of “nature,” the irrational aspect of life of the species whose purpose and place is to be distinguished from, but nonetheless made subject to Adam, Adam being he who represents and exemplifies bios or life in the polis or the realm of “culture,” that is, rational life with a telos more fitting his superior nature and power. Lilith, in being abandoned and rendered a state of exception, acts as the hinge from which each of the other two is articulated via the rule of sovereign masculine power.¹⁹



 The analogy between homo sacer and Lilith in terms of their role as hinge is a very fruitful one, I believe. Just as homo sacer is the hinge that joins domus and polis, zoe and bios, nature and state, divine and juridical, so is Lilith the hinge that joins Adam and Eve, sacred and profane, good and evil, that which is made by and in the image of God and that which is made by man. Lilith is the “zone of indistincution” from which these distinction are possible and in which they are joinded.²⁰

(ホモ・サケルとリリスの彼らの 蝶番としての役割から見るアナロジーは、私が信じるとても有益なものの一つである。ちょうど、ホモ・サケルが、家庭ドムス都市国家ポリスを、自然と国家を、神性と司法性を接合する蝶番であるように、リリスもまた、アダムとイブを、神聖と瀆神を、善と悪を接合する蝶番であり、それは神のイメージによって作られたところのものであり、また人によって作られたところのものである。リリスは区別可能であるこれらと、彼らが接合されているその中に基づいて「区別がつかない域」である。)


 Just as Agamben tell us that “The foundation is thus not an event achieved once and for all but is continually operative in the civil state in the form of sovereigin decision, “ so do we see the way in which the tensions, generated in the positing of there three distinct realms of Lilith, Adam, and Eve, with Adam in the role of the civil state, continually make themselves felt in terms of the sovereign decision that perpetuates and reinforces these distinctions, as evidenced not only by the contents of any number of the sources cited in the second section of this chapter but by a host of contemporary realities that concern feminists and ecofeminists alike, such as unequal pay for equal work for women, the pornography industry, sex trafficking, prostitution, lake of maternity leave for working mothers, continued denial of reproductive freedom for woman, rapeculture, slut-shaming, repe-vicim blaming, domestic violence, and various other afflictions, some far more horrifying than the ones faced by women in the more affluent countries, such as female-genital mutilation and pubic stoning. The seemingly incessant drive within our culture to always ultimately fault the feminine/ victim / woman for any and all acts deemed to be of an abhorrent, violent, criminal, aberrant, or otherwise sexual nature is built into this paradigm.²¹







 If it be conceded that erotic perception, desire, lust, and sensual longing are inescapable human realities, then the ways in which these three realms, represented by Lilith, Adam, and Eve once distinguished as such, will interact will indeed be a continual and constant laying and maintenance of this foundation.

 Agamben tell us that the “sovereign decision” in the state always refers to the bare life of the citizens; that is, in each sovereign decision, it is asserted either implicitly or explicitly that each citizen is a potential homo sacer. In other words, in each sovereign decision there is a threat. Likewise, there is in the operation of the sovereign masculine, as represented by Adam in his sovereign power to make decisions, the continually reestablished fact that each woman, as an instantiation of the feminine, is a potential Lilith. As Agamben points out this is the originary political element, and it is neither zoe nor bios. It is bare life; It is the homo sacer. It is neither Eve nor Adam. It is Lilith.²³




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