第12話 Forget it

"Forget it, I'd better go first." After making sure that the gangsters had gone far away, he also walked out of the alley and took a taxi home.

Tomorrow is the weekend, and he can have a good sleep at home.

At eight o'clock the next morning, a phone call woke him up directly.

"Why is there still someone calling me..." Chu Ming picked up the phone impatiently and answered the call.

"Brother Ming, Brother Ming! You are on the hot search!" An excited voice came from the other end of the phone, telling Chu Ming a not-so-good news.

"What the hell..." Chu Ming hung up the phone directly and opened a short video platform.

"Shock! A super light bulb hero appeared in Jiangcheng in the middle of the night to save the beauty! "

Below the title is a video. It can be seen from the video that the shooter is lying on the ground, and a man about 1.8 meters tall is standing in front of her, pointing his hands at his forehead, and his movements are very funny.

There is a strong light coming out of the man's head, and the video screen will turn white from time to time. If you watch it at night, it will definitely be a blinding video.

"Fuck... How come I was photographed again?" Being woken up by someone already made me feel bad, and seeing that I was photographed made me feel even worse.

He had just put down his phone and was ready to go back to sleep, but the phone rang again.

"Hello, Brother Ming, you are a celebrity now, so it's nothing..." Before the other end of the phone could finish speaking, Chu Ming hung up the phone again.

The caller was one of his few friends in this world, and the two of them had a bad fate.

The man was called Han He, who was thin, had poor cultivation talent, and was not good at socializing. School bullies targeted this kind of people.

Once the system's task was to help him deal with several students who were bullying him, and the reward was not bad, a full five wishes.

Speaking of which, Han He was also one of the victims of the Sun Fist. At that time, his eyes hurt for several days.

It was a blessing in disguise. He pestered Chu Ming, and under Han He's soft and hard grinding, Chu Ming even taught him the Sun Fist.

In fact, Han He's talent was not bad. To be precise, he was a little biased.

Most students at this stage are still at the proficient stage of the Bull Fist, but Han He has already mastered it, and it only took him two weeks to learn the Sun Fist.

However, his talent for cultivating Qi and blood is not very good, and it is only 70 now, which is similar to Chu Ming's basic Qi and blood.

As the saying goes, one strength defeats ten skills. Han He, who has mastered the Bull Fist, cannot beat most people in a real fight, not to mention that school bullying is usually a group fight.

"Forget it, the Internet is like a fish, and its memory usually can't remember for a few days. At most, it will take a week to treat this matter as if it didn't happen." Chu Ming turned on the do not disturb function on his mobile phone and fell asleep again. When he woke up, it was already noon.

"Let's take a look at today's tasks."

[Task 1: Assist Uncle Li to carry water]

[Task 2: Go to Aunt Wang's house to repair the computer]


These tasks are refreshed every day like daily tasks. Before obtaining the system, he never thought that there would be so many people in a small community who needed help every day.

Daily daily tasks can provide him with about five to ten points of willpower, which is also the main source of his current willpower.

Tasks like yesterday's are sudden tasks, and the rewards are usually a little higher. Anything you get is considered extra income. [Task Rewards: Willpower*20]

[Ding! This task reward is a non-fixed reward, and you may get more willpower later]

"What?" Chu Ming was stunned when he saw the sudden task.

This is not to buy martial arts, this is simply his own ATM.

Although I don't know why such a task suddenly popped up, since the system has made a decision for me, there is no need for me to continue to waste it.

"I know! I know! Can't I sell it to you!" Chu Ming replied helplessly. Seeing Chu Ming agreed, Jiang Xin finally let go.

"Okay! Let's go back to the martial arts hall to discuss the price now." After that, Jiang Xin pulled Chu Ming up and started to rush out of the community. Many people saw this scene.

"Chu Ming is a good guy. Is he hooking up with a rich woman?"

"Although this guy's talent is a little lacking, his personality is really good, and he is also handsome. Isn't it normal for girls to like him?"

This matter has been spread among the elderly, but Chu Ming is not sure what it will be like.

"It seems that he really hooked up with a rich woman." Jiang Xin drove a sports car here directly. Since there was no back seat, Chu Ming could only sit in the passenger seat.

"By the way, have you rated your martial arts?" Jiang Xin asked in the car.

"No, I don't want others to know that I have this skill, so I will take the initiative to get it rated?"

"Then why did you let it go yesterday as if it was free?"

Jiangcheng is very large, with lakes everywhere separating the land. This journey took an hour.

