第12話 "Just one key?"

As the days passed, as the white-feathered chicken grew up, Chen Mo found that this chicken seemed a little bit unruly. He thought that it was because the two sisters raised it, and it was normal for the chicken to stick to them. But recently, this little guy has been inseparable from them all day long, especially likes to stay in Qian'er's arms. Whenever Chen Mo wants to take it away, it always struggles non-stop, and he has no choice but to let it go. Chen Mo felt that this was the first time he could see a wretched expression on the face of a chicken.

The village has been built on a certain scale. The newly built path connects every household, passing through several acres of newly opened fields to the outermost. Chen Mo still follows Uncle Ya to keep watch every night. During this period, he feels that his hearing has improved by leaps and bounds, and basically all movements within a certain range cannot escape his ears.

Strangely enough, it has been a long time since I last fought with the enemy that I haven't encountered intelligent beasts. Occasionally, I can see a few level I forest wolves when I keep watch, but they are all uncivilized beasts that act entirely on instinct and are not very threatening.

"I don't know what the outcome of the last incident was, and whether those beasts were eliminated by the reinforcements."

In the dark woods, Chen Mo leaned against a tree trunk and recalled his previous experience. Everything around was normal, and there was no suspicious noise. The long-term night watch mission made Chen Mo familiar with the surrounding environment. After knowing that there would basically be no civilized beasts here, he spent most of the night in a daze recalling the course of the last battle. Only in this way would the long night not be so difficult to endure.

In mid-August, two uniformed staff members came to the village, and the old man warmly invited them to the hall for tea. After confirming that the construction status and number of people in the village met the standards, although it was still a few days away from three months, it could be determined in advance. After the two staff members recorded the location coordinates and number of people in the terminal, the village was transferred from a preparatory village to a formal village and could enjoy the national material subsidies.

After completing the preparations, the staff took out a package from the car and handed it to the old man, and then gathered all the minors in the village together and gave each of them a portable terminal. After teaching everyone to input their own information into the terminal, he told them that people who turned 14 years old in early September every year could obtain admission to the academy as long as they completed a D-level task alone or in a team.

Chen Mo immediately understood why his grandfather had given him a C-level task before. It turned out that this was the purpose. He entered the information of his two sisters into his team and clicked submit. Soon he received the admission notice from Huizhou Academy.

After the government staff left, the old man called Chen Mo and his two sisters into the hall.

"You should all know about the academy. When the time comes, you can go to school."

The old man drank a sip of tea. Mu Ran lowered his head and his eyes were a little red. He seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated for a long time and finally didn't say it.

Then the old man took out a few stone bricks from the package,

"Chen Mo, take these things and set up the defense formation in the village."

After hearing what the old man said, Chen Mo didn't react for a while. He thought the old man was worried about him and wanted to give him more instructions before leaving. He didn't expect that he was still a tool.

"What are you standing there for? Hurry up and take your things. I have something to say to your sister."

It seems that there will be a farewell drama, but he is just a minor role. Chen Mo quickly stepped forward, took the stone slab from the old man and left.

Arriving at the temporary shelter in the center of the village, Chen Mo arranged the stone slabs in six directions according to the instructions. When the last piece was placed, several stone slabs suddenly resonated. Six white lights flashed by, and the whole process took no more than a second, and then it returned to silence.

Chen Mo squatted beside a stone slab, carefully looking at the inscriptions on the stone slab. He felt that he seemed to have seen similar patterns somewhere, but he just couldn't remember them for a while.

Chen Mo spent the whole afternoon studying the inscriptions on the stone slab until Qian'er came to him. On the way back, Chen Mo was still thinking about the inscription. Qian'er, who was standing by, saw him without saying a word and stepped forward to hold his arm, saying: "Brother, grandpa has already told us about your awakening. Don't worry, Mu Ran and I will protect you in the future." Seeing Qian'er's serious look, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile. He realized that his expression had made Qian'er misunderstand, so he touched her head and said: "Silly girl, let's go back quickly." After dinner, Chen Mo went out to keep watch as usual. When Chen Mo came to the tree, he had just laid down, and Uncle Ya suddenly turned around and stared at him. A sharp gaze stayed on Chen Mo for a long time, making him feel a little uncomfortable, and finally he said: "Uncle Ya, is there something wrong?" Uncle Ya nodded, then stretched out a hand and spread it, with a wooden nail in the palm of his hand. Before Chen Mo could see clearly, the wooden nail had already flown out. The body reacted before the brain, but it could only do so that the wooden nail had been inserted into the tree trunk as soon as he stood up. Another wooden nail? Why does this scene feel so familiar? Before he could open his mouth, Uncle Ya was already standing in front of Chen Mo with a wooden nail in his open palm. In the blink of an eye, the wooden nail disappeared, and there was an unlucky rabbit under the tree.

