第8話 The battle began!

Several people moved quickly. After a while, they saw traces of fighting ahead. Large areas of grass were cut off in half, and there were still unextinguished flames on the ground.

Zhang Zheng stood on the left side with a square shield in his hand, Wang Yu squatted down to check the traces, and Song Yao looked at the right rear.

The three people's positions made Chen Mo feel redundant, so he had to stand in the middle and try not to block their sight.

"The traces should have been left an hour ago, and they should be nearby. Be careful!"

Wang Yu stood up and had a rough guess in his mind. Several people kept their formation and moved towards a mound not far away.

Just when they came to the side of the mound, a figure suddenly flashed and stabbed Chen Mo with a dagger with a blue light.

Just as the dart was about to be released, a shield wall had already stood in front of Chen Mo. The man was unable to react and bumped into him.

"Xie Fei?"

The man heard someone calling his name and saw that the person coming was Chen Mo and his men.

After they arrived at the hiding place, they found that their team was in a very bad situation. Two people were seriously injured and in a coma, and another person was injured in the thigh and could not walk. Only Xie Fei was slightly injured.

Zhang Zheng was surprised to see their miserable condition. After all, they were classmates and he had some understanding of their team. Although their strongest captain was not there, they were not beaten like this.

"What happened? How did they get hurt so badly?"

"Alas~ After we separated from you, we kept searching along the traces and finally found a terminal nearby."

"It was getting late, so we planned to spend the night here and continue searching after daybreak. But in the middle of the night, we heard some noise in the grass, and the two of them insisted on going to check it out."

"Soon after, we heard some fighting and were about to go to support, but someone attacked us with wooden nails in the dark. When we arrived, the two of them were already seriously injured, and in the end, Sun Xiang's leg was also injured in order to take them away. Then I sent out a distress signal and you came."

Chen Mo squatted aside and listened to his story, thinking back to the sneak attack he encountered in the afternoon, and felt that it should have been done by a group of people.

A few pairs of green eyes in the grass watched their every move.

"Yu, why didn't you let me do it just now? I can crush these humans with one hand."

The speaker was a beast with a human body and a wolf body. He still retained a lot of wolf characteristics, and several sharp fangs were clearly visible. Compared with the opposite sex around him, he seemed to have not evolved completely.

The woman next to him had a delicate face, and she was also a leader among humans, except for her pair of furry ears. The hair on her body was not so lush, and there was only some gray and white fluff on her exposed arms.

Yu didn't care about his companions' complaints, and kept watching the situation on the mound without saying a word.

After a while, there was a noise in the bushes, and a petite figure came out of it,

"Sister Yu, I'm back!"

The one who came out was a cute girl, with a pair of small animal ears shaking slightly back and forth, looking even more playful.

Yu nodded and called a few people together to arrange the next task.

"Why bother? Wouldn't it be better to just let me kill them!" The male orc was obviously dissatisfied with Yu's arrangement. In his opinion, those people were just ants. He wanted to tear them apart directly, let them die in despair and fear, and then slowly taste their flesh and blood. "I gave you a chance before, but you didn't use it! Now you'd better act according to my plan. Don't forget the purpose of this trip. You can't afford to delay the big things!" The man smacked his lips and turned away. On the other side, Song Yao was trying to treat the three injured. The energy in the blue crystal quickly passed until it became transparent. The two seriously injured people showed no signs of waking up, and only Sun Xiang's injuries improved. Zhang Zheng was guarding the side carefully. For him, any noise in the bushes could be a sign of an enemy attack. Sure enough, with the ups and downs of the plants, a figure flashed out. Instead of sneaking in the dark like before, he stood directly opposite. There must be something wrong with the abnormal situation. Zhang Zheng held up his shield and stared at the other party closely. "Enemy attack!" Hearing the sound, Chen Mo and Xie Fei hurried to the flank for support. The four of them were in a stalemate in silence, and no one planned to attack first. After a while, a huge explosion came from the other side, and the sky-high flames made the faces of the four people red, and the sound of fighting followed. Chen Mo began to gather strength with his right hand, staring at the enemy in front of him, trying to see the energy flow on his body. "Wang Yu is fighting with them, what should we do? This is not a solution!" Xie Fei looked a little panicked. He was worried about the situation over there. If Wang Yu lost, they would be attacked from both sides, and both teams would probably die here. Faced with such a situation, Zhang Zheng couldn't make up his mind for a while. He knew that Wang Yu was very strong, but his opponent this time was not weak either. The enemy in front of him had not made a move, so he should be waiting for the opportunity. "Believe them! If we don't defend this place, we will be finished!" Chen Mo said decisively. Faced with such a situation, he could only take a gamble. The other side would send someone to contain him, which meant that the other side was not manpower-sufficient, otherwise there would be no need to go through so much trouble. Now the most important thing is that the defense on both sides cannot be broken through on either side.

Several people calmed down and prepared for battle. Chen Mo remembered that there was a flare in his backpack, which was sent when the task was assigned and had been kept here.

The moment Chen Mo put down his backpack and took it out, the other side suddenly attacked as if activated. Zhang Zheng stood in front, and the edge of the square shield flashed with golden light and quickly expanded to the surroundings and soon became as tall as a person.

A punch came with a strange blood-red light and hit the shield heavily. Zhang Zheng staggered back a few steps. Xie Fei seized the gap and stabbed with a dagger. The other side dodged and then punched Xie Fei from the side. Zhang Zheng hurried forward to support and punched the shield heavily again.

