第11話 Silly girl

The construction work of the village was basically completed, but the patrol and night watch tasks arranged before were still not cancelled. Everyone felt that this arrangement was very reasonable, except for one person.

Chen Mo, who had not rested for more than ten days, felt that his mind was confused and he had lost his basic thinking ability. He wanted to sleep but couldn't fall asleep. The only thing he heard was unusually clear and loud.

At night, Chen Mo no longer remembered how he came here, and he was too lazy to think about it. Now he just wanted to find a comfortable place to have a good sleep.

The branches and grass were blown by the wind, and the jumping of animals and the footsteps of beasts were all transmitted to Chen Mo's ears one by one. He felt that these sounds were like they were sent against the eardrum and were directly imprinted in his mind.

The noisy sound kept echoing in his mind, and gradually Chen Mo felt a little relieved, as if he had merged with the surrounding environment, and it was dawn before he knew it.

Opening his eyes, all the fatigue of the past disappeared. Chen Mo jumped down from the tree, and finally regained his vigor after changing his usual listlessness. After simply stretching his limbs, he followed Uncle Ya to the village.

All the noises in the surrounding environment along the way will become harmonious notes when they are transmitted to Chen Mo's ears. These sounds are like breathing, and they will be automatically processed by the brain without paying attention.

Back home, Mu Ran was sitting lazily at the table. Chen Mo was in a good mood and pinched her smooth face with his hands. Mu Ran did not resist but smiled at Chen Mo,

"This silly girl."

Chen Mo complained, and Qian'er also washed up and sat down at the table.

"Is patrolling in the village okay?"

Looking at the two sleepy little faces beside him, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel interesting. While the old man was not here, he quickly opened his bows left and right, pinching the cheek of a sister with one hand, and suddenly a smooth and elastic touch came.

"Well, it's good. Uncle Niu has taught us a lot of things, and Sister Niu always brings us delicious food."

The joy is beyond words. As expected, as long as there is food, these two girls will be happy to do anything.

The faint sound of footsteps came from behind, Chen Mo quickly took his hand away, pretended to run to the kitchen to help Aunt Li serve the meal, and when he came back, the old man had already sat down.

After breakfast, the two sisters went out. Chen Mo did not go back to catch up on sleep as usual, but sat alone in the living room in a daze.

After a while, several people followed the old man into the hall, and it seemed that they were going to discuss the subsequent planning of the village. Several people did not care about Chen Mo sitting next to them, and began to discuss.

The meeting that lasted for several hours finally ended, and most of the talks were about trivial matters in the camp. Chen Mo's legs were numb from listening there, and when he was about to get up and leave, the old man suddenly called him. Chen Mo knew that there must be something to bother him again.

As expected, since the wandering group wants to settle here, although the preliminary construction of the village has been completed, there is a lack of manpower and insufficient guard force. If a large-scale beast group is encountered, it will still have to evacuate. For the safety of the village, the old man asked Chen Mo to catch a few white-feathered chickens while on night watch.

"What can a few chickens do?"

Chen Mo was puzzled. He had never seen this kind of beast, but just hearing the name, he felt that it should be a good ingredient.

"Don't you have a terminal? Check it yourself. Remember to cooperate with Uncle Ya's actions these days."

After that, the old man and others left the hall. Chen Mo stood up tremblingly with the help of the table, and walked out of the house with difficulty. He only hated himself for not staying in the room after breakfast.

Back in the house, Chen Mo took out the terminal in the cabinet. He had briefly browsed the functions inside before and quickly found the relevant records.

White-feathered chickens, also known as screaming chickens, are rare and can be domesticated. They feed on rice grass roots and small insects. They have strong perception and are named for the shrill calls they make when they sense danger from the outside world.

Danger warning? Chen Mo looked at the information in the terminal and thought to himself that the characteristics of screaming chickens are more like a double-edged sword. While informing of the danger, they also expose their positions, allowing the enemy to attack more quickly or attracting enemies who were just passing by. However, for now, the benefits should outweigh the disadvantages. Even if the position is exposed, there is enough time for the villagers to move. As for the screaming chickens, it would be better if they stayed in the village to confuse the enemy.

Only Chen Mo and Aunt Li were there at lunch time. Chen Mo wanted to check on his two younger sisters. He quickly finished his meal and said hello to Aunt Li before going out.

There were newly built houses on both sides of the path, about twenty or so. Through the yard, you can see that many people are eating at home. Chen Mo responded to their greetings enthusiastically.

There was a newly reclaimed land far away from the house, and two girls were playing there not far away. As soon as they saw Chen Mo, they immediately ran towards him. "Brother, why are you here? Aren't you resting at home?" "Of course I miss you, and I came to see my lovely sisters." The two sisters hugged Chen Mo's arms and pulled him to sit on a tree stump. At this time, Uncle Niu was lying on the grass not far away to rest, and Sister Niu was sitting next to him. "Brother, I feel that you are very tired after coming back in the past few days. How about I accompany you to keep watch tonight, and I can take care of you." Seeing Mu Ran's serious look, Chen Mo hugged her into his arms, "Sister has grown up and will feel sorry for brother. Brother's love for you is not in vain." Mu Ran giggled in Chen Mo's arms, and Qian'er pouted and said unhappily: "Brother, I can also keep watch with you and take care of you." "Okay, okay, I know Qian'er also loves brother the most." As he said that, he also hugged Qian'er into his arms. At this time, Chen Mo felt that he was the happiest man in the world. There was another "pop" sound, and Chen Mo clearly felt that his soul was about to be separated, but fortunately it was pulled back at the last moment.

