第2話 "Never wrong, huh?"

Mo Ying's steps suddenly came to an abrupt halt, and the anger in his eyes was quickly replaced by astonishment.

"How...how do you know?" Mo Ying's voice trembled uncontrollably.

Hu Tong didn't answer, a faint, elusive smile playing on his lips. He stroked his rugged stubble, a look of profound mystery spreading across his face.

"So, what do you want me to do?" Mo Ying asked, his brows tightly furrowed, his heart brimming with confusion and unease.

Hu Tong leisurely walked over to Mo Ying, lightly patting his shoulder. "Recruit you, of course. Your talent suits my taste perfectly."

"I don't want to join any bizarre organization!" Mo Ying refused bluntly.

"Bizarre? We're a legitimate state organization, with full benefits and civil servant treatment. And we know everything about your situation," Hu Tong said, wrapping an arm around Mo Ying's neck and speaking close to his ear.

"What if I don't join?"

"Your bloodthirst is a side effect of your talent for plundering. We have ways to help you control it and make you stronger. But if you don't join, your plunder danger level is three. We will have to temporarily detain you until you join or die," Hu Tong said.

At that moment, Chen Xiao, who had been standing aside, handed a document to Mo Ying.

"This is a research report about you. It details the origins of your talent for plundering. Your talent has been rated as three-star dangerous, primarily enhancing your abilities through killing," Chen Xiao explained.

Mo Ying took the document and read it carefully, his expression growing more solemn as his doubts slowly dissipated.

"So? Do you choose to join us or be detained?" Hu Tong asked, leaning in close to Mo Ying's ear again.

"Do I have a choice?"

"This is the address of the headquarters. Be there at 9:30 tomorrow morning, and I'll take you to sign the contract. You may go now, kid," Hu Tong said.

As Mo Ying stepped out the door, Chen Xiao hurried forward, scolding Hu Tong with a stern face.

"This isn't the proper way to recruit members! It doesn't follow any protocol! And according to the rules, those with talents rated below five stars have personal freedom as long as they haven't committed any crimes!"

Hu Tong grinned broadly, waving his hand dismissively.

"Haha, I never follow those damned rules. I only care about ability! Mo Ying's talent is extraordinary; he could become a major asset to our organization!"

Chen Xiao shook his head in exasperation, sighing.

"You're taking a big risk. If something goes wrong, who's going to take responsibility?"

Hu Tong patted Chen Xiao's shoulder reassuringly. "Relax, I've got this under control! Besides, our organization needs a few risk-takers, right?"

Seeing Hu Tong's confident demeanor, Chen Xiao knew he couldn't change his mind. He muttered resignedly, "Let's hope your decision is the right one this time."

Hu Tong laughed, thumping his chest. "Don't worry, my judgment has never been wrong!"

With that, Hu Tong strode away. After he left, Chen Xiao stood silently in the darkness. His figure appeared lonely and lost in the faint light. His brows furrowed, eyes fixed on the direction Hu Tong had gone, as if deep in thought. The surrounding darkness seemed to gradually engulf him, pressing on him with an invisible weight.

"Never wrong, huh?"

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