第4話 The Central Academy

The group returned to their dorm and started chatting enthusiastically, becoming like brothers, sharing everything with each other. The chubby kid naturally became the leader, Lin Xiao was the second-in-command, Hu Chong the third, and Wenzi the fourth.

That evening, the brothers went to the food street outside the school gate and had a feast. The chubby kid generously offered to pay for everything. They didn't hold back and made him spend a lot, but for him, it was just a drop in the bucket.

The next morning, the opening ceremony was held. Principal Feng Zikai gave a motivational speech to the new students, something Lin Xiao had heard many times before and found quite similar to previous ones. After that, the homeroom teachers took their students back to their classes. The first lesson was to elect the class monitor. Somehow, the chubby kid had already made friends with many people and received support from more than two-thirds of the class, becoming the "undisputed" class monitor.

School life began with learning various fundamental skills for cultivation, including spiritual herbs, magical beasts, weapons, and formations, along with some physical training. This was all eye-opening for Lin Xiao, giving him a preliminary understanding of cultivation.

In this world, cultivation was divided into the Spirit Vein Stage, Spirit Sea Stage, Spirit Core Stage, Nascent Soul Stage, Primordial Spirit Stage, and Nirvana Stage. Each stage had early, middle, late, and peak phases. Beyond the Nirvana Stage, one could transcend and become an immortal. Alchemy, spiritual formations, and artifact crafting were classified into nine grades, corresponding to the cultivation levels. Currently, the highest grade in this world was Grade Six.

Lin Xiao embarked on a demanding academic journey, eagerly looking forward to the monthly break. Having read extensively in his previous life, he found the material relatively easy to grasp. His high spiritual power kept his grades consistently at the top, though he was careful not to reveal his exceptional talent, always mindful of hiding his identity as a transmigrator. Three years passed in the blink of an eye.

On this particular day, the school playground was packed with people—parents who had come to witness the annual awakening ceremony. Lin Xiao's father was among them. Some lower-year students were also crowding around, eager to see the senior students.

The third-year students sat in a designated area in the grandstand. Lin Xiao and his three friends were seated at the end of the first-year section. In the center of the playground stood a massive, pitch-black test stone, emitting a metallic sheen. One by one, the students stepped forward, placed their hands into a groove on the stone, and watched as a light flashed on the stone.

Soon, it was the turn of Lin Xiao's group. Wenzi went first, and the stone shone brightly, displaying "Spirit Vein, Level 7." "Li Wen, Spirit Vein, Level 7, Grade: High," announced a middle-aged teacher in black, standing beside the test stone, after glancing at the information on the stone.

"Next, Hu Chong," the teacher called. Hu Chong stepped forward. "Hu Chong, Spirit Vein, Level 7, Grade: High," the teacher announced, a faint smile appearing on his face.

The crowd around the playground buzzed with excitement. "The quality of First Academy students is getting better every year. Last year, there were only a few with a level six Spirit Vein, and now we have two level sevens," someone commented. "Yes, this will make it hard for other academies to recruit students in the future," another remarked. "Come on, they just cherry-picked the best from the start. It’s nothing worth boasting about. It's the students' talent, not the academy’s doing," a third person retorted.

"Next, Lin Xiao," the teacher called out. Lin Xiao, who had been eagerly waiting, stepped forward. He placed his hand into the groove of the test stone. A warm current flowed from the stone into his arm, spread throughout his body, converged in his abdomen, and then returned to the stone. The stone emitted a dazzling light. "Lin Xiao, Spirit Vein, Level 9, Grade: High," the teacher announced, his voice trembling slightly.

The crowd gasped in unison. In this world, nine was considered the ultimate number. A level nine Spirit Vein was extremely rare, with only one or two appearing in each generation, if at all. Those with such a talent were destined for greatness.

Lin Xiao was stunned, not expecting his talent to be so extraordinary. This meant he could flaunt his abilities without restraint in the future. The teacher was also taken aback until Lin Xiao quietly asked, "Teacher, may I step down now?"

"Of course, of course," the teacher replied, his voice still shaky. No one noticed that the principal had disappeared from the grandstand.

"Next, Wang Xiao," the teacher called. "Wang Xiao, Spirit Vein, Level 8, Grade: High," the teacher announced. Compared to Lin Xiao's level nine, Wang Xiao's level eight seemed less impressive, almost overshadowed by the earlier level sevens.

As soon as Wang Xiao returned to the grandstand, the homeroom teacher, Lin Buyi, approached the group. "You four, come with me," he said, leading them out of the playground. The four followed, puzzled, except for Wang Xiao, who seemed confident.

Lin Xiao and the others followed Lin Buyi to a grand mansion guarded by a squad of soldiers, each exuding a formidable presence. The plaque above the gate read "City Lord's Mansion." Before they could ask questions, Lin Buyi led them inside, through a courtyard filled with rare and precious plants, and into a grand hall where the principal was already having tea with a burly, square-faced middle-aged man.

Lin Buyi led the group in paying respects. "Greetings, City Lord."

The three students followed suit. Wang Xiao, however, said, "Dad, these are my classmates and teacher. No need for formalities."

The middle-aged man smiled helplessly. "No need for formalities, Teacher Lin. Please, have a seat. Thank you for taking care of my son over the past three years," he said.

Lin Buyi declined modestly and took a seat. The students followed suit.

"Today, I invited you here for a matter of discussion. I've reviewed the awakening ceremony results. You four are the most talented students this year, and Wang Xiao is my son," the City Lord began.

"I've decided to send him to the Central Academy for further studies. You four have also met the standards for the Central Academy. If you're willing, I can send you there together, so you can support each other. All expenses will be covered by me," he continued.

The Central Academy, located at the continent's center, was the best academy, not under any country's jurisdiction. The principal, Feng Zikai, was a graduate of the Central Academy and possessed formidable cultivation that even the City Lord admired. However, the learning there was harsh. Graduates were renowned across the land.

"You can discuss this with your parents and decide. If you agree, meet at the City Lord's Mansion in three days. If not, no pressure," the City Lord concluded.

The group enjoyed a lavish banquet at the City Lord's Mansion before returning home. Lin Xiao found his parents waiting anxiously, having already been informed of the situation. He explained the City Lord's offer to send them to the Central Academy.

His parents fell silent. "You should go and study there. With your level nine talent, you shouldn't stay in a small place like this. You deserve better education and a bigger stage," his father finally said.

Lin Xiao felt a pang of sadness. Although he was a transmigrator, these were his parents, with whom he had lived for nearly seven years. The bond was real.

"Father, Mother, I will strive to return with great achievements," Lin Xiao promised. Though sad, he knew this was a rare opportunity and a glimmer of hope to return to Earth. He had to seize it.

Over the next three days, his parents stopped all work to prepare various supplies for him, despite the City Lord’s assurance. They also took Lin Xiao on a tour of Salt City's tourist spots, cherishing their remaining time together. The Central Academy was far away, and visits would be rare, likely only once a year.

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