029力の主 円 えん Lord of Power circle


For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

029力の主 円 えん Lord of Power circle

 「さて今回は力の主攻防一体の境地力の主 円 えん について

力の主 円 えん とは簡単に言えば体内の力の流れを円の形にして体内に循環させることだ

しかしそれでは今までの力の主と大差はない今までと違うところは体内に生まれ発生し外部むかけられる力全てを体内に円の形に循環し力の主 円 えん となる














すでに力の主 歩 ほ でふれたが中国武術の極意として長く歩くことを進めるものはこのこと言っているかもしれない




つまり力の主 円 えん とは自力以上の力を引き出す攻防一体肉体で行う全て事柄に有益な効果をもたらす奥義といえる



学生なら黒板の内容をノートに書き終え次に書く内容までのわずかな合間にシャーペンでも力の主 円 えん を意識し回していることを学生生活で繰り返しているだけでも中々の力の主 円 えん の練度なるだろう

社会人なら通勤帰路の人とぶつからいような時に力の主 円 えん を行えばいいだけだ












029 Lord of Power circle

"Now, this time, let's talk about the Lord of Power, the state of oneness between offense and defense. The Lord of Power, the Circle, is, simply put, the flow of power inside the body in the shape of a circle and circulating it within the body. However, this is not very different from the Lord of Power that we have had up until now. The difference is that all the power that is born and generated inside the body and is applied from the outside circulates in the shape of a circle within the body, becoming the Lord of Power, the Circle. Why is it in a circular shape? Because the laws of nature circulate in circles, that is, in rings. A famous story is that in the food chain, insects eat plants, which birds eat, which birds eat, which carnivores eat, and the animals' corpses are eaten by plants for nutrition. This cycle is the food chain. Humans, who are one end of this chain, are also in the circle of the laws of nature of the food chain, which is plants, so the flow of power inside the body is also in a circle and circulates. This is a truth that does not change even for machines. Even machines would break down quickly without the circulation of power. And the most logical shape for the circulation of power is the circle. When you hear that, you may wonder if humans, who are far from being circular, can live in a circle. Some may wonder about the circulation of power, but the very smallest beings, atoms and molecules, are spheres, and the flow of power transmitted to them is circular, so if you think of it as circulating in countless numbers, it's no good. Now, that introduction has gotten long. Let's continue. Why is circulating all the power in the body in a circle the secret technique of offense and defense? For example, when you are attacked, if you absorb the power in a circular flow and disperse it, it can be said to be the secret technique of defense itself. When attacking, if you can absorb the opponent's repulsive force in a circular flow, circulate it within your body, and add it to your attack, it can be said to be the secret technique of attack that launches an attack that is stronger than your own strength. For example, when you walk and step down, if you absorb the repulsive force that returns the power in a circular flow, circulate it within your body, and reduce it to the power to move your next foot, you can gain a ratio of using your own strength and continue walking longer than your own stamina, which can become the secret technique of walking. As already mentioned in "The Master of Power, Walking", those who promote walking long distances as the secret of Chinese martial arts say this. Maybe.

But what I can say is that this is something that is learned by feeling, so it only makes sense if you have the talent and the feeling is there or you have trained and the feeling is born.

What I am talking about is equivalent to a shortcut trick. It is a trick that greatly shortens the learning time by grasping not only the feeling but also the theory and the law and then grasping the feeling.

In other words, the Lord of Power, Circle, can be said to be a secret technique that brings out a power greater than your own strength and has a beneficial effect on everything you do with your body, both offensive and defensive.

Of course, unless you practice and train a lot, there will be only a slight benefit, but when doing something for a long period of time, that slight difference can make a big difference between those who have it and those who don't.

And this training can be done at any time if you are aware of the theory.

If you are a student, after finishing writing the contents of the blackboard in your notebook, in the short gap before writing the next thing, you can just repeat the Lord of Power, Circle, and turn it around with a mechanical pencil while being aware of it. It will be quite a mastery of the circle of power. If you are a working adult, you can simply perform the circle of power when you are not going to bump into someone on your way to work or home. This is because if you concentrate too much, your attention will be distracted from your surroundings. And even though it is a circle, there are countless shapes, and spirals are also circles, and a single line on the side or front of your body is also a circle. The shape of the circle is up to you. If you can understand the flow of the power of the life core with your head and senses, you will be able to circulate all the power in your body in a circular shape quite smoothly, but I do not recommend this forbidden technique without a name. If you do not know how to stop this technique, the power in your body may continue to run out of control for the rest of your life. That is how dangerous it is to try to understand and control the power of the life core. It is too dangerous for anyone other than a peculiar person like me, so I call this technique a forbidden technique. Well, that's all for now."

Slammed down the documents spread out on the podium.

"That's all for now."

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