

  • リメイクというなの、前作そのままでストック放出は芸がありません。


  • There's a weird disconnect between her romantic feelings and sexual desires. If she just wanted to do it with some other guy rather than the guy she loves, it would just be an unusual sexual fetish (namely, cheating), but the fact that it's directed at just one person suggests that it's different. It's like her mind loves one person and her body desires another. Which is weird, because normally physical attraction is a major part in romantic love, at least in the initial stages and particularly when you're a teenager.

    ...Or, she may have just misidentified her feelings for the game protagonist.

  • 編集済

    第34話 図書室の秘密基地への応援コメント

    ...This reminds me of some NTR scenes, lol.

  • These girls are both so greedy, lol. They want to date the game protagonist, yet they also strongly desire to have sex with the "best friend."

  • How exactly does she die on the bad ending route? Why is he so convinced that only getting together with the game protagonist can avert that destiny? Could he not just take the protagonist's place in doing whatever it is that prevents her death?

  • 編集済

    Another role reversal, lol. Usually it's the guy pretending to be the girl's boyfriend in order to drive away a male pick-up artist.

  • Somehow the protagonist and best friend's roles seem to have switched, lol.

  • 編集済

    第16話 推定Fカップへの応援コメント

    It just occurred to me that this eroge has a curious setup. Normally the protagonist is given a choice among the heroines and then pursues her, but in this one, it seems the heroines pursue him and compete with each other, leaving the protagonist in an oddly passive role.

  • These girls are like harem protagonists, attracted to two different boys and liking both in their own way.

  • 前回のストック放出しただけでしたか…

  • ヒロイン最悪すぎない?

  • 結局ここで止まるんなら再掲し始めた意味は?

  • 数ヶ月前に12月頭から続きを書くとコメント→12月からほぼ同じ物語を最初から小出しに出す→前回と同じ話数でストップ

  • いい加減学習したらどうなんだ笑

  • 編集済


  • 勢い任せで言ったけどめっちゃかわいいこの子

  • 哲くんめっちゃいい男やんけ、もはやヒロイン二人の心が哲くんに寝取られてるわ

  • 非常に面白かったです😊

  • well at least it was longer then the last chapter, it's funny when the afterwords are longer then the chapter length.
    Look forward to the start of fresh chapters in a couple of days that none of us have experienced.

  • 短すぎて草。普通に後書きの方が長いんじゃねぇの?

  • 追記が長過ぎて 本文が短い
    読者を惹きつける内容なら 追記などなくても星は増えると思います
    やり過ぎ しつこいのは嫌われますよ 異性関係でもなんでも 
    相手が嫌がってる事を感じて 控えないと

  • いつかあとがきのほうが文字数多くなってそう笑

  • 段々短くなってない?気のせいかな?

  • Not many of the original chapters left now, look forward to seeing some new ones after this arc is over, curious where it's going to head, this one was a pretty short one.

  • it's strange coming close to the end of the chapters i've read before, a weird nostalgic feeling.
    Looks like both of them are dealing with a lot of temptation.

  • Aisa is certainly not happy about the boyfriend stuff and how close they got at the beach.
    I'll look forward to the end of the original story and where it will continue into new territory after this library arc.

  • アイサめっちゃ可愛いな

  • 第35話 電話に出てしまうへの応援コメント


  • 第35話 電話に出てしまうへの応援コメント


  • 第35話 電話に出てしまうへの応援コメント

    Only a few more chapters until we get to new content, I look forward to seeing what will happen after the library, I've certainly been waiting a while :)
    Hope to see the return of the sister and more of the back and forth between these 2.
    I wonder if the game lead will start to suspect our lead or just go with the flow.
    I'll be curious to see how the story continues.

  • 第34話 図書室の秘密基地への応援コメント

    When the old content is done with this arc I look forward to the author starting on new content we haven't read already.

    This idol knows how to go for what she wants and quite a risky situation with the other heroine on the phone.

  • >俊樹は「エロゲの主人公」なのにヒロインに対して主体的に動いてないからこうなるのか?


