第8話 Someone thinking of me?

Thinking about the ten years of torment at Gu Yu's hands, a massive wave of anger surged in Luo Sixue's eyes.

Among Gu Yu's four disciples, she was the one who had been beaten the most severely.

Once Gu Yu realized that her ability to quickly recover by absorbing the power of flesh and blood, he started tormenting her even more intensely.

Being beaten, whipped, and other forms of punishment were just the beginning. She often suffered from broken bones and severed tendons.

Such injuries were rare for her senior sister and the other two junior sisters, but for her, they were a common occurrence.

Every time her master tormented her, he made sure to shatter her bones and sever her tendons.

There were even several times when he shattered her dantian!

This pain was something she would never forget!

That was why she was the most determined to kill Gu Yu.

When her senior sister secretly decided to take action against Gu Yu, she was the first to respond!

Seeing Luo Sixue’s current reaction, Qing Ying felt guilty and dared not meet her eyes. Instead, she softly asked, "Um... Second Junior Sister, have your injuries fully recovered?"

Qing Ying was worried that if she spoke up for their master in front of Luo Sixue, this junior sister might break down.

She was living for the sole purpose of killing their master!

Anyone who sided with the master, she would kill!

But to Luo Sixue, her senior sister was the closest person to her.

If the person closest to her spoke up for their master and opposed her, she would definitely… have a significant problem.

Upon hearing Qing Ying’s question, Luo Sixue laughed maniacally.

"Hahaha! Senior Sister, don’t worry. I just have some internal injuries left."

"These minor wounds are nothing; everything else has completely healed."

Lately, Luo Sixue had killed all the beasts and animals near the sect. It would be strange if her recovery wasn’t fast.

Hearing her answer, Qing Ying took out a rough cloth bag from her pocket, opened it, and took out the fourth-grade healing pill given by their master.

"Xue'er, since you have injuries, take this pill first. It can heal your wounds."

Seeing the pill, Luo Sixue's eyes widened instantly. She took the pill, exclaiming in shock, "A pill! Senior Sister! Where did you get this?"

Luo Sixue was incredibly shocked inside. She never expected her senior sister to have a healing pill!!

Moreover, smelling the medicinal fragrance emanating from it, she was certain that this was no ordinary pill!!

Just by smelling it, she felt her internal injuries beginning to heal slowly.

This shocked Luo Sixue greatly, and she wondered why her senior sister would have such a precious pill!

Seeing Luo Sixue’s shock, Qing Ying didn’t answer but smiled gently. "Xue'er, go ahead and take it. Senior Sister has several more; don't worry, just take it to heal your wounds."

As she spoke, Qing Ying showed Luo Sixue the other three fourth-grade pills in the clean cloth bag.

Upon hearing her senior sister’s words, Luo Sixue no longer hesitated and swallowed the pill immediately.

In an instant, Luo Sixue felt a surge of immense spiritual power within her body.

Soon, a vast amount of life energy circulated within her.

In just a few seconds, she felt all her injuries completely heal!

Her vision became clearer.

All her internal injuries disappeared!

In addition to healing, Luo Sixue also clearly felt a substantial increase in her internal spiritual power and a noticeable improvement in her physical strength!

Having the bloodline of an ancient divine dragon, her physical strength was already formidable.

Now, with this enhancement, even a dedicated body cultivator couldn’t surpass her!

The improvement in her body made Luo Sixue utterly excited. She didn’t even bother to wipe the blood from her mouth and shouted loudly.

"Haha! Senior Sister! All my injuries are healed!"

"And my power has increased so much!!"

"Where did you get this pill? Senior Sister! Tell me! Make me happy! Hehehe..."

Giggling, Luo Sixue was extremely excited inside.

Because if her senior sister could obtain such powerful pills, it meant that they were about to grow stronger and finally kill that devil Gu Yu!!

The thought of avenging their great vendetta made her incredibly happy.

Seeing Luo Sixue so excited, Qing Ying could no longer hide the truth and said helplessly, "It's... it's from the master."

"He said he wants us to live well from now on, so he gave us these pills to help us recover."

"These are all fourth-grade pills, given by the master..."

Upon hearing Qing Ying’s words, Luo Sixue was momentarily stunned.

"Master? Who is master..."

Before she finished, Luo Sixue's eyes widened, staring at Qing Ying intently.

"Master! You mean that devil Gu Yu?"

"Senior Sister!!! You... you..."

Without finishing her sentence, Luo Sixue bent over and started to vomit.

As a mid-Foundation Establishment cultivator, her body was free of impurities, and anything she ingested would be converted into energy within seconds.

Therefore, what she vomited was nothing but a fragrance-laden spiritual energy.

Luo Sixue couldn’t believe that her senior sister would speak up for that devil!

Moreover, she accepted something from him!!!

Talking about living a good life! How many times had they been deceived by this devil? How could her senior sister still not learn her lesson!!!

The more she vomited, the worse Luo Sixue felt.

Not just physically, but in her heart!

Seeing Luo Sixue in such distress, Qing Ying instinctively reached out her delicate hand to gently pat her back, wanting to soothe her.

However, just as her soft hand extended, Luo Sixue swatted it away.

"Ah!!! Senior Sister!! You disgust me!!"

"Get lost!! I don’t want to see you anymore!!!"

"Woo... You betrayed us!!!"

"Senior Sister!! I hate you!!!"

"You said we would fight that devil together!! Now you’re deceived by his sweet words!!!"


Bang!!! With a few cries, Luo Sixue pushed Qing Ying away forcefully and slammed the door of her loft.

Then, she staggered back several steps, her body weakened, and she collapsed on the clean floor of the hall, crying loudly.

Hearing Luo Sixue’s cries, Qing Ying couldn’t help but shed tears.

Then she began to explain.

"Wait... Xue'er! Listen to Senior Sister. I..."

"Get lost!! Qing Ying!! You traitor!!!"

"Go away!! I don’t want to hear your voice!!!"

Luo Sixue’s voice reached her ears, making Qing Ying feel an instant wave of grievance.

At first, she didn’t believe it was true either... But when she pierced their master's beating heart with a short sword, and blood gushed out, she realized it was real.

At that moment, Qing Ying understood what it felt like to be misunderstood.

Being misunderstood once made her feel wronged.

And their master... had been misunderstood by them for ten years!!!

She couldn’t imagine how he endured those ten years.

Wiping away her tears, Qing Ying took a deep breath, pulled herself together, and turned around to go to where her other two junior sisters were staying.

She couldn’t retreat just because of being misunderstood!

She had to change her junior sisters' minds! She had to let them know that their master truly wanted to live a good life now!!



"Someone thinking of me? Could it be Ying'er?"

Landing outside the outer perimeter of the Xinghe Empire’s imperial city, Gu Yu couldn’t help but sneeze.

But he didn’t dwell on it and focused on the imperial city of the Xinghe Empire not far ahead.

Next, he had to go there and negotiate terms with the empress.

If she wanted to talk properly, they would both talk properly.

If she didn’t want to talk properly, he would make her talk properly.

For the sake of his four dear disciples, Gu Yu was willing to do anything.

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