017力の主 奥義 散 さん Master of Power, Mystery, Scatter


For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

017力の主 奥義 散 さん Master of Power, Mystery, Scatter

 「さて今回は力の主 吸 きゅう と双璧をなす奥義力の主 奥義 散 さん について

簡単にいえばダメージを吸収する技が吸 きゅう ダメージを散らすのが散 さん である


力の主 吸 きゅう は吸収した力を己の一撃に乗せたり体を補強することも可能だが

力の主 散 さん は受けた力を外に逃がすため逃がした力を力を己の一撃に乗せたり体を補強することはできない

そう聞くと力の主 散 さん は使えないようにも思えるがそれは早合点だ

力の主 散 さん の真骨頂はダメージを散らすことに特化していることだ

力の主 吸 きゅう は力を吸収するといっても相手の力によっては全ては吸収しきれないし吸収するためにはその力を受け入れなくいてはいけない



まあ力の主 吸 きゅう の深度にも左右されるだろうが

しかし力の主 散 さん は違う力を散らし外に出すことに特化しているので過度な力みや傷などがあっても力の主 吸 きゅう ほどはそこを刺激しない

それに仮に自分よりも格上相手には力の主 散 さん のほうが理があるといっていい


力の主 吸 きゅう は実力に拮抗した相手と戦いに向いていて力の主 散 さん は自分よりも格上相手の戦いに向いている

そのため理想を言えば力の主 吸 きゅう 散 さん 相手と状況をみて使い分けることが推奨される

そして肝心の力の主 散 さん のやり方だがこれは吸 きゅう と同じで全身にイメージ上に受けた力を散らし外に逃がす機構を生成すれはいい






そしてそれを吸 きゅう と同じく全身連動させてつなげる

そうすることで受けた力を散らし外に逃がす体の中の流れが作られ力の主 散 さん となる



これを全身の深い部部で行うのが力の主 奥義 散 さん だ

大事なのは一つながりの力の調和を持たせること一つながりでない流れは確実に途切れるように一つながりで体内体外に完結した力の流れの生成なくして力の主 散 さん 吸 きゅう も成立しない







次回は力の主 吸 きゅう ダメージを吸収する奥義となる」


017 Lord of Power, Secret Technique, Dispersion

"Now, this time, I'll talk about Lord of Power, Secret Technique, Dispersion, which is a twin of Lord of Power, Suction. Simply put, Suction is a technique that absorbs damage, and Dispersion is a technique that scatters damage. They look similar, but they have different characteristics. Lord of Power, Suction, can put the absorbed power into one's own attack or reinforce the body, but Lord of Power, Dispersion, releases the received power, so it cannot put the released power into one's own attack or reinforce the body. Hearing that, it may seem like Lord of Power, Dispersion, is useless, but that's a hasty conclusion. The true value of Lord of Power, Dispersion, is that it specializes in scattering damage. Lord of Power, Suction, absorbs power, but depending on the opponent's strength, it may not be able to absorb it all, and in order to absorb it, you must accept that power. At that time, excessive strain or wounds, etc. If there is a wound, the power will stimulate that area. Depending on the extent, it can cause quite a bit of damage. Well, it probably depends on the depth of the Lord of Power, Suction, but the Lord of Power, Dispersion, is specialized in scattering different powers and releasing them out, so even if there is excessive strain or injury, it will not stimulate that area as much as the Lord of Power, Suction, Kyu. Also, if you are facing an opponent who is stronger than you, the Lord of Power, Dispersion, is more logical. If the opponent absorbs every attack from someone who is stronger than you, after a while the absorption will not be able to keep up. The Lord of Power, Suction, Kyu, is suitable for fighting against opponents with comparable strength, while the Lord of Power, Dispersion, is suitable for fighting against opponents who are stronger than you. Therefore, ideally, it is recommended to use the Lord of Power, Suction, Suction, Dispersion, depending on the opponent and the situation. And the important thing about the Lord of Power, Dispersion, is that it is a suck. Just like moxibustion, it is fine to create a mechanism that disperses the force received in the whole body and releases it to the outside. To be more specific, create a circuit of the flow of force in the whole body in the image and let the force received flow there. However, if it is not connected, the force will concentrate in the broken part and damage may occur. And this cannot be expected to be effective only with the epidermis of the human body. You must create a circuit mechanism that flows the force outward inside the body and on the epidermis in the image, and you must flow the force while adhering to the correct flow and laws of force that are taking place inside the body. If you do not do this, you cannot expect true effect. Then, just like moxibustion, connect it by linking the whole body. By doing so, a flow within the body that disperses the force received and releases it to the outside is created, and the force will be dispersed. If it is a lie, imagine that a strong force is flowing in one arm toward the hand, lightly tap that arm, and tap the other arm without imagining it. Just try hitting it, it should hurt a little, but it should be different.

By imagining this, the flow of power inside the body changes, and the damage is washed away and reduced.

This is done in the deep parts of the body, the Lord of Power, Secret Technique, San-san.

The important thing is to have a harmonious flow of power that is connected, so that flows that are not connected are sure to be interrupted. Without the creation of a flow of power that is connected and complete inside and outside the body, the Lord of Power, San-san, Suku-kyu cannot be established. The Lord of Power is a technique for manipulating the flow of power and making it your own. And it is a technique that cannot be achieved without a flow of power that always follows the laws of nature. And this is still a theory that is not yet in the practical stage. It can be said that when it will be at a level where it can be used in practice depends on my mood.

Patten closes the materials spread out on the podium.

"Well, this is the end for today. Next time, the Lord of Power, Suku-kyu, will be a secret technique for absorbing damage."

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