第6話 "These... are all for us?"

When she saw her master in white, her face instantly flushed slightly. During those two years, her master loved to wear white. Since he became abnormal, he hadn't worn white even once. This made the white-robed master in her memory the perfect figure. Now, seeing her master in white, handsome, elegant, and charismatic, it seemed as if the perfect master from her memory had appeared.

Stealing a few glances at Gu Yu, Qingying let out a soft hum.

"Master... are you alright?"

"You... you were unconscious for two days... I took care of you..."

Earlier, in her excitement, she had called him master without thinking. Now, having calmed down, she found it somewhat difficult to call Gu Yu master as she used to. There was a sense of discomfort because she hadn't called him master for many years, always referring to him as scum, demon, or devil... Now calling him master felt strange.

Hearing Qingying's words, Gu Yu raised an eyebrow and smiled, nodding slightly.

"Yes, I know."

Responding briefly, Gu Yu walked to the tea table, picked up the teapot, and began to pour himself some tea. After pouring the tea, he looked up at Qingying, who was still standing by the window, not daring to look directly at him, and spoke gently.

"By the way, Ying'er, how is Yue'er? Is she hurt?"

"If she's hurt, give her this pill."

"Apologize to her on my behalf."

After speaking, Gu Yu took out a fourth-grade healing pill from his storage ring. The smile on his face vanished, replaced by a look of helplessness. In the cultivation world, pills are graded from lowest to highest: first-grade, second-grade, third-grade, fourth-grade, fifth-grade, celestial, and divine. There are only a few who can refine fourth-grade pills in the cultivation world, and only the master of the Alchemy Pavilion, who controls the entire cultivation world's pill business, can refine fifth-grade pills. As for celestial and divine pills, no one can refine them now.

Seeing the fourth-grade pill emanating a strong life force, Qingying couldn't help but swallow hard. Such a precious pill, her master gave it to them... Moreover, the fact that her master knew she was now disliked by Liu Wanyue and asked her to help...

Thinking of this, Qingying glanced at her master, who had a helpless expression, and felt a pang of sadness. Her master had been misunderstood by them for so many years... He must be feeling very sad now, but he didn't tell them earlier... If he had, would they still hate him so much? Of course, this was just out of frustration. If her master had really told them from the beginning that this was for their training... they would never have truly unleashed their potential.

Thanks to her master, their young minds were far more resilient than other cultivators their age. She had seen young cultivators outside, and their troubles seemed insignificant to her. The pressures those cultivators faced were nothing compared to what they could endure, and could even be considered enjoyment. Without her master, they would never have reached this point...

Unfortunately, she failed her master's ten years of planning by not killing him as he wished. She couldn't do it, especially after learning so much, it became even harder to do it. In the past two days of taking care of her master, memories of those initial two years kept flashing in her mind. Back then, her master was just like now, gentle, handsome, elegant, powerful, and caring...

Luckily, she hadn't actually killed her master. Now, she could continue living with her master. But although she, as the eldest disciple, was willing, the three junior sisters... probably wouldn't. They hadn't experienced the initial two years but only the torment. Qingying knew very well what she needed to do next: help her master slowly change the minds of the three junior sisters.

This was easier said than done, but Qingying could only hope the junior sisters would gradually change their minds. In the short term, it would be impossible to completely change their views. Even she herself found it hard to believe, fearing that her master was pretending. However, the feeling of his blood spraying on her was very real. No one would risk their life for such a matter if it wasn't genuine.

Seeing Qingying not moving, Gu Yu chuckled softly and took out three more fourth-grade pills from his storage ring.

"Ying'er, give these two pills to Shi'er and Xue'er."

"They have old injuries too, these pills should heal them."

"You should also take one yourself to treat any hidden injuries and prevent issues during cultivation."

He didn't have many fourth-grade pills left. After giving out these four, he only had two left. Although Gu Yu was powerful, he hadn't focused on obtaining pills. He rarely got injured, and if someone else was injured, he could just use his spiritual power to heal them, so there was no need for pills. As a result, he had few pills, and giving fourth-grade pills to three Foundation Establishment cultivators would be considered a waste by many in the cultivation world. Fourth-grade pills were precious even to Nascent Soul cultivators and very rare to obtain.

Yet, Gu Yu still gave these precious pills to his disciples who hadn't even reached the Golden Core stage. If fourth-grade pills weren't enough, he planned to go to the Alchemy Pavilion to ask for more from its master. If she refused, he would beat her until she agreed. In the cultivation world, strength is everything. Gu Yu could get anything he wanted because he was the strongest.

Hearing the words "fourth-grade pill," Qingying's eyes widened in shock. Such a precious item, her master was giving it to them! No wonder she sensed a strong life force from the pill. Before, they were lucky to find herbs with some healing properties. Now, they suddenly had so many pills...

Unable to believe it, Qingying spoke.

"These... are all for us?"

Hearing her disbelief, Gu Yu took a sip of tea and nodded.

"Of course, they're for you. Don't worry, Ying'er, take the pills."

"When you and the other disciples recover, I'll be happy."

After speaking, Gu Yu smiled warmly. Seeing Qingying's disbelief made Gu Yu feel a bit sad. If not for him, she wouldn't have become like this. As her master, he should be the closest person to her. But now, she was wary and distrustful of him. Gu Yu had no choice but to slowly change his disciples' minds. Qingying was the easiest to change, so he would start with her and gradually improve the relationship with the other three disciples. Without Qingying's help, he couldn't do anything.

Hearing her master, Qingying quickly came to the table, took the four pills, and put them in a coarse cloth bag in her pocket. Seeing her accept the pills, Gu Yu continued.

"By the way, how is Yue'er? Is she alright?"

Gu Yu felt helpless. Two days ago, on the day he was nearly killed by Qingying, he ended up beating Liu Wanyue. Why couldn't he have traveled back a bit further in time, rather than right after the beating...

"She's... she's fine. She woke up after being unconscious for three hours."

"But... she has become very quiet and timid. Even a slight noise startles her."

Qingying sadly reported Liu Wanyue's condition. Now, their little junior sister was even more timid. Even the slightest footstep scared her, making Qingying's heart ache. She had seen a lively and cute junior sister turn into this...

This made her feel a bit angry towards her master.

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