【Record】27th September 2024

I returned to my frontline. Yesterday's evening is caused it.

Now, my headache is so serious. Fortunately, I have no hallucinations, visual and auditory. The pain occupied my whole body. Just one. It is an everyday event for me and not something to be afraid of. But nasal catarrh upsets me.

Nevertheless, I am going to try. One action per day. Just like the Tokimeki Memorial.

My memories are still blurry. I have no idea what I wanted to do. That is to say, the circumstances are one chance in a million. I will overcome myself. It is available to break away from the fallen me that cannot do anything and just complains to everyone around.

Life does not have something, but get something. And these things are stronger when acquired later in life than when we are born with them. An incurable disease has plagued me. However, I am alive and able-bodied people face far worse hardships.

If that is the case, I have plenty of reason. The most certain fact is here.

For example, let's imagine that I accidentally became the governor of my hometown. (In that situation, surely the voters must have only seen my educational background.)

Then I do not enjoy the tyranny. Never, never, never. It destroys people, sows distrust, and causes division.

It is named "justice." Or more accurately, that is a "mutated justice."

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エッセイ投棄ポイント 真里谷 @mariyatsu2022




