第13話 The corpse of a fierce beast was found

Now, no matter what the contract is, only the other party has the final say. In the final analysis, for a company of this size, it is as easy to kill oneself as to kill a bug. Just find someone to give some money and let him drive a car to kill oneself.

"Okay, you probably don't know how to make a martial arts book, so let's do this. You teach this trick to Xiao Jiang, and then let Xiao Jiang do it." The Xiao Jiang he mentioned is naturally Jiang Xin. At this time, Jiang Xin has been waiting in the training ground for a long time.

"Hehe... To be honest, I am actually a genius in practicing martial arts. I can only achieve a small success in a week at most, which many people spend several years to barely achieve." The role of martial arts books is only to get people started. As for how to practice in the future, either find a teacher or explore it yourself.

If a martial arts book can directly teach people to achieve great success, then what is the purpose of martial arts halls? Just provide a place for practice?

"So why don't you even know to wear sunglasses?" Chu Ming said with some disdain.

"Uh..." Obviously, learning this trick without sunglasses is pure torture.

"Ahem! It's just that I forgot for a moment. Wait, I can learn your little trick in two hours at most."

It has to be said that Jiang Xin is really talented in practicing martial arts.

Although Chu Ming's teaching is a bit abstract, she only took an hour and a half to learn this move.

"Sun Fist!" Still in that funny posture, Jiang Xin used the Sun Fist easily.

"Gan!" Due to the difference in blood and qi, Jiang Xin's Sun Fist is brighter than Chu Ming's, and even wearing sunglasses will hurt your eyes.

"This move is so easy to learn." After learning it, Jiang Xin was even more shocked.

Originally, the Sun Fist is not a difficult move. Almost everyone in Dragon Ball can do it.

"It's getting late. If nothing else, I'll go back." [Ding! Mission Completed]

[Task Reward: Wish Power*20]

Chu Ming didn't care whether there was anything else for him. He left directly after hearing the prompt sound of the mission completion.

"It's already so late..." It was originally five o'clock in the afternoon when I finished my daily tasks, and now it's already ten o'clock.

"Forget it, there's no night in a big city like Jiangcheng." The lights outside were still bright, and various entertainment venues were still open as usual.

"Damn, I should ask them to reimburse the car fare." Although he took two million directly this time, Chu Ming still didn't want to spend money indiscriminately.

In the future, he will get a 20% commission for every copy of the Sun Fist sold by the Hurricane Martial Arts Hall.

Although 28% is not much, in fact, they have positioned the Sun Fist as a B-level martial art, and the price of each copy is more than 10 million.

He can get two million for every copy sold, and there must be many people who learn this magical skill.

Moreover, money doesn't mean much to him, and he doesn't need to buy expensive training resources. Once there is more money, it is just a number for him, and he can't even spend it.

"It seems that so much money has no use except for some cakes." Chu Ming didn't know why the system would issue such a task. Is it really good to bring tricks from other worlds to this world?

"Forget it, this is not something I want to consider. Maybe Brother Tongzi has his own ideas."

It is impossible not to take a taxi at this point and this distance. Now that he has money, he can still afford the fare of a hundred yuan.

"Young man, you work so hard. You come back from the martial arts hall so late." In the car, the taxi driver started chatting.

"No way, the early bird catches the worm." Chu Ming responded.

"Young man, judging from your face, you should be a high school student, right? You should take the college entrance examination this year, right?"

"Yes, it's almost time."

"Then you must work hard. The martial arts exam is the only chance for ordinary people like us to change our lives. Your uncle didn't seize this opportunity back then, so now I'm driving a taxi."

Ordinary people in this world don't have an easy life. In other novels, you can always see warriors spending millions of dollars, but no one has ever thought about where the money comes from.

The wealth of warriors is basically due to ordinary people paying taxes. The tax rate for general jobs in this world is extremely high, and the salary is just so-so. Most ordinary people are near the poverty line.

However, due to the existence of fierce beasts, this system cannot be changed. Due to the rise of warriors, there are no hot weapons in this world. If you want to fight against fierce beasts, you can only rely on warriors, so ordinary people must also raise warriors.

Chu Ming is not very interested in the system of this world, or it has little to do with him.

He doesn't even know how long he can live in this world. Although it seems calm, it may be attacked by fierce beasts at any time.

[Ding! Mission released]

[Save the driver]

[Task reward: 10*Wish Power]

While Chu Ming was leaning on the car and watching short videos, the system's voice sounded again.

"What?" Before he could react, he suddenly felt a violent vibration from the ground.

Immediately followed, there was a sudden sense of weightlessness.

"Nah! What the hell!"

The vibration just now directly made the taxi fly up, over the fence, and rushed directly towards the river.

The bridge is more than 40 meters away from the river. At this height, there is no difference between falling into the water and falling on the concrete ground.

