第7話 "Let's go to support!"

Chen Mo was playing with the clown coin in his hand, bored. He had waited too long and missed his two sisters. He just wanted to go back and pinch their pink faces and listen to them calling him brother. Thinking of this, Chen Mo showed a lewd smile.

"What are you grinning at, little brat."

When he came to his senses, the old man was already standing beside him, looking in a good mood.

"Grandpa, let's go back after you finish talking."

"No hurry, I just talked about a business with them, and I'll let you exercise by the way."

After saying that, he threw a watch-style terminal over and briefly told the story.

The night before yesterday, the school received a distress signal from a team. After verification, they immediately organized people to carry out rescue, but because the place was too large and there were no specific coordinates, they were divided into two teams for search.

After understanding what happened, Chen Mo opened the terminal in his hand, which had already entered his basic information, and there was a line of small words at the bottom showing that he was carrying out a C-level task in the form of a team.

What the hell is this, why did I accept a task inexplicably? A feeling of being sold came over me.

"Grandpa, let's go back quickly. I'm worried that something might happen in the camp."

The old man leisurely took out a cigarette from his arms, took a puff, and sighed:

"Huh, the high-end goods in the city are different."

"Don't worry, you're just helping them for one day and won't delay their trip. And this task is related to the admission to the school, you must complete it. If my two precious granddaughters can't go to school this year, I will peel your skin."

The old man emphasized the last sentence, and Chen Mo heard the threat.

"Don't be like this, I've never seen such a biased old man."

Although he complained, since this task was related to two lovely sisters, Chen Mo still worked hard.

After a while, Song Yao came over and said a few words to the old man. The old man enjoyed the last puff of the cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it, and then walked towards the convoy.

"Little brother, it seems that we are destined to be together. You are assigned to our team for this mission. If you encounter any danger, remember to hide behind me. Sister will protect you." Seeing Song Yao's smile, Chen Mo felt a little embarrassed. He quickly turned his eyes to other places and answered a few words casually. He felt that this girl seemed to have a special charm. Arriving at the temporary camp, the combat meeting had already begun. The leader was a strong man. His clothes were also standard, but he wore more armor than the previous man. Chen Mo could vaguely see the energy flowing on it. Almost everyone was there. The old man took out an old map and gave several search directions based on his own experience. The strong man looked at the map and thought for a moment, and finally made a decision. He led three city guard teams to search in the south, and the two teams of the academy continued to search westward along the path, and one team moved in the camp. After receiving the task, each team went back to prepare. Chen Mo followed Song Yao to the car. The three of them were checking their weapons and equipment. Seeing Song Yao packing up beside him, Chen Mo had an idea.

"Song sister, do you have any extra weapons? I want to choose two for self-defense."

Song Yao thought for a while and took out a backpack from the car and unzipped it.

"They are all here, you choose."

The backpack was not big, and it was basically full of damaged weapons. Chen Mo took out two darts from it, which felt quite handy and just right for use as hidden weapons.

"Anesthetic darts? Be careful not to hurt your hands. The anesthetic on it is quite powerful."

According to the plan, Chen Mo sat in the car of Song Yao's team and searched west along the path.

The two cars were one in front and one behind, and the speed was not very fast for easy observation. The view on both sides of the path was wide, so there was no need to worry about being attacked.

"Who do you think those people are? They can let the two commanders lead the rescue team."

Zhang Zheng, who was driving, asked listlessly.

"Focus on driving!" Wang Yu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, accused.

"Let's chat. I'm so bored driving this way."

"Have you forgotten that the convoy was attacked when we came here? If it weren't for Commander Li's timely action, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"Who would have thought that the forest wolf would attack the convoy? This has never happened before. Besides, there are shallow grass on both sides here, so how could it be attacked?"

Seeing that Wang Yu was looking out the window and stopped talking, Zhang Zheng continued:

"I have some gossip here, and it has spread throughout the school. After all, the school actually issued a B-level task for this rescue, which is unprecedented!"

"Is the B-level task very high?"

Chen Mo was puzzled.

"Humph, you don't know this, right? The task is not only based on the level but also the type. There are almost no search tasks in the B-level task."


"Of course it's because the search task is simple. Normally, the search task will not exceed the C level at most. If it weren't for the emergency this time, it would not reach the level of B at all."

Chen Mo clicked on the task information on his terminal. Sure enough, the word "search" was marked after the C-level task, and there was also specific task information and completion status below.

"Stop the car!"

The sudden sound made Zhang Zheng stunned for a second, followed by an emergency brake. Chen Mo in the back row was caught off guard and his body had already left the seat. Fortunately, Song Yao beside him reached out and pulled him back. It is indeed unsafe without a seat belt.

Wang Yu jumped out before the car stopped, and the others hurriedly set off.

There were several corpses of animals in the dense grass, with human-shaped wolf faces and green hair on their bodies. It was difficult to see the clues from a distance. Several people expressed their opinions in a flurry. The captain of the other team walked up to Wang Yu and asked:

"What do you think?"

"Looking at the scars, it should be killed by those seniors, but the body seems to be placed here."

"Well, it's a bit strange, but finally there is a clue."

"Don't notify the commander yet, let's confirm it."

Looking carefully around, it seems that there are two places where the plants are a little shorter than other places, which should be caused by someone passing by. So the two teams each chose a path to explore and agreed to meet here at noon the next day.

The deeper they went, the deeper the grass became, and the more obvious the traces became. Chen Mo walked at the end with the team's luggage on his back, holding a tranquilizer dart in his hand, ready to attack at any time. The few people walked in like this, leaving a clear path behind them.

The traces disappeared near a river. The river was about five meters wide, and the water was not very deep and clear. You could see fish swimming, but the fish seemed to be different from what Chen Mo remembered.

