第9話 I've seen bigger storms

At the moment when the dark red light was about to fall, a golden barrier appeared in front of Sun Xiang. The moment the two lights touched, a deafening sound was heard.

The barrier expanded rapidly, and the huge energy repelled Kui, followed by two fire snakes, which were engulfed by the blazing flames.

Soon, the fire snakes were torn apart by the blood-red light, and Kui stood in the center of the flames without paying any attention to the flames on his arms.

Sun Xiang's face was livid, and he was always watching the opponent's every move, holding something tightly in his hand.

He was originally watching the battle on the other side, with Wang Yu as the main attacker and Song Yao as the auxiliary. The two of them had the upper hand with tacit cooperation.

After noticing the signal flare, he planned to go and see the situation. He thought it would be evenly matched, but he didn't expect it to be a crushing defeat. As soon as he arrived, he saw the opponent beating Zhang Zheng violently, and also solved Chen Mo.

He had no choice but to choose to fight in the most luxurious way. The three moves just now directly consumed three crystals, and now he only had the last and most precious one left in his hand.

"It looks like I can't stay here."

As he spoke, purple lightning flashed and rushed towards the opponent's attacking figure. The opponent seemed to be so angry that he used his body to block it, but he obviously underestimated the power of this thunder and was knocked away more than ten meters.

After the attack, looking at the dust, Sun Xiang just hoped that the opponent would not stand up again.

The smoke dissipated, and the dark red light covering the opponent's body gradually faded, leaving only a few burnt skins with white smoke.

It seems that everything is over. Sun Xiang was about to collapse to the ground and wait for death to come, but the opponent suddenly turned around and disappeared quickly from his sight.

Kui was unwilling to give up. This battle was not only not fun at all, but also injured himself. After losing the suppression of blood power, a sense of sleepiness kept attacking his brain. In addition, he had received the signal of Yu's retreat earlier. If he didn't leave, he might really sleep here forever. Now he only regretted not tearing Chen Mo to pieces at the beginning, otherwise he would definitely kill everyone and leave in a swagger.

A few minutes later, the mobile team left behind in the camp appeared in front of them. Sun Xiang and Chen Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed to the ground.

Not long after, the commander and others arrived, and the medical officer of the team immediately treated the wounded.

Chen Mo looked at the medical officer fixing his arm and asked hurriedly:

"Is my injury serious?"

"You are the least injured among the few people. It's just a slight fracture of the arm, and there are signs of elemental poisoning. You will be fine after a few days of rest."

The medical officer fixed his arm and left. Chen Mo then noticed that the old man was sitting next to him smoking.

"It seems that you fought very fiercely. What do you think after this battle?"

Chen Mo shook his head and said helplessly:

"I don't have any feelings. I was just crushed unilaterally."

"Haha. Don't be discouraged. You still have a long way to go in the future!"

The old man didn't say anything else, just smoking on the side.

Not far away, Wang Yu was reporting the situation in detail to the commander. After listening to the story, the adjutant questioned the authenticity of the situation, thinking that it was probably because of the emergency and the night, and many of the descriptions were probably Wang Yu's imagination.

The commander looked serious, and finally spoke after a long time,

"If what you said is correct, then the one who attacked you should be the Blood Wolf Clan."

"Sir, the Blood Wolf Clan is a tribe outside the border, how could they appear in the inner state, and what is their purpose in coming to us?"

"It's okay if they pass by, but I'm afraid they are coming for us, immediately notify Commander Li to retreat!"

The adjutant seemed to understand something and was terrified. Just as he was about to get the terminal, he suddenly thought:

"Sir, we don't have enough authority to contact Commander Li."

"Humph, that group of cowards who bully the weak and fear the strong!"

After saying that, he jumped into the air, and more than a dozen golden streams of light rushed around.

A few kilometers away, golden light flashed, and one after another light spots suddenly appeared in the woods below, and then disappeared into the night. After a simple treatment, the medical officer reported the situation of the two teams to the commander. Four of them were seriously injured and three were slightly injured. It was suggested that the seriously injured be sent back to the state capital for treatment as soon as possible.

The commander hesitated as he looked at the two damaged terminals. He knew that the reason why so many people were sent to rescue this time and two commanders were led was because among these five people were the second son of the governor and the niece of the city lord. Others would not have such a good life.

