015遠当て浸透勁鎧どおしを超えた根源の一撃 A source of power that surpasses the long-range penetration power of armor


For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.


















だがあれは奥義 おうぎ の上の奥儀 おくぎ の真の高みの領域の技ではない








さて真の奥儀 おくぎ を紹介しよう

出てくる作品は漫画[猪原賽先生×陸井栄史先生×板垣恵介先生] バキ外伝 烈海王は異世界転生しても一向にかまわんッッ
















































015 A source of power that surpasses the long-range penetration power of armor

"Now let's begin the lesson. Far-reaching strikes are strikes that are sent into the air and strike the opponent with the impact. Penetration Power penetrates the body as if penetrating it, destroying the inside of the human body. Armor-Do-Stomp attacks the body protected by armor as if passing through the armor. These actually utilize a certain characteristic that exists in all strikes made by the human body. This characteristic is probably unknown to most people, and could even be called a secret. This means that almost all attacks by the human body can be interfered with by the mind. So imagine penetrating the opponent. You can attack with force or send power into the air and shock your opponent. This is proof of my theory that these will not have much effect unless you use an image. Even if you get used to it and the image seems shortened, you are using the characteristics of the power and impact of the attack by quickly imagining it in your brain. If you understand this, depending on the image, you can efficiently transmit the power of the attack to your opponent or limbs, concentrate the attack on one point, aim at the skin, or let it penetrate. Also, this applies to all the power generated by the movement of the body, so if you are conscious of walking normally, you can add effects and properties to your walking. All the power of human body movement can be interfered with by the mind, but to a certain extent, it can be manipulated, and the properties and effects can be intentionally changed and vectors can be manipulated. Just keeping that in mind will create a lot of possibilities for improving the efficiency and power of movement, and for derivative techniques. Now, moving on, many people will think that the first three are quite fantasy. However, those are not techniques in the true heights of the Okugi (secret technique) above the Ougi (fan). I apologize for using the same words in a confusing way, but I have written them this way because the meaning is not wrong. Of course, I know that some people will be offended when they hear that. However, I believe that those who truly pursue this path will learn more about the power and will not find it unpleasant, so I have decided to make it public. However, this is only theoretically possible, and I am not sure if I, who know this, can master it. Furthermore, if I were to use my power to try this on a human body, at worst it could injure or kill someone. The only environment in which I would be able to practice this would be an illegal one. Of course, I do not have any such connections, and I have no plans to conduct research on a human body for practical use. Now, let me introduce the true secret technique, Okugi. The work that appears is the manga [Ihara Sai sensei x Rikui Eiji sensei x Itagaki Keisuke sensei] Baki Gaiden Retsu Kaioh doesn't care if he's reincarnated in another world

A scene that appears in the story is the conclusion of a battle between an ogre from another world and a real monster, an oni.

In the story, the reason why the ogre attacked the town and killed the humans who fought back was because the jewel attached to the staff that the lord of the land had purchased as a lucky staff was a sacred treasure of the ogre tribe, and the ogre was attacking the town to get back the stolen treasure. The lord tries to take his own life by cutting his head with a fallen sword, but Retsu Kaioh throws his fist at the lord's body instead of the sword, breaking only the sword he is holding without damaging the lord.

If you think about it normally, it would be the height of fiction.

However, in theory, it is not impossible.

If you use the technique that I mentioned before, which absorbs the attacks you receive and recycles them to reinforce your own body,

Although no one would know or expect this, this technique can actually be used on others.

To start with, this technique is possible because the law and mechanism of power in this world can be unconsciously or consciously known and manipulated, and naturally other people have the same law and mechanism of power.

It is speculated that one of these mechanisms is the law that allows the attacks released by the human body to be interfered with by consciousness.

This mechanism of power is a mechanism that can be said to be one of the laws of absolute universal power that applies not only to borders but to highly intelligent creatures whose bodies are valid throughout the universe.

Even though it is a fictional other world, it is a planet where humans can live and there are creatures with physical bodies, so it is not surprising that the same law could be applied.

So how was the attack able to pass through the human body and hit the sword in his hand?

The answer is that the impact of the blow that was delivered to the opponent's body circulates naturally within the body, converting the force of the impact into the opponent's power and reinforcing it to the extent that the body can withstand the attack without breaking, and then the sword in his hand He must have interfered with the power released by the human body with his mind, guided it, and destroyed it. Of course, even if it were possible to do this in reality, it would not be possible to break the sword into pieces. It is more realistic to concentrate the power on one point than to do something like that, as the sword is more likely to break. And if you fail, it is just an attack, and even training is a technique that requires thought. Well, even if it could be done in reality, it is too amazing to believe, but if we follow this logic, in theory, the skills of the young master Retsu Kaioh could be established. In comparison, the first three pale in comparison. But now you can understand that Retsu Kaioh's miracle is far superior. And those who know the characteristics that exist in all strikes of the first human body they touch and know the laws and mechanisms of the fundamental power of this world can cause damage to an opponent 100 steps away from the final destination of the long-distance strike. It is even possible to capture the legendary technique "Hyakupo Shinken" within range.

When the cognitive application of this characteristic is combined with the fundamental laws and mechanisms of power in this world, all attacks become more efficient.

All attacks on the human body are based on the fundamental laws and mechanisms of power in this world, so of course if it is based on the same mechanisms and forces of long-distance attacks, it is not theoretically impossible to extend the technique and power of long-distance attacks to 100 steps.

Finally, the technique has theoretically captured the legendary secret technique.

Well, it's not going to be that easy to learn, but

by utilizing this, you can understand the principles and mechanisms of long-distance attacks and penetration power armor-to-armor attacks intuitively and theoretically, and greatly speed up your improvement.

In particular, to extend the technique and power of long-distance attacks to 100 steps, you need to thoroughly increase the efficiency of how the power of the attack is transmitted.

Normally, this is basically impossible, but why is long-distance attacks and penetration power armor-to-armor attacks possible? If you know this characteristic that is the answer to your question, it is not reckless at all. True recklessness is searching for something without knowing the path to it or the details and characteristics of the thing you want. If you want to dig up treasure, you try to dig up a vast mountain on vague grounds without knowing where it is buried or when it was buried. It is certainly romantic, but it is the height of recklessness. However, if you know the specific path to it, the details of what you want, and the truth, no matter how dreamy it is, it cannot be called reckless. Well, if you can't find it, it can be called a dream, but the probability of finding it and the probability of obtaining it are extremely different. However, there is no guarantee that it will be obtained. Whether you can obtain it or not is up to you. This is the special feature I found. He has considerable power in sexual martial arts. Depending on how you do it, it's probably possible to do a romantic technique like wearing a boxing robe and attacking with ki. This is a common characteristic of almost all attacks released from the human body. If you understand and control this, you can intentionally increase or decrease the damage and effect you inflict on your opponent. Distant strikes, penetration, and armor-to-armor attacks are techniques that are made possible by applying this characteristic. If you know and recognize the fundamental characteristics and can control them, adjusting and streamlining their power is not that difficult. "

Patten closes the documents spread out on the podium.

"And I haven't even shown half of the secret technique yet, but from now on we will have one lesson a day.

Let's leave it at that for now."

This is not the official setting of the Baki series.

I have arbitrarily interpreted and explained the mechanism, so there may be differences in opinion between Itagaki-sensei, Ihara-sensei, Rikui-sensei, and Itagaki Keisuke-sensei.

Therefore, if Itagaki-sensei's side says this work is non-fiction, so it is the minimum etiquette to delete it cleanly.

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