"What should we do next?"

Everyone was waiting for Wang Yu to make a decision.

"You rest here, I'll go take a look around."

Chen Mo took off his backpack and took out two bottles of water and handed them to Song Yao and Zhang Zheng. Several people sat under a tree to rest. The breeze blew, making people feel very comfortable.

With a whoosh, a wooden nail broke through the air and shot towards Zhang Zheng's forehead. Zhang Zheng hurriedly turned his head to avoid it, but fortunately he reacted quickly and barely avoided the attack. The wooden nail was deeply inserted into the tree trunk.

Zhang Zheng jumped up and looked in the direction of the attack to find the position of the attacker, with a little golden light on his hands. Song Yao stood at the side, paying attention to other directions.

Chen Mo stood at the back with his back against the tree, his face gloomy. When he noticed something, the wooden nail was already in front of him. If the wooden nail had attacked him just now, he would have died on the spot.

"Swoosh", another wooden nail attacked Song Yao. But this time it was shot down before it got close, followed by a ball of fire flying quickly in the direction of the attack, and the fight between the two sides ended in an instant.

This time Chen Mo barely managed to identify the position of the attacker. With his right eye, he could vaguely see a trace of light green energy in the grass not far away, which was quickly moving away and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The flames quickly extinguished in the dense grass, leaving only a circular open space, a bit like the Mediterranean.

Wang Yu walked out of the grass, handed a damaged portable terminal to Zhang Zheng, and said, "The wood element here is extremely abundant, which is not conducive to our actions. Be careful."

Several people nodded. Suddenly, a scream came, and Song Yao was so scared that she said angrily:

"You are going to die, so startled!"

Zhang Zheng didn't care about her accusation, but looked at everyone mysteriously,

"It seems that those rumors are true! Come and see whose terminal this is!"

Several people looked at the terminal he showed, and the first line on it was written: Name: Su Yun, and there was a photo of her next to it. Chen Mo didn't know who she was, but he could judge from his companions' surprised expressions that this person's identity should be high.

After a short silence, several people started to discuss again.

"Where did you find the terminal?"

"The place where that person attacked you for the first time, he should have left it behind."

"Do you think the senior sister has already..."

"It's hard to say, maybe she just accidentally lost it during the battle and he just happened to pick it up."

"I remember that the senior sister's team ranked third in our school. How strong must the people who attacked them be!"

"Look at your promising appearance. With two commanders leading the team, what are you afraid of?"

"That's right, what should we do next?"

Several people looked at Wang Yu, waiting for him to make a decision.

"It's getting late. Find a place to spend the night before the sun sets. We will go back early tomorrow morning."

Finally, before the last ray of sunlight disappeared, several people found a relatively open place. There was a towering tree in the middle. The surrounding plants were very short. Standing on the tree, the view was wide and it was possible to explore the surrounding situation well.

After confirming that there was no danger, several people decided to camp under the tree. In order to prevent sneak attacks at night, it was finally decided that Wang Yu, Zhang Zheng, and Song Yao would take turns to keep watch. This arrangement was so heartbreaking to Chen Mo that he accepted it.

After dinner, the few people began to rest. After all, no one knew whether there would be an emergency, and they had to maintain sufficient mental and physical strength to deal with the future.

Chen Mo rested against a tree with a tranquilizer dart in his hand. He felt at ease and could fight back immediately after being attacked, if he was still alive.

Just as he was thinking, a tingling sensation came into his heart, and he looked down and saw a small cut on his thumb. Chen Mo secretly cried out in his heart, and then a surge of sleepiness rolled in his mind.

What else can he do now? Chen Mo fell asleep in a comfortable position.

Late at night, Wang Yu took over Zhang Zheng's work. The moonlight was bright, and standing on the tree, you could clearly see that the lush grass in the distance was blown down by the wind, and there was a little silver light. The sound of insects rang from time to time, and there was nothing unusual around.

A piece of red crystal quickly lost its luster in his hand. After putting the residue into his pocket, Wang Yu moved his arms and felt full of strength. The corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, and there was an irrepressible impulse in his heart. He had a premonition that he would fight with that person again soon.

A bright red light shot straight into the sky, exploded in the sky, and the red streamer scattered. Wang Yu looked at the fireworks in the distance and immediately realized that this was a distress signal from another team.

Under the tree, Song Yao also noticed something. After seeing the distress signal, he hurried to call the other two. Zhang Zheng stood up and saw Wang Yu jumping down from the tree and said:

"Let's go to support!"

"No, let's go back first and then go to support along the path they walked."

"Okay, then go back quickly!"

After saying that, he was about to leave. In a blink of an eye, he saw that Chen Mo had no response and asked hurriedly:

"What's wrong with him? Why don't you get up!"

Song Yao shook her head to indicate that she couldn't wake him up, so she had no choice but to carry him back.

Wang Yu led the way in front. Because he left a path in the afternoon, it made it much easier for them to return.

The distance was still a bit far. Zhang Zheng in the middle was already panting but his pace was still not slowing down. A blue light shot into his body from behind, and a slight chill began to emerge. He felt a lot more relaxed and his breathing gradually became smoother.

Chen Mo had regained consciousness when Song Yao called him, but he just couldn't control his body to react, just like a ghost pressing on the bed. Now he can finally feel the existence of his limbs, but it will take a while for him to recover from the general weakness. He can only keep letting the blood flow through his body in the hope of speeding up the volatilization of the medicine.

After feeling the control of his limbs returned, Chen Mo followed the team on his own. The team's movement speed has been significantly improved.

Back at the starting point, Chen Mo's body has fully recovered. After rejecting the suggestion of staying behind, he set off with the team.

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