終章 [ハルキの旅路]

  0愚者 ~出会い~

at...The Fool plateau -under the reign of Eins

  Ⅶ戦車 ~いずれまた見ゆ~

at...The Pentagon Empire -under the reign of the Emperor Lad

  Ⅲ女帝 ~母の温もり~

at...Commerce -under the reign of the Emperor Inovae

 ⅩⅠ力 ~弱肉強食~

at...Ecust -under the reign of the Emperor Manly

  Ⅳ皇帝 ~賢帝マンリーと“ペンタクル”~

at...The Pentagon Empire -under the reign of the Emperor Manly

 ⅩⅨ太陽 ~僕の初仕事~

at...The Pentagon Empire -under the reign of the Emperor Manly

  Ⅵ恋人 ~魅惑のエデン~

at...Hell -under the reign of Lad

 ⅩⅤ悪魔 -~見えない声~

at...Hell -under the reign of Lad

“The end of Ibu”

  Ⅴ法皇 ~新たな旅~

at...Holyness -under the reign of Drei

  Ⅸ隠者 ~明かり~

at...The Surchee Mountains -under the reign of Drei

 ⅩⅣ節制 ~二つの顔を持つ女~

at...The Waste -under the reign of the Emperor Lad

  Ⅰ魔術師 ~曰わくの魔法使い~

at...Commerce -under the reign of the Emperor Manly

 ⅩⅧ月 ~月夜の暗示~

at...The Waste -under the reign of the Emperor Lad

 ⅩⅥ搭 ~滅びた町~

at...The Holy Commerce -under the reign of the Emperor Lad

  Ⅹ運命の輪 ~動き出した世界~

at...Holyness -under the reign of Drei

“The end of Autumn”

 ⅩⅢ死神 ~思い罪~

at...The Pentagon Empire -under the reign of the Emperor Lad

 ⅩⅦ星 ~希望は無くても…~

at...The Pentagon Empire -under the reign of the Emperor Manly

 ⅩⅡ吊された男 ~燃える水盆~

at...The Pentagon Empire -under the reign of the Emperor Lad

  Ⅷ正義 ~茶番法廷~

at...Ecust -under the reign of the Emperor Lad

  Ⅱ女教皇 ~狭い世界~

at...Ecust -under the reign of the Emperor Manly

 ⅩⅩ審判 ~最期の審判~

at...Hell Valley -under the reign of not exist

“The end of Kai”

ⅩⅩⅠ世界 ~ハルキの旅~

at...The Tora districs -under the reign of not exist



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TAROTORA~カードに描かれた世界~ Raito @raitowalker




