016力の主 奥義 頭 ず Master of Power, Master of Secrets


For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

016力の主 奥義 頭 ず Master of Power, Master of Secrets


大半の道で爆発的に学ぶ力を高める技それが力の主 奥義 頭 ず だ


さて話はそれるが君たちはトーマス・エジソン ニコラ・テスラ レオナルド・ダビンチ という人物はご存じだろうか?






















































その結果作家力は異様な成長を見せドラゴンボール ジョジョ つっぱり桃太郎 異世界おじさん 聖闘士星矢 呪術廻戦 ワンパンマン ボーボボ 夏目友人帳複数のジャンルの漫画作品を原作にとても近く文章で再現すら可能となり果ては作家の勉強から派生して武術の奥義の術理を学ぶことまでに至った




これが力の主 奥義 頭 ず である






016 Master of Power Secret Technique Head

"Now, the master of power this time is the secret of why I can learn martial arts from studying as a writer.

The technique that explosively increases the ability to learn in most ways is the master of power, secret technique, head.

Some people may say that such a thing does not exist in this world, but this technique actually exists.

Now, to change the subject, do you know the people Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and Leonardo da Vinci?

For those who do not know, Thomas Edison is an inventor who is said to be the king of inventors, who made a large number of inventions that cannot be followed by others.

Nikola Tesla is a scholar who published many groundbreaking papers and theories that were out of date at the time when the scientific ability of the time was not even suitable for experiments, and after his death, all of his unpublished papers were collected by someone.

Leonardo da Vinci is famous for his painting Mona Lisa, but he was a painter who was said to be a versatile genius who showed high abilities in various fields.

Why were they able to become such extraordinary beings? When you hear that, it's obvious that the discussion will turn to whether they were extraordinary geniuses, but do you notice that it's a little strange?

Even if they were extraordinary geniuses, is it possible for modern human beings, like us, to have such a difference in ability as human beings?

Of course, that's hard to imagine.

And even if they were extraordinary geniuses, it's very strange that even geniuses several levels below them don't appear in modern times.

We are far more blessed with education, environment, materials, knowledge, and teachers than their time, so why are geniuses several levels below them not even close to their level?

I think that's the difference between how they learn and how we learn today.

Modern geniuses are too blessed to have the experience that is more important than these three things.

It's true that teachers themselves rely on the Internet and the necessary information is usually easy to find.

However, it's local knowledge and important processes are missing, so it's hard to learn. No.

Everyone has probably had the experience of finding information in a textbook online, being convinced by the explanation, but then not being able to do it properly.

One of the reasons for this is that an important process is missing, so it doesn't fit with you.

Everyone has probably experienced this as a child, imitating a character from an anime or manga and trying to use a special move, but their body and reality can't keep up.

It's similar to that.

It goes without saying that if you are given a technique and receive an explanation without the strength or knowledge required to use it, you can't use it.

That's why, even if someone reads a textbook and is convinced by the explanation, it's not that easy to use.

Well, it would be easy if they were taught the key points of how to make it, like in the sushi-making courses that exist in modern Japan, but many courses don't do that.

Also, depending on the course, you have to teach a lot, and unless it's localized like a sushi-making course, it's not worth it.

It's probably true that modern heavens can't do something like that. He must be talented. No matter how genius he is, it's difficult to understand the subject more deeply than the author of the book with such study. Well, many geniuses build their powers by intuition, so they probably don't need to understand so deeply. Now, let's get back to the topic. Why were Edison, Da Vinci, and Tesla able to become extraordinary geniuses? It's probably because they were not blessed with a good historical background, so they improved their self-sufficiency in learning. There is no way to confirm this, but it's probably true. In their time, they took a path that was different from today's, without teachers to teach them, decent textbooks, or materials, and even if you ask them, there are many things you won't understand even if you research them. When you hear that, most people would probably conclude that they were extraordinary geniuses far beyond us, but from my point of view, they just followed the path that they should have taken. Why were they born in such an unfortunate era compared to modern people and so extraordinary? It's because they gained experience and know-how to learn, notice, and discover unknown things on their own. He Most of what they created and discovered back then was something they could not expect any proper cooperation from, and without textbooks there were no proper materials they needed. In that situation, they had to think, notice, learn, discover, and somehow manage to get by with hints from the materials they finally obtained. That is what makes them different from any genius today. In modern times, most geniuses have the option of asking others or researching when they are in trouble. However, this was impossible in the time of these three. In other words, they had no one to rely on or rely on. As a result, what is the decisive difference between the two? It is nothing other than the strength of individuals who notice, learn, and discover on their own. Most geniuses today are lazy and think that they can just research and ask, so they have almost no option to solve all the important things on their own. However, these three had to manage all the important things on their own. They have repeatedly undergone such harsh and difficult learning countless times, which is incomparable to modern people, and have reached a high level. If they do that, the explosive increase in individual power that comes from learning, noticing, discovering, and shaping things on their own will be no match for modern geniuses.

They have the vast know-how and experience to jump into such an unknown world and notice, learn, and discover most of it on their own.

If they do it many times and get used to it, and it becomes fully automated and unconscious, it will be easy for any modern genius to notice, learn, discover, and shape something in the time it takes to rack their brains.

No modern genius has the know-how or experience to learn, notice, and discover unknown things like these three.

Even before we even get smart, it is almost impossible for such a person, even a modern genius, to notice, learn, discover, and shape many unknown things without the experience and know-how like them.

And I went down that path without intending to.

At first, I thought I would read if I got into trouble without relying on textbooks, but I didn't have any particular problems.

I tried to rely on others, but I realized it wasn't as effective as they said, so I stopped right away.

I had no particular problems learning from others. I haven't done that.

I've been consistent up until now with no textbooks, no collaborators, and no instructors.

I wanted to be a novelist, but I only read a novel properly for about a year after I started studying.

I'm not joking, I just shifted to manga, where I can write the basic sentences necessary for a novel and efficiently use many techniques to make it interesting. It takes time for a novel to become truly interesting, but manga is many times faster.

When I say learning, I only study manga, and I spend my days learning and transforming the skills I use to make manga interesting.

In other words, like them, I didn't rely on textbooks or experience or knowledge, and I didn't have anyone to teach me the techniques to make novels and manga interesting, which are unknown areas, and I continued to notice, learn, discover, and shape them into skills on my own.

As a result, my writing skills showed an extraordinary growth, and I studied Dragon Ball, JoJo, Tsuppari Momotaro, Isekai Ojisan, Saint Seiya, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Punch Man, Bobobo, Natsume's Book of Friends, and multiple other games. I was even able to reproduce manga works of the same genre in writing, very close to the original, and even ended up studying the secrets of martial arts, which branched off from studying the author.

Whether you believe this or not is up to you, but this is the truth I know.

If you can learn to notice, learn, and discover all of this on your own and be consistent, you will be able to achieve some kind of success in most fields.

Of course, you need the basic knowledge to make this possible, but if you have that and continue to study for a long period of time, it is never impossible for even the most mediocre person to excel in any field, as long as there is no obstacle.

This is the master of power, the secret, the head.

If you are healthy, it is a technique that gives anyone the potential to become an extraordinary genius.

Well, no one will believe me unless I can show you the results of practicing it and improving myself, but I will leave it to you who have seen some of the results to decide whether it is true or not.

I closed the documents spread out on the podium with a bang.

"That's all for now.

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