
The amount of effort that the author has put into this work exceeds anything I have ever committed myself to in this life.

The mythos that the author has constructed are simply splendid; a careful sythesis of a multitude of cultures culminating in a creation contained within a truly unique world: one that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time traveling through.

The characters are frustrating, their struggles and actions seem daft at the best of times, and downright incomprehensible at the worst. Yet I see this as a good thing; to create characters that frustrate a reader so, that fill them with such vile disgust and hatred is not an easy task to perform, it is clear that effort and ability were utilised to a higher level than I deem possible for myself and for this I greatly admire the author.

As the days go by the author's work seems to worsen, I fear that this story will not end with a bittersweet goodbye but with relief. Rather then further this world to an untimely demise perhaps I would rather the author abandon it all together and focus on his own. However, my opinion matters not. If the author chooses to continue this work until the end, then I shall continue to read no matter how long it takes.

regardless of how it ends this story has left a deep imprint on my life. should the author abandon this tale I hope they can look back on their creation and feel proud of what they made, rather than what they did not.

