第7話 these monsters had even reached the Nascent Soul stage and could transform

But she knew that her master did it unintentionally... It was only to unlock her little sister’s potential, and from now on, such a life would never happen again. Her master... no longer used such methods to unlock their potential. Thus, Qing Ying's anger completely dissipated soon after.

Qing Ying's words made Gu Yu feel a pang of sorrow in his heart. This youngest disciple of his used to be a lively and lovely girl. But now, she had become like this...

"Mm... I understand," Gu Yu said softly. "Go give them the pills. Remember to apologize to Yue'er on my behalf."

After saying that, Gu Yu finished his cup of tea in one gulp and stood up, walking towards the pavilion door. He looked very dejected and distressed. Watching her master's departing figure, Qing Ying’s exquisite and beautiful face revealed a pained expression. No! She had to clear her master's name! She had to let the three junior sisters know that their master had truly changed for the better!

For the past two days, while taking care of her master, she hadn't properly discussed her master's situation with the junior sisters. They still thought of their master as terrifying as before. Thinking of this, Qing Ying quickly left Gu Yu's pavilion and went outside. She glanced around, not seeing her master, and decided to head towards her second junior sister's residence first. It was the closest, so naturally, she would go there first. Also, the second junior sister was only a year younger than her, at twenty-one. Compared to the two nineteen-year-old junior sisters, she would be a bit more mature. Thus, she should be able to better accept the master's change.

Not far away, Gu Yu watched Qing Ying’s actions and couldn't help but smile slightly. With Qing Ying’s help, his relationship with the other three disciples should improve. Even if it didn't get better right away, it wouldn't end up like the original story, where he was killed by them after two years. Gu Yu didn't want to be killed by his disciples. He had just crossed over and hadn't even enjoyed the immortal life yet, how could he be killed by his disciples?

Seeing Qing Ying leave completely, Gu Yu stopped watching and began to mobilize his spiritual power, quickly flying into the sky. Now, he had to fulfill his responsibilities as a master and find cultivation resources for his four disciples. Without these resources, no matter how talented his disciples were, it would be futile.

In the original story, the previous Gu Yu didn't give them any cultivation resources, causing them to awaken their talents very late. Even when they did, it was only a partial awakening. Because of this incomplete awakening, they were constantly at a disadvantage when facing the main heroine early on. It wasn’t until later that they could truly compete with her. Gu Yu didn't want his disciples to go through that because of the lack of resources. With sufficient resources, not only could they fully awaken their talents, but they could also use them for cultivation.

Currently, his eldest disciple was at the late stage of the Foundation Establishment, the second at the mid-stage, and the third and fourth at the early stage. Compared to their peers, they were already considered outstanding. However, compared to their own potential, it was not enough! If the previous Gu Yu hadn't tormented them for ten years, they would all have reached the Golden Core stage by now! There was no way they would still be stuck in the Foundation Establishment stage.

Thinking of this, Gu Yu accelerated his flight. His destination was the Star River Empire's palace. He needed to meet the Star River Empress to obtain a large amount of cultivation resources. The Star River Empire was one of the top ten forces in the cultivation world! The Star River Empress was a peak Nascent Soul powerhouse! Back then, his four disciples sought her protection in her palace. Seeing how pitiful they were, the Empress took them in. But this evil master, in the dark, captured all his disciples back and continued to torment them.

To this day, the Empress didn't know why his four disciples had left. As for why Gu Yu was heading to the Star River Empire, it was because it was the closest major force to him, known as the top power in the Eastern Region. The Empress herself was called the King of the Eastern Region. Other major forces were all located in the Central Continent, and Gu Yu was too lazy to travel that far.

The cultivation world was divided into four major regions: East, South, West, and North. To get to the Central Continent, one had to cross the endless sea, spanning a million kilometers. Even for an early Nascent Soul cultivator, it was impossible to fly across without the help of certain traveling treasures. Only Nascent Soul late-stage or higher cultivators could fly across.

However, the distance wasn't the most terrifying part; the most terrifying part was the numerous powerful sea monsters in the endless sea. Some of these monsters had even reached the Nascent Soul stage and could transform! They were very united, and encountering them would be highly dangerous. Additionally, one could easily get lost in the endless sea. If lost, it could spell doom.

This is why many cultivators, unable to break through, preferred to stay in the four major regions rather than venture to the more advanced and powerful Central Continent. After all, in the four regions, they could live a life admired by others, like gods. Going to the Central Continent meant facing great dangers, starting anew, and potentially becoming slaves to powerful forces there...

Of course, for Gu Yu, these weren't issues. He simply didn't want to travel that far.


"Hu..." Standing before her second junior sister's pavilion door, Qing Ying took a deep breath. She never thought she would one day speak on behalf of her master in front of her junior sisters. She used to be the one leading the rebellion against their master, calling him scum, demon, and devil the most. In front of her junior sisters, she spoke the most ill of him, even cursing that one day he would become their puppet...

Thinking of this, Qing Ying felt a sense of contradiction. On one hand, she wanted to help her master, while on the other, she remembered cursing him... Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she reminded herself of her current task: to give her junior sisters the pills her master had provided.

With that in mind, Qing Ying lightly knocked on the door, her voice soft and gentle, "Xue'er... Senior sister is here to see you."

After speaking, she waited for a good ten seconds before hearing a soft voice from inside, "Senior sister? I'm coming!"

A few more seconds passed before the door opened. Standing in the doorway was a stunning young woman wearing a blood-red dress, her snow-white legs exposed. With long red hair and a face of exquisite beauty, her sharp teeth were visible from her small mouth. She stood somewhere between a young girl and a mature woman in appearance. This red-haired young woman was her second junior sister, Luo Sixue, and also Gu Yu's second disciple.

At this moment, Luo Sixue's face was full of excitement, her mouth stained with blood, making her look quite terrifying. "Senior sister! You're here! Let's cultivate quickly! Once our strength improves, we can get rid of that devil!"

As Luo Sixue spoke, a look of madness appeared in her eyes, exuding a murderous aura and making her look bloodthirsty. She possessed the bloodline of an ancient dragon, so it was normal for her to have such an aura. Luo Sixue was the only cultivator with the ancient dragon bloodline in the current cultivation world. The dragon race had long been extinct, making her extremely powerful, the strongest of her peers. However, this also meant high energy consumption.

She needed a lot of cultivation resources and a significant amount of energy-rich flesh. In simple terms, she needed to eat, and it had to be meat! Without it, she would become very weak. Since awakening her bloodline power, she had been hunting near Qingyang Sect, catching monsters. Initially, she could still endure and cook the meat before eating, but after being tormented by Gu Yu for so long, she simply removed the innards and ate the meat raw. Because of the constant torment, she was always seriously injured, and the only way to heal quickly was to consume a large amount of flesh, leading her to hunt frequently.

Therefore, she couldn't afford to take her time anymore. However, due to her ability to quickly recover from injuries by absorbing flesh and blood power, Gu Yu found it most enjoyable to torment her.

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