  • 「バッドエンドで桐葉が病気になる」って、この世界だと「病んデレ」になるって事かな?

  • 頑張ってください💪

  • 桐葉にとっての哲彦が、前話で言ってたような

  • 誤字報告です。





  • 編集済

    interesting perspective we see in the beach scene the game lead takes the position of supportive character that is just in the background. One thing i wonder is what will happen with the sister character who was advised not to get involved because at this rate she would be the only main heroine left, unless others are introduced. Does that mean she would end up with the game lead or will she also chase after our lead following that logic you have that he is the true protagonist.

    My theory is slightly different but branches off in 2 different directions.
    Our lead has played multiple playthroughs so he has more main character essence and feels to have more concentrated amount of traits that the female leads like and Is more accurately able to talk to them incl. their faults and they can relax and he won't judge, but they both feel the game lead would.

    e.g. childhood friend early on sends countless text messages in a row, our lead finds it endearing and she is determined, but says most guys incl. game lead would get scared by the intensity.
    Idol heroine wants to use feminine charms and her body to seduce the game lead originally but is advised against it. When the game lead is told this he does get jumpy. We have seen on the other side how the Idol heroine feels that he is on her side, understands her and can relax as well as a place of comfort for her.

    The other thoughts I have branch off from there where our lead assumes game lead is 100% going to follow Kiriha route to safe her like an optimal gamer going for perfect ending but when its been his perspective we've seen he's attracted to them both, is he attracted to the sister heroine? I'd imagine so but not been mentioned. In his perspective he does have temptation to give into Idol and pursue harem, it's only because our lead tries to straighten him out that he accepts.

    Well the chapters are short that is true but there have been 2 every day, now so far they have only been taken from original but my hope is that since the start of the series the author has been hard at work getting future content ready, wouldn't surprise me if they have multiple future arcs done and ready to go.

  • もうちょっと1話1話が話が長ければもっと読みたくなります😇

  • 原作主人公って俊樹じゃなくて、プレイヤーなのかもね

  • 1つ気になる事があるのですが、

  • これリメイク?前とそのままですが

  • 非常に面白かったです😊

  • Looks like she has realized something happened and she doesn't want to fall behind. Will the sister be the same and also not like him getting close to other women?

    I guess Christmas day or just after we will be on new chapters not on the original

  • We are now in the last arc that was done in the original of this series. After that there was a very long break and the series remake started. Hopefully the author has a good buildup of content and ideas for what comes after it. Well unlike past scenes, after this library arc none of us know what will happen.

    I enjoy the back and forth between these 2 major heroines and how each time they seem to be pushing our lead a bit further. Who will snag him first, who will end up with him, can he save Kiriha from her illness by making her happy, will the sister join the fight for the lead. Will we end on 1 heroine or harem route, hopefully will reach it's natural conclusion and we will find out.

    Still I do like this scene as the library spiciness was my favorite in the original, 2nd to the beach scene we just had.

  • @KURISADA Kiriha wants to give her first time to our lead, well you know from the library wants next. Of course none of us know what happens after that. For my part I hope we get the sister reintroduced that he advised her to keep away and other heroines if there are any left or will they remain un named and not important, like fan girls for popular people, but with 0 shot.

    I would say both girls are breaking away heavily from the game script. Kiriha wants to give her virginity to our lead and has already had a very passionate kiss. The Idol has also kissed him and you remember what's to come with the library am i right :)
    The sister has also taken our leads advice to not get involved in events. It's annoying how the lead changes everything about the story and yet they always stick to the script like it's destined to happen. Many series have that issue though.

  • @kmakimak exactly many things have already changed, the heroines are only getting close to you, not the game lead.

    @comment yeah the lead is quite stupid it seems, at least for now, just goes with the flow and no real independent thought. I'm not the smartest person for sure but I see 2 solutions that would come to my mind. Develop relationship with Idol girl allowing easy clear for Kiriha . Or romantic relationship Kiriha with the lead, she wouldn't be heartbroken, so likely not die. Yeah the original work has already changed a lot and the world is still running.