The old man had stood behind Chen Mo without knowing when, and Chen Mo hurriedly slipped away without thinking too much.

After dinner, Chen Mo was about to go out, and saw two sisters following him, so he turned around and scratched their noses and smiled:

"You guys go back quickly, I am very touched by your kindness, I don't want two lovely sisters to sleep in the wild with me."

Seeing that the two still lowered their heads and said nothing, Chen Mo had to coax and deceive them and finally convinced them.

Tonight, Uncle Ya did not rest on the tree as usual, but took Chen Mo to the northeast of the forest, where there was a stream that was the main water source for the camp.

It is said that someone in the village found a few chicken feathers by the stream when fetching water. Uncle Ya should want to try his luck there first, and Chen Mo thought about following behind.

The stream was very narrow, only half a meter wide. Unlike the rivers he had seen before, there were no living creatures in it, at least no living creatures could be seen swimming with the naked eye.

Chen Mo stood by the stream, carefully searching every place, hoping to find some clues. Before he had searched for a while, Uncle Ya turned around and left, so Chen Mo had to hurry up and follow.

The further he went in, the more lush the grass and trees became. It was obvious that this was not the way back. Finally, Uncle Ya stopped at the edge of a grassland that was almost as tall as a person. He pointed at Chen Mo and then at the bushes, as if asking Chen Mo to go in.

The weeds grew vigorously, and if you were not careful, you would be scratched by the sharp grass tips. Chen Mo crouched and crawled in carefully. The breeze blew through the bushes, shaking and making sounds, and of course there were some inharmonious sounds.

When Chen Mo was looking for information about white-feathered chickens, he also looked at information about other beasts in the southern forests of Huizhou. He knew that white-feathered chickens liked to build nests and lay eggs in high places in the bushes. There was also a very dangerous beast that also liked to move in the bushes, specializing in stealing birds' eggs.

The noise was getting closer and closer. Chen Mo pulled out a dagger from his waist and held his breath. A grasshopper jumped over his head, and before it finished its graceful arc, it was intercepted by a bird from the air and became food.

The alarm was temporarily lifted, and Chen Mo continued to crawl in. The tips of the drooping grass kept scratching his back, making him feel itchy, so he had to stop temporarily and scratch with his hands.

His entire back was covered with sweat, and his clothes were mostly soaked. Chen Mo felt as if a smell was emanating from his body. Unconsciously, he had been crawling for almost two hours. During this period, there were noises from time to time, but most of them were insects, and only once was it a vole.

Chen Mo looked at the weeds in front of him, which were obviously taller than before, and immediately decided to search here and go back.

After struggling to pull apart the dense grass, Chen Mo heard the sound of something falling to the ground and then gradually fading away. After waiting for a while, and making sure there was no other noise, Chen Mo stood up and slowly approached there. Sure enough, there was a nest in the grass, and there were several broken eggshells on the ground.

Some egg liquid flowed out of the eggshell, and it seemed that it had just been stolen. Chen Mo's heart tightened, wondering if there were any eggs in the nest. He quickly pressed the grass down and tiptoed to look into the nest. Fortunately, there was only one left. Chen Mo didn't think much about it, put it in his arms, and turned around and crawled out.

Seeing that Chen Mo returned empty-handed, Uncle Ya's expression did not change. He just took Chen Mo back to the place where he had been keeping watch before and continued to lie down. It seemed that the search tonight was over.

After returning home, Chen Mo mysteriously called his two sisters to the yard, took out the eggs that had been covered all night from his arms and put them in Mu Ran's hands, and told them to cook and share them. After all, eggs are rare in the village, and you have to rely on luck to get them.

After doing all this, Chen Mo walked to the backyard, intending to get a bucket of water for a simple bath. In order to move better in the bushes, Chen Mo changed into thicker clothes so that he would not be afraid of being scratched.

For several days in a row, Chen Mo did not find another nest. It seemed that the mother hen could not bear the blow and destroyed the nest.

After many futile efforts, Uncle Ya had to give up the search for the white-feathered chicken.

The white-feathered chicken is a solitary animal. It only gathers together when mating. Trying your luck in the wild is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is already very lucky for Chen Mo to find a nest.

If you can catch it, it will add an extra insurance for the village. It is of course the best, but it doesn't matter if you don't have it. Chen Mo was a little regretful lying on the tree, but it was not in vain. At least he supplemented Mu Ran's nutrition.

That day, Chen Mo was stopped by his sister as soon as he entered the house.

"Brother, come and see."

The two sisters excitedly pulled Chen Mo into the room. They saw a chick that had just broken out of the shell in the basket on the bed. The whole body was pink. It raised its head and opened its mouth and kept making noises as if urging it to be fed.

Qian'er carefully fed some liquid food into its mouth, and soon the cry stopped, and the head that was raised also lowered, looking like it was going to sleep after eating.

"Didn't I tell you to cook it and eat it? How did it hatch?"

"We couldn't bear to eat the things my brother gave us, so we hid it in the quilt and wanted to wait for my brother to come back and eat it together, and then it came out this morning."

The two sisters lowered their heads like children who had made mistakes and waited for adults to punish them. Chen Mo touched their heads and said:

"Silly girl, since it was given to you, it is yours. Now that it has hatched, we can eat the meat."

"No, brother, we want to raise it."

Looking at their sincere looks, Chen Mo felt funny. He was just joking, but the two silly girls actually took it seriously. After agreeing to the two, they happily ran to ask the old man for his opinion.

Chen Mo shook his head with emotion. He didn't expect that he would bring back the white-feathered chicken by accident. It was really a case of reaching the end of one's rope, but there is always a way out.

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