第4話 ... I want to kill more...

After a ten-minute drive, the two arrived at an abandoned factory in the suburbs. They climbed to the rooftop, where Chen Xiao was already waiting for them. The rooftop had a large hole, and through it, they could see a wild boar gnawing on something below.

Chen Xiao smiled and patted Mo Ying’s shoulder, saying, "Welcome to the team, Mo Ying. This is just a small task, so don't be nervous." Mo Ying swallowed and nodded but didn’t respond.

"It really is a small task. You stay up here and watch me perform!" Hu Tong leapt down like a blazing meteor. Flames instantly engulfed his body, transforming him into a fiery war god.

The wild boar, sensing Hu Tong's presence, let out an enraged roar. Its eyes turned blood-red, brimming with madness and bloodlust. Its tusks, sharp and gleaming, seemed capable of tearing through anything. Its fur, originally brown, now appeared fiery red, as if wrapped in flames.

"Mo Ying, do you see? Talents aren't exclusive to humans. Some animals and even certain plants possess talents. Our organization's mission is to control or eliminate those beings, human or otherwise, who possess talents but cannot use them responsibly. This wild boar’s talent is berserk. We can judge if a talent has been used based on physical changes. This talent greatly amplifies all physical attributes but drives one into a frenzy."

"For animals, they generally won't go berserk unless you invade their territory. Human users can control their berserk state most of the time, but it’s limited. Exceeding the limit can result in permanent berserk mode until their energy depletes and they die," Chen Xiao explained to Mo Ying.

The wild boar’s roars grew increasingly deafening, like hellish howls, chilling anyone who heard them. Hu Tong, unfazed, picked up a steel bar as his weapon, every swing of which radiated intense flames.

Seeing this, the wild boar charged at Hu Tong even more ferociously, its tusks gleaming in the firelight. Hu Tong deftly dodged the boar’s pounce. His flaming steel bar slashed a scorching arc through the air, like a fire dragon attacking the boar. Flames coiled around the steel bar, making each strike fiercely powerful. The boar, trapped in the flames, tried to evade but Hu Tong’s movements were as swift as lightning. His agile steps made it impossible for the boar to get close. The boar’s fur sizzled under the flames, emitting a burnt smell. Its eyes turned even redder, roaring in fury but unable to counter Hu Tong’s assault.

"Hu Tong’s talent is called 'Incinerate.' Like yours, it’s a high-risk three-star talent that controls fire. He could easily ambush the boar from a high position before it went berserk, but he’s always been headstrong!" Chen Xiao sighed at Hu Tong's approach, but Mo Ying, watching Hu Tong fight, was suddenly struck by a thought.

Could I do that too?

Hu Tong’s eyes shone with determination. The steel bar in his hand, like a torch, lit up the entire battlefield. As the boar grew weary from defending itself, Hu Tong suddenly surged forward, driving the steel bar into the boar’s vital point. The boar let out a wretched cry and collapsed.

At that moment, Hu Tong shouted, "Now, Mo Ying! Finish it off!" Chen Xiao handed Mo Ying a dagger. He hesitated for a moment but then took a deep breath and gathered his courage to jump down.

He gripped the weapon tightly, slowly approaching the boar. The boar, seeing Mo Ying, made a feeble attempt to resist but was too exhausted and wounded. Mo Ying raised the weapon and struck the boar’s vital point again.

The boar let out a final agonized scream before dying. At the same time, an inexplicable thrill surged through Mo Ying’s heart.

I want... I want to kill more...

Mo Ying pulled out the dagger, preparing to stab the already dead boar again, but Hu Tong grabbed his hand. "That’s the feeling. You need to control this urge to kill again."

The blade in Mo Ying’s hand still dripped with the boar’s blood, the crimson drops flowing down the blade and forming a dark red puddle on the ground. Mo Ying’s eyes slowly turned to Hu Tong, seeing the unwavering determination in his eyes, as solid as rock.

The blood-stained dagger in Mo Ying’s hand seemed to resonate with his inner turmoil, trembling slightly as if recounting the fierce battle it had just experienced. As Mo Ying let go, the dagger fell slowly, hitting the ground with a crisp sound.

The blood on the blade splattered a few drops upon impact, like red raindrops scattering. The dagger lay still on the ground, the blood trickling down its hilt, merging with the puddle on the ground.

However, the tranquility didn’t last long. The dagger on the ground began to vibrate again. “Damn! I forgot these things are usually in groups!” Chen Xiao shouted from the rooftop to the two below.

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