第3話 life would never be ordinary again

At night, the moonlight draped over the city like a delicate veil. Mo Ying walked along the silent streets, the streetlights casting a dim yellow glow, reflecting his lonely figure. The cold wind rustled the tree branches, as if whispering secrets.

The stars in the sky twinkled faintly, like countless eyes watching him. Occasionally, a car would pass by, the sound of its wheels against the pavement especially clear in the quiet night.

Finally, Mo Ying returned to his shabby rented room. He collapsed onto the worn-out bed like a deflated balloon, his thoughts churning in his mind.

In the daytime, sunlight poured through the window onto Mo Ying’s face. He rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. Taking a deep breath, he put on his clothes and, according to the agreed time, headed to the headquarters.

The headquarters building was solemn and imposing, exuding a tense atmosphere. He took a deep breath and stepped into the lobby, immediately spotting Hu Tong and a seductive woman.

The woman had a graceful figure, her tight dress accentuating her alluring curves. Her skin was fair as snow, and her jade-like face radiated a captivating glow. Her long hair, like silk, cascaded over her shoulders, lightly brushing her white skin as if dancing to a soft melody. Her eyes held a unique charm, like deep lakes that one could easily get lost in.

Hu Tong saw Mo Ying enter and greeted him with a smile, but his eyes kept darting towards the seductive woman, making a few teasing remarks that caused her to playfully glare at him.

Mo Ying lowered his head in embarrassment, a blush creeping onto his face. He stole a glance at Sophie, then quickly looked down again, his fingers fidgeting with the hem of his clothes.

Sophie took out the contract and smiled at Mo Ying, her voice melodious like a heavenly tune. “Mo Ying, come this way.” She waved him over gently, indicating for him to follow her. Nervously, Mo Ying trailed behind her to an empty spot.

Sophie sat elegantly at the table, placing the contract on the table with a smile directed at Mo Ying. Her eyes were filled with warmth and encouragement, as if telling him not to be nervous.

Mo Ying stood beside Sophie, nervously looking at the contract. Sophie lightly patted his shoulder and said softly, “Don’t worry, it’s just a simple internship contract.” Her voice was as soothing as a spring breeze, easing some of Mo Ying’s anxiety. Sophie carefully explained each clause of the contract to Mo Ying, her tone steady and reassuring. Mo Ying listened attentively, nodding from time to time.

When Mo Ying signed his name on the contract, Sophie smiled with satisfaction. She picked up the contract, checked it carefully, then stamped it. Throughout the process, Sophie’s movements were graceful and efficient, earning Mo Ying’s admiration.

After signing the contract, Sophie smiled and said to Mo Ying, “Since you’re still a student, you can attend your classes if you have any. Don’t worry too much here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.”

Just then, Hu Tong came over with his phone, loudly saying, “Hey, Mo Ying, there’s a mission coming up. Come with me and check it out! It’ll also help suppress your bloodthirsty urges.”

Mo Ying hesitated, glancing between Sophie and Hu Tong. Sophie smiled understandingly and said, “Hu Tong is your captain. Since he’s arranged it, you should go with him. But be careful and contact me if anything happens.”

Mo Ying nodded and followed Hu Tong out of the lobby. Hu Tong led Mo Ying to a black sedan, opened the door, and motioned for him to get in. Mo Ying got into the car, his heart filled with curiosity and nervousness.

The scenery outside the window sped by in a blur. Mo Ying didn’t know what he was about to face, but he knew that his life would never be ordinary again.

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