Even if they are lucky enough not to die, they will most likely lose consciousness. As the taxi sinks, they will also be drowned in the river. "Can you not be so unlucky!" Without thinking too much, they must have been involved in a battle, and the aftermath of the battle made them fly up.

"Forget it, it's not difficult to save the driver." It actually takes a few seconds to fall into the water from this height, which is enough time for Chu Ming to complete the rescue.

"Qi Yuan Zhan!" A disc-shaped Qi blade gathered in Chu Ming's hand and easily cut the car.

Chu Ming pulled the driver out, hugged him tightly, and adjusted his body in the air to prepare for descent.

"Kai Wang Ken!" Kai Wang Ken's improvement is all-round, including defense ability.

In this way, the two of them successfully fell into the water. Although it was a little painful, they did not suffer too much damage.

"Except for this time, I don't want to hug a big man anymore." This scared the driver directly, and he struggled wildly in the water.

"Be honest." Chu Ming knocked the driver unconscious with a hand knife, and then dragged him to the shore.

Chu Ming is very good at swimming, and he successfully swam to the shore with the blessing of Kai Wang Ken and adrenaline.

"Damn... It's not easy to earn these ten points of willpower..." The Kaio-ken put a great burden on the body. As soon as the Kaio-ken was released, Chu Ming felt weak all over and fell to the ground.

"It's terrible. My phone is also lost." Just when he touched his pocket to call the police, he found that his phone was missing.

Yes, with such a strong impact, the phone would have flown away long ago.

"Forget it, the weather is not cold. Let's wait until our physical strength recovers a little before leaving." May in Jiangcheng is already quite hot, even at night.

It is basically impossible to die of hypothermia in this weather. Anyway, it is almost safe, so there is no need to rush.

But not long after, he found a figure swimming towards him.

"Damn... I still underestimated the judge." A man in a black robe and a mask swam out of the water, covering his broken arm. As soon as he came up, he and Chu Ming looked at each other.

"Well... I can actually pretend that I haven't seen you." There is no need to think about it. The movement just now was caused by this guy.

Although he looked very bad, Chu Ming was in a bad condition.

"I can't pretend I haven't seen you!" Although he was seriously injured, he was still a high-level warrior, and it was very easy for him to deal with Chu Ming, a kid who was not even a warrior.

But the next second, he found that he could not see anything.

"My eyes!" For a while, he couldn't even tell whether it was his eyes that hurt or his broken arm that hurt, and he didn't know where to cover his only left hand for a while.

"Qi Yuan Zhan!" The Qi blade that easily cut the car appeared again, and while the black-robed man was still in a state of stiffness and unable to move, he was directly cut in half.

"What!" The man didn't know what happened at all, he just felt a sharp pain in his waist, and then fell heavily to the ground.

In order to ensure the hit rate, Chu Ming's Qi Yuan Zhan was cut at a lower position this time, and most of the black-robed man's internal organs were not injured, and he would not die in a short time.

This kind of pain is not something that ordinary people can endure. The black-robed man struggled on the ground in pain, but his body couldn't squeeze out a bit of strength.

"Am I going to die... I didn't expect to crash in such a place." Even if he won't die in a short time, he can't escape the fate of death.

His consciousness is getting blurred, and he can only watch the little ghost limping away. Chu Ming will not do such things as looting corpses. God knows if there will be reinforcements. It's better to leave now.

[Ding! Get wish power * 50]

He limped for about ten minutes, and suddenly the voice of the system came in his mind.

"Fifty wish power?! Where did it come from?" This sudden huge amount of money directly confused Chu Ming, he didn't remember what task he had completed.

"Is it the income from the Sun Fist? No, it's only been a short time." The task of teaching others the Sun Fist itself only gives 20 wish power, how can it be possible to give him 50 in such a short time.

"Could it be that killing people can also gain wish power?" This is the most likely answer at present. It seems that Chu Ming has to re-examine his system.

"In this rule of law society, I can't find anyone to do experiments. It seems that I still can't get wish power on a large scale." Even if killing people can quickly gain wish power, he can't kill everywhere.

He couldn't afford the consequences of doing so, unless his strength was enough to stop him from eating beef, but would he still lack the willpower when that time came?

Dragging his tired body, he barely reached a slightly safer place and reached out to call another taxi.

It was already two o'clock in the morning when he got home. Today was the first time he used the King-ken for a long time. Every cell in his body was in pain. He lost consciousness as soon as he lay on the bed.

When he woke up again, it was already afternoon. His phone was lost and he could be said to have lost contact directly.

"Damn, I have to buy a mobile phone." Although he got a lot of money yesterday, he couldn't spend it without his phone now. He had to go to the bank to withdraw some cash first.

"Hehe... I won't be checked when I use cash transactions." Looking at the 20,000 cash in his bag, Chu Ming said to himself.