Chen Mo was stunned, and saw Uncle Ya took out another piece of parchment, and the content recorded on it was exactly the same as the fragment of the power-gathering palm given by the old man before. He asked in disbelief:

"Uncle Ya, are you really using this trick?"

Uncle Ya nodded, and then put another wooden nail in Chen Mo's hand, pointing to the stunned hare a few meters away, signaling him to attack.

Luck, power, the wooden nail flew out. The landing point was a few meters away from the hare, and most of the power was removed by the grass and could not be inserted into the soil.

The wooden nail was small and light, and Chen Mo could not gather more power on it, so the power could not be exerted.

After watching the whole process of the move, Uncle Ya stretched out his finger and slid down along the veins of Chen Mo's right arm, all the way to the palm position, and tapped it a few times with special force.

Chen Mo nodded, not quite understanding, and took a few wooden nails to let the blood and qi gather in the palm of his hand along the position where Uncle Ya had drawn, trying his best to condense it into a point.

The hare had just recovered, and a few wooden nails fell from the sky and stuck beside it to fix it in place.

"Rabbit, I may not be able to go back tonight."

The wooden nails had been used up after several practice sessions, and Chen Mo felt that he had mastered most of this way of gathering power. It was just a pity that the hare below was still trembling and had no desire to escape.

Chen Mo spent the remaining nights practicing the fragments of the gathering palm, and I don’t know how many animals will suffer because of this.

In early September, the old jeep appeared again. The old man took a few people to the state capital to enroll in school. Before leaving, the villagers came to see them off and told them to go to the academy to learn skills well.

On the road, they could occasionally meet other vehicles, but because the old jeep was old and could not drive too fast, they could only watch the figures of others gradually disappearing from behind.

However, they also arrived in the state capital in the afternoon and caught up with the last registration time for the academy.

The queue at the registration office was very long, and Chen Mo and his two sisters were at the end. The two senior students were in charge of registration. It was obvious that they were already busy, but the team was still moving very slowly. Next to them sat a plump woman, who looked at the newspaper lazily and had no intention of helping.

After more than an hour, Chen Mo only walked a few steps forward. At this speed, it would take until dark before he arrived. Turning his head to look behind, the old man and his two sisters were sitting in the shade to cool off. Chen Mo sighed in his heart and felt even more miserable.

Although the September sun was not so scorching, it would make people sweat and feel uncomfortable if exposed to it for a long time.

There were many people in front whose clothes were soaked and they kept fanning themselves with their hands. Occasionally, there would be urging sounds in the team, and the two students would always smile when they heard it, which was generally harmonious.

Suddenly, several people passed by Chen Mo, ignoring the people queuing on the side and walked straight towards the lazy woman. These people were dressed very elegantly, and they looked like they were the sons of aristocratic families in the state capital.

One of them put the terminal in front of the woman and asked her to go through the admission procedures. The students who were busy stopped their work and looked at the woman in panic.

Seeing that she didn't respond and was still reading the newspaper, the man deliberately emphasized his tone and repeated what he had just said. After that, he knocked on the table with the terminal to make a sound, which seemed very impatient.

The woman slowly raised her head, and the man looked at her with a pair of charming eyes, which made her feel a little scared. She couldn't help but step back, and her previous toughness was gone. Until the woman's eyes moved away, the man quickly moved away. Since he couldn't get any advantage from the woman, he had to pick the soft persimmon.

Seeing that the woman was not angry, the two students seemed to be relieved. Just as they were about to continue their work, they were suddenly interrupted by the reckless man. He snatched the terminal from the two people's hands and asked them to go through the procedures for his son first. The two hesitated and planned to send this plague god away first, but the people in the team obviously disagreed with his approach.