"Boss! I found the person. It's him." Jiang Xin led Chu Ming into a more than 50-story office building, which was the headquarters of Hurricane Martial Arts School.

Looking at such a large-scale building, Chu Ming was also a little shocked. In his impression, a martial arts hall is just like a gym. It's good to have a place for people to exercise. I didn't expect it to be so big.

The man called the boss is a middle-aged man. He doesn't have the gentlemanly demeanor that a successful person should have. Instead, he is full of evil spirit.

There is even an extremely hideous scar on his face, which highlights his majesty.

"Younger than expected." The middle-aged man did not despise Chu Ming. His evaluation of him was a little young: "As the saying goes, heroes come out of youth. Come in and sit down."

As he said, he took Chu Ming into a VIP lounge. After all, it involved the purchase of martial arts that had never appeared before, so he had to pay attention. In fact, he has always been curious why most of his tasks are some insignificant good deeds.

Later, he gave up thinking about this problem. Maybe he had too much karma before? Now the system wants him to be a good person?

"Okay, if there is nothing else, I'll leave first." After completing his last task of the day, Chu Ming planned to go home.

He is not a diligent practitioner. When he first came to this world, he might have gone to the martial arts gym to practice on a whim, but he gradually abandoned it after he found that he had no talent for practice.

"Ah! Found it." Just as he walked to the door of the unit, a female voice came from behind him.

Looking back, a tall woman with erect breasts stood not far away.

"Oh my god." Out of a man's instinct, Chu Ming teased in his heart, and then prepared to open the door and go home.

"Don't go, I'm calling you." At first, Chu Ming thought she came to visit relatives and found the unit door, but now it seems that the other party is looking for him.

"Have I seen her?" Chu Ming began to search in his memory. In fact, even if he didn't think about it, he could know what the other party was doing.

"Are you the one who was crawling darkly and twisted beside the trash can yesterday?"

"Dark and twisted crawling!"

As soon as Chu Ming opened his mouth, she couldn't hold it anymore.

It's okay that she can't remember her peerless face, but why is the impression of her only lying beside the trash can?

Besides, wasn't it because of you that I rolled over with my eyes covered? If you hadn't thrown a flash bomb in the alley for no reason, would I be like this?

But she came here to do business today. After sorting out her emotions, she coughed twice and said, "That flashing thing yesterday, was it your martial arts?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Chu Ming knew that he couldn't escape today. Although he didn't want too many people to know his moves, he had been using them and would sooner or later make them public.

"This kid...why is his personality so bad!" Suppressing his anger, Jiang Xin said with a smile, "I'm the person in charge of the Hurricane Martial Arts Hall. We have never heard of your martial arts before. We came here hoping that you can sell this martial arts."

The copyright protection of martial arts in this world is very good. Usually, you can only learn martial arts by purchasing them.

The book recording martial arts is like the skill book in the game. It is gone after use, and the price is extremely high. Ordinary families can't afford it at all.

Before, Han He went to Chu Ming just to find out the name of the move he used, and then find someone to buy it, but where can the Sun Fist come from in this world. Chu Ming couldn't stand his soft and hard persuasion, and finally taught him this move step by step.

When Han He first learned this move, he still felt it was incredible, because most martial arts cannot be taught directly, unless the person who teaches it is the one who created this martial arts.

"Martial arts books are gone after use, and you still expect me to sell them?" Chu Ming certainly wouldn't be tricked, he wouldn't admit that he could teach others that move.

"Then tell me where you bought this move? Judging from your blood and qi, the threshold for using this move is very low, and it is very suitable for low-level martial artists to use for self-defense." Seeing that Chu Ming was about to go in and leave, Jiang Xin immediately stepped forward and held him.

"An old man sold it to me on the street stall, and I can't find it after I sold it. Is that okay?" Chu Ming didn't want to waste time talking to her, and tried to shake off the other person's hand, but found that the other person was so strong that he couldn't shake it off.

"Don't lie to me. This kind of martial arts that releases strong light but has no lethality has never appeared before. I posted the video online to see if the knowledgeable netizens have heard of it. The answer I got was that they had never seen it before, and many people even thought it was a special effect."

To be honest, if Jiang Xin hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would probably think that the strong light in the video was a special effect. Yesterday, their entire martial arts hall held a meeting all night and checked the information all night, but there was no record of this move, so they had to post the video online.

"That move is called the Sun Fist, right? Although I don't know what it has to do with boxing, it must be a martial art!" She grabbed Chu Ming's hand tightly, not wanting to let him go.

Feeling the cottony softness that could be transmitted even through the fabric, Chu Ming was a little helpless. He probably couldn't leave easily today.