After buying a new phone and retrieving his card number, he found that he had a lot of missed calls.

"What do you want to find your dad?" He found that Han He had called him more than a dozen times, and he called directly after getting the phone.

"Brother Ming, the move you taught me is so valuable." After Jiang Xin's hard work for a whole night, the Sun Fist finally became a martial arts book that can be sold, and it is now sold for 15 million yuan per copy.

"It's just the hype of capitalists, they are all here to cheat ordinary people's money." After chatting for a few words, he hung up the phone and then opened today's hot searches.

"Shocking! A new B-level martial arts is launched! Only 15 million Yan Guo coins are sold"

"A new martial arts can cross borders to fight against enemies? It may become the lowest B-level martial arts to learn"


Seven out of the ten hot searches are about the Sun Fist, which shows the importance of this move.

However, one hot search caught his attention.

"The corpse of a fierce beast was found under the cross-river bridge, and the death was extremely tragic"

When he clicked it, he saw a body broken into two sections lying on the shore, with some distance between the lower and upper bodies, as if it was still struggling before death.

Even with mosaics, the photos of the scene are still shocking, and people with poor psychological endurance dare not click on them.

"No one should have noticed it was me, right?" It was almost evening, and no one had bothered him yet, so it was probably because no one had noticed him.

"But my luck is too bad, isn't it? I can run into a beastman even when I'm taking a taxi home?" Beastmen, as the name suggests, are humans who associate with beasts.

Their real purpose is still unclear. It is said that everything they do is to make humans and beasts peaceful, but they are all murderous, arsonist, and murderous.

In fact, beasts and humans cannot understand each other. Beasts are not much different from ordinary animals, except that they are a little bigger and have some special abilities, but once they meet humans, they will start to attack humans like crazy.

It is still unknown how this phenomenon is caused. And this is not a legend. There is a special beast exhibition hall in the city, and most people have visited it when they were students.

And beastmen are not weak, at least they are all mid-level warriors. The one Chu Ming met yesterday is at most medium level.

"Don't think about it for now. It just so happens that I have enough willpower today, so I can change to another magical skill." He opened the system mall and finally found the trick he wanted after searching for a while.

[Do you want to exchange - Air Dance]

"Yes." The skills he exchanged at the beginning were all skills in Dragon Ball. The reason was very simple, because these skills can play a good role in strengthening when one's own strength is insufficient.

Most people in this world cannot fly, and Air Dance is actually a small skill. Even ordinary humans like Bidi Li who have hardly practiced can use it.

This means that this trick has a low threshold and low consumption. Even Chu Ming, who only has 80 blood, can use it at will after learning it.

"Although I don't know what the principle is, it's a good thing to be able to fly." A big part of the reason why he changed to Air Dance was that he was scared by the high-altitude fall yesterday. It was completely lucky that he survived yesterday. Now that he can fly, he is no longer afraid of encountering such a situation.

Moreover, being able to fly means that most people can't do anything to him. Martial arts that can make people fly are at least A-level, and those who can learn A-level martial arts are at least at the level of the King of War. When Chu Ming encounters an enemy of this level, he doesn't have to think about running away. Anyway, he will be gone in one encounter.

"Most people don't have anti-aircraft skills. Wouldn't it be fun for me to fly as an air force?" The best way to face the God of War on land is to leave both feet off the ground, and the Qi Yuan Zhan itself is also a long-range skill. He can fight against most people by flying and fighting with others.

The skills of the Dragon Ball system are almost the same here. Now Chu Ming is actually still lacking in normal combat power. Next, he will consider exchanging for the ability to speed up the practice.

"Before that, I still have to change my weapon first, otherwise I really have no way to do the mock exam." The main content of the mock exam is to kill fierce beasts, and one exam lasts for six hours.

Chu Ming doesn't have such a long endurance. Although the Qi Yuan Zhan has extremely terrifying lethality, he can only throw five shots at most in a short period of time. Not to mention the Kaio Fist, it will hurt him more than death after five minutes.

It seems that the only move he can use for a long time is the flying technique. His flying technique is not very fast but can last for three or four hours. However, he does not want to expose the fact that he can fly unless it is a special situation, otherwise he will be dragged to sell martial arts again.

He actually does not want to play the pig and eat the tiger, but he does not want his secret to be discovered, so he acts relatively low-key.

The next day, he went downstairs without taking the stairs, and there is no elevator in this building.

"It feels good to be able to fly."

The nearby residential areas are all low-rise buildings, so he does not need to fly too high, and no one will notice. Since ancient times, pioneers do not look up, and normal people will not look up for no reason.

However, when he arrived at the vicinity of the school, he had to walk honestly, unless he flew more than 100 meters, otherwise others could see him through the window.

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Perfect One @tylee