The two sides were entangled in this way. As the cooperation between the two became more and more tacit, it was hard to tell who was better for a while.

Chen Mo took advantage of this gap to send out the flare. The red light rushed up, leaving a trail in the air, and the fireworks formed after the explosion were very dazzling.

Back to the present, Zhang Zheng and Xie Fei's offensive made the opponent a little angry, and the speed of punching was constantly increasing.

Finally, Xie Fei found an opening and leaned over to stab the opponent's right waist from the side. The opponent did not have the slightest intention of dodging and just came up to exchange injuries.

The dagger only left a very shallow cut, but the wound was emitting a trace of cold air, which quickly froze and continued to spread around.

After the opponent knocked back Zhang Zheng who wanted to assist with a punch, he briefly had a chance to fight Xie Fei alone.

Xie Fei turned over and retreated, wanting to quickly pull away from the safe distance and return to the protection of the shield, but he was still a step slower and was hit in the abdomen. The whole person flew out and lost his combat ability instantly.

Zhang Zheng stabilized his body and immediately raised his shield to hit him, not giving the opponent time to breathe. Now he can only hope that the previous knife can weaken the opponent's strength as much as possible, so that he can delay for a while.

The situation took a sharp turn for the worse. Zhang Zheng's shield strike had little effect. He quickly switched from attack to defense in the collision with the opponent.

Chen Mo stood in the back, watching Zhang Zheng panting, and the square shield in his hand was almost reduced to half of its original size. The opponent seemed to have just warmed up, and the ice crystals on his body were suppressed and concentrated near the wound.

The defeat was already decided. Chen Mo knew that if there was only one variable, it would probably be the dart in his hand. After all, from the beginning, neither side regarded him as a fighting force, and naturally ignored his existence.

Kui became more and more excited, and his fists fell like raindrops, one punch faster and heavier than the other, forcing Zhang Zheng to retreat continuously and finally he could only lean against the mound to protect his shield in front of him.

The golden light dissipated around with the arrival of each punch, and the square shield slowly returned to its original size. Zhang Zheng still gritted his teeth and insisted on resisting every attack.

Finally, the light of the square shield dimmed, and Chen Mo noticed that the opponent had a short charging action, and it seemed that he wanted to end the battle with the next punch.

There was only one chance! Chen Mo adjusted his position to find the right angle, and threw the dart at the same time as the opponent threw a punch. The dark red fist smashed the square shield and hit Zhang Zheng's chest through his arm.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Zhang Zheng's body slowly slid down the mound, leaving only a faint breath.

The opponent slowly turned around, then disappeared from the spot, leaving only a dart in free fall.

Chen Mo looked up at the figure in the air that was quickly approaching and the punch towards his face, and hurriedly dodged to the right.

The punch whizzed past Chen Mo, and the wind from the punch hit his cheek with a burning and stinging feeling.

With a "bang", a big pit appeared on the ground, rocks and soil flew, and a strong shock wave spread around.

Chen Mo, who barely dodged the punch, was knocked to the ground by the shock wave before he could stabilize his body.

He wanted to get up quickly to distance himself, but he felt that his legs were like lead, and he couldn't even stand up, let alone run.

Now he was like a lamb to be slaughtered, and the dart in his hand was like the last straw, but it could only serve as psychological comfort.

Watching the other party slowly get up, Chen Mo found that the blood flow in his body slowed down significantly. He only prayed that the effect of the anesthetic would be faster, and he was ready for the final blow.

In this short moment, the world seemed to be quiet. The free-falling dart finally made contact with the ground and made a "ding" sound.

Kui stood up slowly. This battle was boring to him, but he didn't care about spending a few more seconds to pinch an ant to death.

In comparison, he liked those people a few days ago more. Looking at those humans crying and begging for mercy, he felt that the sound was a kind of heavenly sound. Every time he saw those people die in pain and despair, he would be very excited to enjoy their flesh and blood.

The person in front of him did not interest him at all, and he didn't even have the desire to eat. He just hoped to have some fun after going to the other side, and he didn't mind whoever it was.

The dark red light attacked again. After the dart flew out of his hand, Chen Mo was ready to meet the impact. He lowered his body as much as possible and protected his upper body with his hands.

A punch hit his arm, and the powerful force made Chen Mo slide back a few meters.

This attack was far different from what Chen Mo expected. The damage caused was within the tolerance range, and his arm could still move.

Did the anesthetic finally take effect? ​​Looking again, everything was not as Chen Mo expected.

Kui turned his back to Chen Mo, his clothes on his upper body were scorched, and there were large burns on his back. It was obvious that he was ambushed just now.

Did Wang Yu and the others win? This thought disappeared the moment it came into being. Because he saw the man opposite him lying on the ground like him, Sun Xiang!

Kui was completely angry after being injured again, and a large amount of blood-red light covered his whole body.

At close range, Chen Mo could clearly see the energy surge in his body, especially in his heart. It was estimated that that should be the location of his crystal.

As the blood and qi flowed rapidly, the light covering Kui gradually turned dark red.

Chen Mo noticed that the energy in his body had changed, and then his figure disappeared again.

The battle began!

The difference was that this time his speed had improved qualitatively, and Chen Mo could only see the afterimage he left behind. As the distance between the two continued to close, Chen Mo seemed to forget the pain, staring at the front intently, and silently worried about Sun Xiang.

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