031力の主 外力一点 そとりきいってん  So to riki itten


For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

031力の主 外力一点 そとりきいってん 

So to riki itten



























私は術と力の主を会得しているだけでこの技の会得をしてから2024 9 3 現在半年もない










031 Lord of Power 外力一点 So to riki itten

"This time, we will review the technique of concentrating the power outside the master of power into one point of one's own power. The master of power is a secret technique that knows and manipulates the power that takes place within one's body, and even manipulates external forces to turn them into one's own power. However, although it may seem like it is only the whole body, it can be concentrated on one point. This method is merely an application of the master of power. For example, imagine holding two bamboo sticks in both hands and swinging them down with all your might without touching the ground. To be honest, the bamboo in the image of almost everyone is still alive. However, if you add the application technique of the master of power to this and circulate the weight of the bamboo and the power of swinging it down and gather it in the guiding hand, the bamboo swung down with both hands will split neatly vertically with just one swing, although it is only in the image. This is a phenomenon caused by the power being concentrated on one point in the hand. Even if it is only in the image, if you can experience it and understand it in your head, it is a step towards improving your martial arts. It will become your mouth. This is possible because the weight of the bamboo is imagined as the master of the force, and the force that circulates and guides the force is concentrated in one point on the hand, which is the master of the force and follows the flow of the force of the natural law within the body. In other words, the force of the external factor of the bamboo is converted into your own force by concentrating it in one point. What is the use of this? For example, if you think about it the other way around, if you concentrate your force in one point on the tip of the blade of the prey you are swinging down on, the blade will cut deeper. In reality, if you concentrate your force in one point on the tip of the blade to cut something hard like a large rock, even if it bounces off, you can prevent it from bouncing off by concentrating your force in your hand, and you can continue to add force and cut it. This is theoretically possible depending on the hardness of the opponent. Assuming you are cutting a large rock with a sword, the biggest problem is that the rock is hard and the blade cannot pass through. However, if you concentrate your force in one point on your hand when you swing the sword down, the blade will bounce off the moment it hits. This prevents the rock from being hit, and the sword can continue to be placed against the rock, creating the possibility of cutting the rock with the sword by applying the force that would have been deflected. If the force is so strong that it is no longer applied halfway through, it will break, but it cannot be cut. If the blade does not receive the force necessary to cut through something hard, it will simply be deflected. And in order to cut a rock assuming it will be deflected, the sharpness of the sword is more important than the technique. However, since swords are consumables, even if the sharpness decreases slightly, it is not a wrong choice for a swordsman to master this technique, assuming any sword. If you can learn the technique to cut a rock with a normal strength sword, this should be possible with any genuine sword. If you apply this, you can theoretically cut a rock with a sword by intentionally focusing the force on one point on the weak part of the opponent's weapon and swinging it down. It is also possible to destroy the opponent's weapon just by swinging it down.

Of course, if you have the strength to do that,

If you apply this, you can increase the power of your attack by concentrating the power of the movement of your body on one point, or circulate the power of the attack you received inside your body with the master of power, nullify it, and add it to your own power and concentrate it on one point, making it theoretically possible to perform a counter that is several levels higher than normal.

Concentrating the power of your entire body on one point may sound easy, but it is very difficult.

However, the reason it is difficult is because you do not know the flow, laws, and mechanisms of the body's power, and the master of power is a state of mind where you have mastered it with your senses or your mind and senses.

If you can circulate the power in accordance with the laws of nature, it is not theoretically difficult.

However, I cannot guarantee that I can achieve this.

I have only mastered the art and the master of power, and since I mastered this technique, I have not been able to do it for 2024 years. 9 3 It's been less than half a year now

Therefore, there is not enough trial and error in training

The master of power is a technique that can only be called the master of power when you manipulate internal and external power, convert it into your own power, and concentrate it on one point

Using this, you can concentrate the power of the attack on a weak point of the opponent's body

If you add the opponent's power to it, it can even become a blow that should not be used on people

It is truly a technique that weapon users drool over

And the reference for this secret technique was inspired by Miyamoto Musashi from Itagaki-sensei's manga Baki-Dou."

Slamming down the documents spread out on the podium

"That's all for now."

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