
第39話 シスターアイサに懺悔しなさい」への応援コメント

  • binge read all the chapters in 1 day and now waiting for more.
    This scene in the Library is quite spicy. I wonder if things will really proceed it makes sense that it could as his goal is to save his favorite heroine. So if he moves forward with the Idol, she would lose interest in game protagonist.

    I hope to see some chapters with the 3rd heroine the sister since they live together and a pov chapter(s) on how she is feeling. In the start other heroines such as student council were mentioned so i'm also curious about them.

    Mizuma Noboru keep telling engaging stories with these characters and I hope your series continues to do well.


    thank you

  • 主人公の目的は桐葉が俊樹と結ばれることだからアイサと関係を進めるのはメリットしかないような気がするんだけどね。単純に嫌いなのかな。

  • Gracias por el capitulo



  • thank you. gud job


    thank you

  • アイサ可愛い