Everything seemed to have been settled. This was obviously a trap set by the blood wolf. The probability of the five people being alive was very small. Further search would only result in greater casualties. Now the top priority was to contact another team and retreat immediately.

Who would have thought that there were more than 20 people sitting in three jeeps, driving quickly towards the camp along the path. From time to time, a dim green light lit up in the bushes, watching the vehicles rushing by, ready to move.

Back to the camp, Chen Mo's search mission was also declared over. But the old man was not in a hurry to leave, but planned to follow the team to the nearest village first and go back when it was dawn.

Several vehicles started up quickly and lined up in a row in the direction of the traffic. When they reached the dirt road, two vehicles directly transported the wounded back to the state capital, escorted by the adjutant, and Chen Mo also said goodbye to Song Yao and others there.

When the convoy arrived at Lianhe Village, many villagers gathered inside, and it seemed that something big had happened.

Noticing the slowly approaching vehicles, the villagers turned their heads. After Chen Mo got off the car, he saw that many of them were holding weapons, and a young man with ragged clothes and a lot of blood on his body squatted in the center.

When the commander appeared, the young man's empty eyes regained some spirit, and he immediately staggered over,

"Sir, we were attacked, and Commander Li's life and death are unknown. Please go to support him quickly."

The commander was stunned, and the worst situation still happened.

"Don't worry, tell me how many people there are on the other side, and what level they are?"

"Two, no, three."

"One person didn't make a move, and kept sitting on the tree and watching. The one who made the move was a young man with a pair of gray-white ears on his head, a pair of gray-white ears, and an old man followed him."

"Commander Li immediately told us to run away, so we ran, and then there was blood everywhere, blood, hahahaha blood hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

Chen Mo stood aside and watched his expression of horror, and his speech disorder must have been greatly stimulated. It seems that the enemy he encountered is more powerful and terrifying than the one he encountered. Suddenly, a strong sense of weakness and powerlessness surged into his heart.

The villagers reacted strongly to his words, and the noisy voices were full of fear. Seeing that the man was about to have a mental breakdown, the medical officer hurried forward to perform physical hypnosis on him.

"Sir, do you think he is exaggerating? Let's not talk about the strength of Commander Li, just one orc destroyed five teams, this is probably at least a level IV beast."

"The appearance of a level IV beast is always big news, it is impossible that the state government has not received any news."

The commander thought about the current situation. In fact, he had heard about the news of the level IV beast. He had seen in a document sent by the imperial capital that there seemed to be an internal fight among the blood wolf tribe near Ganzhou on the border. There were signs that some of them intended to enter the country, and the southern states were required to strengthen their vigilance.

This document was even posted on the bulletin board, but no one paid attention to it. Before this, no one would believe that a blood wolf would appear in the inner state, let alone such a strong one.

"Report the matter to the state capital immediately and request support! Just say that a level IV blood wolf appeared."

The subordinates did not dare to neglect it and immediately took out the terminal to ask for help from the state capital.

"Sir, what should we do?"

The villagers surrounded the commander, their faces full of fear. The noise just now was replaced by silence, and everyone was waiting for the adult to speak. They had never seen a level IV beast, but they could imagine that it should be an extremely powerful existence. After all, the ordinary beasts near the village had already given them a headache.

"Don't worry, go and open the defense formation in the village. I have explained the situation to the state capital, and support will come soon!"

Under the instructions of the commander, the village chief hurriedly ordered people to activate the defense formation, let the elderly, women and children hide in the cellar, leaving only a few of the strongest people in the village, and the rest all rushed back home.

A white halo emerged and soon enveloped most of the village, and it also became the spiritual pillar of the villagers.

The village chief led the villagers to patrol everywhere, and the commander Zhou Yong looked at the dark forest in the distance with anxiety in his heart. He knew that his brother Li Wei had just become a quasi-knight this year, and it should not be so easy to die. "Hold on, brother, I will find you when the support arrives!"

Chen Mo was still lying in the old jeep, and he seemed to have adapted to resting in the car. Looking at the white magic circle above his head, all he could think of were the scenes of the previous battles. He felt a heat on his back and couldn't fall asleep.

