030力の主 力写し りきうつし Power Trace


For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

030力の主 力写し りきうつし Power Trace

 「さて今回の力の主は力の主 まなこ で得られる更なる先の境地力の主 力写し りきうつし について




つまりアニメ映画漫画それが動いている絵や画像があればすべてがこの力の主 力写し りきうつし の対象だ








そしてこの力の主 力写し りきうつし の最大の利点は自動反復の力だ


その流れに力の主 力写し りきうつし の技を載せれば体にそのキャラの強さの力が反復される

そのやり方は力の主を一定の期間一定のレベルとなり力の主の効果が起きている間続くようになってから力の主 眼 まなこ で対象の漫画映画アニメのキャラの激しい強さの動きを見てから体内で再現するような気持でその力の流れを力の主 眼 まなこ が理解し自分の体に反映する

そうすると力の主 眼 まなこ で理解したキャラの力強い動きのシーンの力の流れが術者の力の主の流れに乗り再現される

だが力の主 眼 まなこ なしではその再現は不完全




創作のキャラの力の流れを力の主 眼 まなこ で理解し体内で再現すると扱いきれない力は力の主に乗り体内に無理のない形で循環し排出される



つまりこの力の主 力写し りきうつし は一日数回設定すれば起きている間無意識的にそのキャラの力のシーンの力を自動的繰り返し続けるお手軽さで創作のキャラから力をもらえる可能性のある実に夢のある技といえる










この技は虚構の世界で起きている力の流れと仕組みを力の主 眼 まなこ で理解し体内で転写し再現し力の主の流れに乗せるから大いなる意味がある




そのためこの力の主 力写し りきうつし で得られる力は体を使った格闘戦が主なものとなる













ますます深淵に近づいてきた気がするが私は2024 9 2 現在いまだ作家志望である」




030 Power Trace

"Now, the power master this time is the power master, Manako, which is a further level of power master, power trace. Simply put, it is a technique that obtains power by transferring the power of the target to the caster. It has only been in the testing stage for less than a week since it was discovered, but it seems quite interesting, so I will reveal it now. That alone is quite a fantasy, but the target does not have to exist in reality. In other words, if there is an image or picture of an anime, movie, manga, or something that is moving, it is a target for this power master, power trace. However, of course, the power is not immediately available after the target's power is transferred to the caster. However, the great advantage of this technique is the scale that the caster can handle. The power is transferred to the user in a natural state.

The base power master is based on the natural circulation and manipulation of power within the body.

Unless you are trying to transfer a very large power to the user, it will circulate within the body in a natural way.

Therefore, there is no problem with transferring the strength of a character from an anime, movie, or manga to the user, as long as you are not doing anything too outrageous.

Apparently, my former master developed a similar technique quite some time ago, but my technique is probably superior.

As I can see from the blog, the similar technique will not be repeated automatically.

The greatest advantage of this power master, power copying, is the power of automatic repetition.

The power master is the living being of the foundation of life. Only when you let the flow of the power of the life's roots, which never stops while you are in it, can you become the master of power. By applying the Master of Power's Power Copying technique to that flow, the strength of the character will be repeated in your body. The way to do this is to make the Master of Power reach a certain level for a certain period of time, and continue to do so while the effect of the Master of Power is active, then use the Master of Power's Eyes to watch the intense and powerful movements of the target cartoon, movie, or anime character, and then have the Master of Power's Eyes understand and reflect that flow of power in your own body, as if you were reproducing it inside your body. Then, the flow of power of the scene of the character's powerful movements that you understood with the Master of Power's Eyes will be reproduced by riding on the flow of the Master of Power of the caster. However, without the master of power, the reproduction is incomplete.

The flow of the correct movement of the power that is established in the work is reproduced within the body, so there are no problems even if it is put on the flow of the master of power.

The master of power is in harmony with the human body, so it can be a secret technique.

If you force the power of a character from a fictional world onto it, there is no way you can safely obtain power.

If you understand the flow of the power of a fictional character with the master of power, the eyes, and reproduce it within the body, the power that cannot be handled will ride on the master of power and circulate and be discharged in a natural way within the body.

And if you ride on the flow of the master of power, the tracing of that character's power will automatically repeat while the master of power is activated.

What is the meaning of that?

In other words, this master of power If you set up Riki-Utsushi several times a day, you can automatically repeat the power of the character's power scene unconsciously while you are awake, making it a truly dreamlike technique that has the potential to give you power from a fictional character. Of course, it is not magic that will turn you into Superman right away. It is a way to obtain the power of a fictional being in reality. It is different from Chinese martial arts that imitate animals. This is not a technique, but a technique that transfers and imitates the flow of power itself within the body, and absorbs the power of a strong person into yourself. The target can be any fictional being with a strong human form that can fight like a human. Of course, in a fight that humans cannot fight, you cannot reproduce the power even if you imitate it within the body. The hero you admire It can be done with any fictional opponent, such as a villain you admire. However, there are also disadvantages to creating an incredibly evil being, depending on the level of the user. It is safest to use characters with good qualities, rather than completely evil. This technique has great significance because it understands the flow and mechanism of power occurring in a fictional world with the eyes of the master of power, transcribes and reproduces it within the body, and puts it on the flow of the master of power. Even though it is happening in a fictional world, as long as it is happening in that world, the flow and mechanism of that world's power exists, and this technique is possible because it is understood, transcribed and reproduced in the real body. And the level at which it can be done by a human is if the body of the character in the work has the same strength. That's the level

So as long as you use a humanoid body, any character's strength is fine, but it's probably best to start with a weaker character

Therefore, the power gained from this power, the power copy, is mainly for fighting using the body

Even if the power is strengthened with supernatural powers, magic, or psychic abilities in the work, the flow and mechanism of that power exists in the work, so it is the target of this technique

This is not a technique that will make you Superman

However, if you are a fan of manga and anime, the possibility of obtaining some of the strength of a fictional character that you have once longed for is something that many people will be attracted to

And we are still verifying how effective it is

However, it has been a dream come true so far In this modern age of entertainment, there are a ton of strong people who are the subject of imitation in creative works, so I think you guys will find this technique quite interesting. However, if you do not own the power and try to imitate it, you will not get the optimal effect. You never know what will happen if you imitate it poorly. Please do not imitate it. If you could imitate it quickly, you would understand that no one would expose it. If you imitate it and anything happens, it is your own responsibility. I hope you understand that. I am currently experimenting with this technique myself as a subject. I probably won't become Superman, but if there are any interesting effects or results, I may make them public later. I feel like I am getting closer and closer to the abyss, but as of September 2, 2024, I am still aspiring to be a writer. "

Slamming down the documents spread out on the podium

"That's all for now."

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