They had been waiting for a long time under the scorching sun, and now someone suddenly showed up and wanted to cut in line, which made everyone unhappy.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, the woman had no intention of stopping it. She just closed the newspaper and propped up her head with her hands, looking like she was watching a show.

Those who came to register were all young people with full blood. In addition, they had been waiting for a long time and were already full of resentment. Now someone was going to be the first to do it, so everyone rolled up their sleeves, and the light of the flowing elements appeared on the arms of several impatient people.

Chen Mo was originally at the end of the queue, and it didn't make much difference to him whether there was one more or one less person in front of him. He was more of a spectator in this matter, and had no intention of taking action.

"What do you country bumpkins want to do? You want to take action without even asking who my son is. My son's surname is Wu, Wu Ming's Wu!"

As soon as the voice fell, many people in the queue gave up the idea of ​​taking action and instead made verbal accusations. Some people who had never heard of Wu Ming's name hurriedly asked people around them.

"You don't know this? Your village is too backward. Wu Ming is one of the three commanders in Huizhou, and his official position is only below the governor and the city lord. But this is nothing. You must have heard about the blood wolf incident in the Huinan Forest a few months ago. Commander Wu Ming rescued the other two commanders from three level IV blood wolves."

"Is it true? To be able to rescue people from three level IV beasts, he must be at least a knight, right?"

"How can this be false? It is said that the principal of the academy was invited by the city lord at that time, and everyone who followed the team saw Commander Wu rescue people from the forest."

The expected fight did not happen. Most of the people in the back of the team kept silent, while those in the front wanted to leave a good impression on him and rushed to make room. After all, he is a noble family. If he can really curry favor with him, he will definitely not have to worry about cultivation resources in the future.

The episode ended quickly, and the team returned to its previous order. Many people were talking about the blood wolf attack, and Chen Mo alone heard several versions. Since it was all hearsay, no one in the team had ever encountered a Level IV beast, and the descriptions of them were also fantastic. But all versions particularly emphasized that Commander Wu played a key role in this rescue mission.

The more Chen Mo listened, the more outrageous it became. It was obvious that the truth of the matter might not be so. It was just that someone wanted to cover up the facts and give most of the credit to Commander Wu.

But this matter had nothing to do with him. Thinking of this, Chen Mo returned to the end of the team to wait in line. He was more concerned about the injuries of Song Yao and the others than what happened in the forest.

"Since we are all here at the academy, we will have a chance to see each other sooner or later."

Chen Mo stared at the gate of the academy not far away, and a smile rose on his face.

With something to talk about, the team became much more harmonious, and before they knew it, most of the people had been reduced. After the registration was successful, most parents sent their children to school and left in a hurry, and the team suddenly became much quieter.

Finally, it was Chen Mo's turn. He stepped forward and handed the terminal to the two seniors, and he filled in the information with his sisters.

"Alas, it's a C-level task."

The person who was verifying the terminal suddenly spoke up and called his companions to come over and take a look. His companions turned sideways and said:

"Really, it's quite rare. No, take a closer look at the task content!"

The two handed the terminal to the woman beside them as if they had discovered a new continent.

"Teacher, how do you deal with this?"

The woman took the terminal and looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo also subconsciously looked up. The moment the two looked at each other, a strong sense of shyness surged in his heart. Chen Mo quickly shifted his gaze. Even in his previous life, he had never seen such a charming mature woman. Now he only felt his cheeks burning, his chest kept beating like a deer, and the hand holding the pen seemed to be shaking slightly.

"No problem, it meets the admission requirements."

The woman found Chen Mo's awkward look interesting, and returned the terminal to the two students and got up and left.

"Chen Mo, huh? It looks like this class of students must be very interesting. Don't let me down."

After completing all the formalities, the senior briefly introduced the school to them.

"You can go directly to the dormitory later. You will be given a dedicated terminal tomorrow morning. Remember to check your class and other matters in it."

After that, he handed a key to Chen Mo.

"Just one key?"

"Yes, all team members live together."

Hearing this, Chen Mo didn't know whether to laugh or laugh wildly.

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Winner's Fist @tylee