[Ding! Mission released! 】

[Teach Jiang Xin the Sun Fist] "Let me introduce myself. My name is Wu Wei, and I'm a mid-level warrior. But don't worry, we are a regular martial arts school and we won't use force to force you to hand over your martial arts." Unlike Jiang Xin, this middle-aged uncle named Wu Wei is not so friendly.

"Chu Ming, as for the realm... you should be able to tell." Chu Ming didn't want to introduce himself. Since the other party could find his home, he must know something about him.

"Haha! Good! The young man is very good." He didn't see any fear in Chu Ming's eyes. It was not common for young people to see him without trembling.

"Then show me your 'Sun Fist' first. I also want to see this move that can make Jiang Xin unable to open his eyes."

Not only could he not open his eyes, but Jiang Xin was rolling on the ground with his eyes covered.

"Okay, but my suggestion is to wear sunglasses." Xiao Wukong once used sunglasses to crack Tien Shinhan's Sun Fist. Although wearing sunglasses cannot completely resist, it can offset most of the effects of the Sun Fist.

"No need. If you can't experience the full power of this move, then there is no need to experience it." Wu Wei refused to carry any defensive measures, although this move didn't hurt much.

"Okay then." Chu Ming stood up and gathered his breath on his forehead.

"Sun Fist!"

A burst of strong light burst out from Chu Ming's forehead. Even though it was daytime and the lights were on in the room, he was still swallowed by a burst of white light.

Fortunately, this burst of white light did not last too long. It dissipated after just three seconds.

"Fuck?" When Chu Ming looked at Wu Wei again, he was stunned.

At this time, Wu Wei's eyes were red, and even some tears had flowed from the corners of his eyes. But he didn't try to close his eyes, nor did he cover his painful eyes with his hands, but kept his eyes open.

But opening his eyes doesn't mean he can see. At this time, his field of vision has been covered by white light. The result of holding on is not to resist the sun fist, but his eyes are burned by the strong light.

"Um, are you okay?" This was the first time Chu Mingyi saw such a stubborn person. Usually, the Sun Fist had no damage mainly because other people would cover their eyes. Taking this move head-on was not much different from being shone in the eyes by a laser pen, which might cause permanent damage to the eyes.

"Hehehe! Good!" Seeing that the Sun Fist was completely over, he rubbed his sore eyes and took out two drops of eye drops from his purse.

"A little guy who hasn't even entered the warrior stage can actually use a move that even I can't defend against. Young man, you have a bright future." Entering the warrior stage requires 200 points of Qi and blood. For most people, this is a realm that can only be achieved after college.

"The valuation of your martial arts is almost done, at least this number." Wu Wei stretched out two fingers, but did not directly say how much it was.

"Two hundred million?" Chu Ming asked tentatively and directly quoted a sky-high price.

"Haha... young man, you are quite knowledgeable, but you are still too naive." Wu Wei smiled: "Two billion is not expensive for this level of martial arts, but obviously, I can't afford so much cash." Chu Ming thought he had said a sky-high price, but it turned out to be cheap. At the same time, he was a little speechless. You can't even take out so much money, why do you still quote such a high price? He found that this uncle was really stubborn. Not to mention that he took the Sun Fist, he now offered a price that he couldn't afford. "I actually mean two conditions. The first point is the most basic, that is, in addition to the first fee, you can get dividends as long as someone buys this martial art in the future." This is easy to understand. To put it bluntly, it is to sell a dissemination right. The copyright of this move is actually still in his hands. "The second point is also very simple. Our Hurricane Martial Arts School will provide you with practice resources, and there will also be special teachers to guide you to practice Qi and blood. These are all free. But we also hope that if you can create powerful martial arts in the future, you can sell them to us." To put it bluntly, they just want to win over Chu Ming. It takes a lot of talent for a 18-year-old boy to create a martial art that can attack across borders.

"I can indeed consider cooperation, but I won't provide resources and guidance." There is no free lunch in the world. They are actually making an investment. It doesn't cost much for them to raise a warrior, but if Chu Ming can come up with something powerful in the future, they can make a lot of money.

"Okay, maybe this is the arrogance of geniuses." Wu Wei took out a contract that had been drafted long ago: "You can take a look. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it. You can find a lawyer. We will cover all the lawyer fees." "No need." Chu Ming took the contract, read it carefully and found no loopholes, so he signed his name readily.

Contracts can only be beneficial to him. After all, in this world where superpowers exist, if you are strong enough, you can really not eat beef.

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