Sitting up, the old man was still puffing out smoke beside him, looking very comfortable.

"Grandpa, aren't you panicking at all in this situation?"

"What's the matter? I've seen bigger storms. What's there to panic about? Your panic only shows that your character is not good enough and needs to be tempered. Actually, it's not the case. Your grandpa is also panicking now. The cigarette is almost gone."

Speechless for a while, Chen Mo had to lie down again. Anyway, he couldn't do anything now, so he just lay down.

In the state capital, the city lord's mansion was brightly lit. The only remaining commander and the governor and some other major officials were urgently summoned to sit in the meeting room.

As soon as the city lord announced the news he received, the crowd was boiling. The governor and the commander had gloomy faces and never said a word. When the city lord asked for everyone's opinions, the discussion gradually subsided. Just when it was about to quiet down, someone interrupted and said: "The Protector-General has been a quasi-knight for more than ten years. Everything is up to the Protector-General." Everyone hurriedly agreed. The hall was silent in an instant, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the Protector-General, waiting for his arrangements. The Protector-General winked at the Commander, who immediately stood up and said:

"Everyone, Commander Zhou sent back a message saying that Commander Li was attacked by a Level IV Blood Wolf and his life or death is uncertain, but he only heard about it and did not confirm it. Besides, Ganzhou is an important border area, and there are generals guarding it. How could those high-level beasts pass through there without being discovered? In my opinion, this time they may have been attacked by a pack of forest wolves in the southern forest, but that person exaggerated and caused Commander Zhou to misjudge. Don't panic."

"Commander Wu, the higher-ups have issued a notice to remind the southern states to be vigilant against the Blood Wolf. I believe Commander Zhou will not make such a low-level mistake as misjudgment. I'm afraid that someone has ulterior motives and deliberately delayed the rescue time to eliminate dissidents."

The two sides quarreled like this, and the situation intensified and there were even signs of fighting.

The city lord rubbed his temple and slammed the table. The hall was instantly quiet, and several people returned to their seats with anger suppressed.

"Lord Protector, what do you think?"

"Lord City Lord, Zhou Yong has always been steady in his work, and he must have been fully confident in reporting such a major event. It stands to reason that it is my duty to lead the team to support, but I am now old and weak and my strength is not as good as before. If it were a few years earlier, I would not miss this opportunity to be promoted to a knight!"

Everyone looked at each other, and for a while, they could not come up with any other solution. If they waited for the support from the imperial capital to arrive, they would probably only be able to collect their bodies. The city could not provide any combat power, and the knights stationed there had long been useless, staying in the imperial capital and rarely coming back.

"My Lord, I do have a suggestion. Why not let Commander Wu and the principal of the academy go to rescue people together? If they encounter a Level IV beast, they should immediately retreat to avoid fighting, rescue as many people as possible back to the state capital, and wait for the reinforcements from the imperial capital to arrive before counterattacking."

After discussing, everyone felt that this method was feasible, and the top priority was to rescue people first. The problem was that the academy and the state capital coexisted, who could ask the principal to come?

"Okay, if there is no other way, let's do it according to the governor's wishes. I'll go and ask the principal."

The meeting ended, and the hall became deserted again. A girl hiding behind the screen poked her head out and looked at the city lord who was still sitting in the hall and said:

"Daddy, why are you unhappy? Your brows are so deeply frowned."

Seeing his little daughter appear in front of him, the city lord squeezed out a smile on his face,

"Yan'er, why are you still not asleep so late?"

"I heard some noise in the living room and came out to see, daddy, why are you not asleep?"

"Daddy will go to bed soon, you should go back to bed soon too."

After saying that, he sent his daughter back to the room and stayed in the yard for a long time.

It was about to dawn. After receiving the reply from the state capital, Zhou Yong decided to go into the forest alone to find Li Wei.

Just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by an old man beside him. The old man took the last cigarette out of the box, and Zhou Yong immediately understood and took out an unopened box from his pocket and handed it to the old man, "Old man, this is the only box I have left, so you should smoke it sparingly. I don't know if I will have the chance to hear those legendary stories from you again after this farewell." The old man smiled and said: "Young man, you still have a long way to go in the future, how can you not have a chance." Zhou Yong shook his head slightly, said goodbye to the old man, and disappeared into the night.

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