"A Place Where You Hear a Gentle Voice"

Yukikazu Fujino was relaxing in his garden. A cat was curled up on his lap, fast asleep. The cat's name was Poppy, though Yukikazu always called him "Chibi." Poppy had originally belonged to an elderly couple who had passed away, and ever since he had come to live with Yukikazu, the cat had never left his side.

"Chibi, let's head inside," Yukikazu said as he slowly stood up, gently cradling the sleeping Poppy in his arms. Poppy let out a small, sleepy meow and buried his face into Yukikazu's shoulder.

As time went on, Yukikazu's health began to decline. His aging body no longer moved as he wanted, and he grew more and more tired. Poppy, ever the affectionate cat, loved to sit on Yukikazu's lap or chest, but Yukikazu started to find it a bit bothersome.

"Chibi, give me a little space," Yukikazu said as he gently pushed Poppy away. Poppy looked a bit sad, but he quickly snuggled up to Yukikazu again.

Then one day, Yukikazu had to be hospitalized. When his family came to visit him in the hospital, they talked about Poppy.

"Poppy's doing well. He's been waiting for you to come home," his daughter said, but Yukikazu just shook his head with a tired expression.

"I’m done with cats... I'm just too tired," he murmured.

Yukikazu quietly passed away soon after, surrounded by his family. When his body was brought back home, Poppy didn’t realize Yukikazu had returned; he just sniffed at the flowers placed on the coffin.

Six months passed. Poppy began to occasionally let out low, drawn-out cries, as if he missed Yukikazu deeply.

Poppy loved exploring outside and often wandered around the neighborhood. But one day, he was hit by a car. Miraculously, he survived, but the vet told the family, "He probably doesn't have much time left."

That day, as Poppy quietly lay on the brink of passing away, he suddenly saw Yukikazu standing before him.

"Chibi! What are you doing? Come here! Come to me," Yukikazu called out gently but firmly.

With the last of his strength, Poppy ran to Yukikazu and buried his face in Yukikazu's chest. It felt like Yukikazu's hand was stroking his soft fur once again. In that moment, Poppy’s small body went still, and he too departed to join Yukikazu.

Two souls, reunited.

Yukikazu and Poppy met again in a lush, serene place bathed in soft light. Yukikazu smiled gently and stroked Poppy's head.

"Chibi, I made you wait, didn’t I?"

Poppy rubbed against Yukikazu’s legs and let out a soft, contented meow. Yukikazu knelt down and cupped Poppy's face in his hands.

"Here, you don't have to go anywhere anymore."

Poppy narrowed his eyes in satisfaction and jumped onto Yukikazu's lap. Together, they began to spend a quiet eternity.

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