    @KURISADA Isn't it BSS, the game lead is with no one yet, he's on Kirha route, but he wants to be with her and is tempted by sister and idol. He hasn't confessed his feelings to anyone. My personal theory is the game developers set all the heroines to be in love with the game lead, however in real life they don't understand why they are in love with him and our lead exhibits more of the traits they are attracted to.

    @nihir agreed can't save anything at this rate. Take some time, think things through and become active in trying to save her and keep the world going if that's what he wants.

  • 編集済


  • 心に従えばもっと幸せになれるというのにこの世界の人間(主人公含め)て何故かゲームの役割から離れようとしないですよね

  • う~ん主人公バッカじゃないの~?

  • 編集済

    ↓2 そうか、「プレイヤーが動かしていないからヒロインに能動的にアクションをしない俊樹」ばかり見てたけど、

  • 最近ハートの防御力が大幅低下してます

  • 主人公は現実を受け入れてない。何時までもゲームをしている気分だから、何も救えないだろう。

  • as expected something is rising and it's not the shield hero.
    Very lucky guy having this attention from the 2 women, will she get the kiss or not.

    I wonder if after the Library scene if it will still switch just between the 2 heroines, return to some focus on the sister or others that have been mentioned. As the series goes on each time they have spicy moments they certainly are escalating so would it be tough to new challengers to make a move.

    Though forgetting all that even with 2 of the primary game leads focused on our lead would this not give the sister or other heroines to make a move on him.

  • 据え膳喰わぬは男の恥、と言う。

  • 続きが見たい!

  • 上下が激しい!

  • It's good getting her point of view as she is having increased feelings for our lead, while lesser or fading feelings for the game lead. Even though she was alone with the game lead she was unable to make a move. At the same time she wants to hug or even kiss our lead.
    Should lead to some fun times. Our lead is sure to be confused by all this attention from the heroines.

  • すべては俊樹に魅力がないのが悪い。

  • 俊樹は「エロゲの主人公」なのにヒロインに対して主体的に動いてないからこうなるのか?

  • そして彼女は病んでいく…

  • おっと、ニヤニヤが止まらないです…!(˵¯͒〰¯͒˵)

  • will Kiriha try and break the promise about it only being a hug, find out tomorrow.
    My favorite scene in the original is what our Idol girl does to counter this. Of course none of us but the author knows what will happen after that.

  • Kiriha is starting to realize her feelings. Is it because how mature he is, how she can relax with him and talk honestly even about the bad parts of her that are very needy. It could also be that game devs set the women to be in love with him but in real life, they don't understand what made them fall for him. My other theory is since he has played the game multiple times, he gives off a stronger game lead presence then the original game lead.

  • 岩の裏×人が見えない場所…答えは?

  • 編集済




  • 良い子を演じている自分じゃなければみんなが離れていってしまうかもしれない。あの人に嫌われてしまうかもしれない。そう追い詰められている子が「本当の自分」をさらけ出せる異性に惹かれる。とても好きなシチュエーションです!

  • ゲーム主人公視点最高

  • 更新きたー!

  • この子、出来る(˵¯͒〰¯͒˵)

  • Aisa doesn't realize why she wants to keep women away from him but the more spicy situations she gets into and can't stop thinking of him and wanting to be with him, and lessening feelings with the game lead where neither are doing anything with him, they're true feelings will come out. Did they ever really love the game lead or is it a setting some game developers put in and now it's the real world they are questioning, do i really love him.

  • after the last chapter with Aisa i'm surprised it doesn't pick up where it left off from the previous one with her keep on trying to hug him, at the end of the chapter it seemed she was getting more serious about wanting a hug so i thought it was a sudden scene shift.

  • 心は俊樹くんを愛してるけど、体は哲くんを求めている

  • あんまり優しい男をセフレにしたいって思わん気がするけどな。性格悪いから付き合わないわけであって。

  • Aisa looks serious this time, best watch out or in his mind he could use this as a chance in his mind to keep her away from the game lead, so his favorite heroine can get the good ending.

  • Things are not going quite as planned. With how they are sitting and the focus is on our lead it seems like he is the protagonist instead of the game lead, and the game lead is just there for support.

  • 更新きたー!



  • Next up the beach trip which I enjoyed in the original. Once this series passes the library scenes where the original ended, I'll be curious where the story goes and how the spiciness escalates. Hope to see more chapters with the sister to.

    Hope all goes well and people enjoy the Christmas season. Hope your rankings goes up like your aiming for.

  • うーん…二人とも海でやらかしたあとにこれを見せてもなぁ…

  • こーゆー時は、野郎同士で隣り合って座るのが無難っちゃ無難な気がする(但し、両者の好感度を犠牲にするものとする)。

  • I liked that Aisa had her time with him picking out the bikini and listened to what he had so say. She can't decide if she wants to look good for game lead or for our lead.

  • 2位おめでとうございます!



  • Look forward to tomorrow's chapters. The beach fun is my 2nd favorite in the original, with my favorite being the library that was just before the original discontinued.

    Even though the sister is listening and holding off, I hope we see her return and grow closer to our lead. As for the other girls mentioned a couple of times: junior and student council, not sure how relevant they are

  • 第16話 推定Fカップへの応援コメント

    If she is a F cup I wonder about the Idol girl and the sister.
    Choosing based on his priority, our lead doesn't realize he is becoming the protagonist.

  • wow in the game the lead was quite a scum cheating behind the rocks at the beach, well the game protagonist is weak willed so would go along with that. Of course we know what really happens. Curious if it will stay the same or be more spicy in this remake. Or the more spicy stuff could be left for after the original ended, i suppose we will all wait and see.

    Nice job our lead, choose the swimsuit you think is best.

  • @KURISADA i think one of the opening chapters also mentioned the student council girl and junior, but in the original series they are never named or show up. The sister also doesn't make another appearance after our lead tells her to hold off. Of course we may see these other ladies in this remake and more of the sister or it just make focus on these central 2 heroines.

    As for this chapter wow typical game lead, selfish behavior, doesn't care who he flirts with as it gives him validation.

  • とても面白いです!



  • そう言えば生徒会長と後輩の話は覚えてる限りここだけだったかな?

  • 哲也としても辛いのぅ親友からNTRとかになるし

  • 編集済





  • Kiriha is quite flustered over sniffing him. Seems like a few days till next chapter that's a shame, is it real life stuff or an original chapter added for the remake? Guess we find out and i've been glad to see this series go up in the rankings.

  • getting to see how Aisa's feels after the hug and kiss were good moments, look forward to more. My favorite with her in the original is the library scene to come.

    I wonder what will happen if/when Aisa asks the game lead why he stopped his fame stuff, without the player puppet strings, these kind of multiple choice questions will be tough for him

  • 更新きたー!

  • なんとなくだが、ヒロイン達の思い出の人物は逆に覚えてるというオチとか…。

  • looks like she is questioning if she was ever really in love with him. Well sniffing our male lead like that is certainly going to leave her more troubled thinking it all over.

    I think it's a case where the setting is chidhood friend fall for game lead but in reality now she's on the route in real life she has no idea why she loves him. The reason is the devs wanted it that way.

    As for why our lead is so comforting to both female leads is i think because he played the game multiple times perhaps his aura is similar to the ideal man that both these 2 or 3 (including sister) want, for last one will have to wait and see for more interactions.

    Meanwhile the game lead is quite selfish and wants to enjoy harem time and without the player puppet strings making the right choice, typically they will go for the most selfish option. A good example of this is the Idol girl wonders in the original series why the game male lead dropped out of the fame and celebrity stuff. In the game the player would then get a choice of 4 options: 1 giving high favorbility, 1 low, 1 slightly negative and 1 very negative drop.

    I'll look forward to seeing how my favorite scenes from the original are adapted in this remake, the first kiss was one of them my others are the beach and library, and I look forard to seeing how things will become more spicy afterwards.

  • She really enjoyed that comfort and i'm all here for it.

  • 「エロゲの主人公だから好き」というのは無理に現実に落とし込むと不自然になるってことか。

  • 俊樹の方がどう落着するかの方が気になります