第5話 "Enjoy chasing your father!"

Mo Ying and Hu Tong were startled by Chen Xiao’s shout. They didn't have time to think and quickly turned to run towards the rooftop. Mo Ying’s heart raced as an invisible pressure weighed down on him, while Hu Tong followed closely behind, still gripping the burning steel bar.

Their footsteps echoed on the rooftop, as if the whole world was chasing them. Mo Ying glanced back and saw a herd of wild boars emerging from the factory’s corners, their eyes filled with rage and madness.

The boars let out low growls and charged at Mo Ying and Hu Tong with their sturdy legs. The two ran with all their might, their legs seemingly infused with boundless strength as they scrambled towards the edge of the rooftop. Sweat dripped down their faces, and their breathing became rapid.

Finally, they reached the edge of the rooftop. "Quick, jump up!" Chen Xiao shouted from above. Without hesitation, Mo Ying and Hu Tong leapt up and grabbed Chen Xiao’s outstretched hands. With his help, they climbed onto the rooftop.

Mo Ying lay on the rooftop, gasping for breath, his mind replaying the recent harrowing scene. Hu Tong stood nearby, warily watching the wild boar herd below. The boars gathered at the factory entrance, their roars echoing through the air, as if warning Mo Ying and his companions. Mo Ying knew the battle was far from over.

Chen Xiao frowned, his eyes fixed on the boar herd below. He realized the situation had become more complicated. "It looks like we need to find a way to get rid of them," Chen Xiao said. Mo Ying and Hu Tong nodded and began scanning the surroundings for a possible escape route.

Suddenly, Hu Tong noticed a small house not far away that seemed like a potential temporary refuge. "We can hide in there," Hu Tong said, pointing to the small house. Chen Xiao and Hu Tong looked over, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded.

They quietly moved towards the small house, trying not to make any noise to avoid attracting the boars' attention. When they reached the house, they found the door was locked. "I’ll pry it open," Hu Tong said, picking up the steel bar to pry the door lock. Mo Ying and Chen Xiao watched nervously from the side.

Hu Tong pried at the lock a few times, and finally, it gave way. They quickly rushed into the small house and shut the door behind them. Outside, the boar herd continued to search for their traces. "What do we do now?" Mo Ying asked. Chen Xiao thought for a moment and said, "We’ll stay here for a while and observe. Maybe they’ll lose patience and leave." Mo Ying and Hu Tong nodded in agreement, waiting silently.

However, things did not go as hoped. One boar discovered their hiding spot, and soon the entire herd surrounded the small house, ramming into it continuously. "Damn it! Quick, we need to get to the roof!" Hu Tong ordered. The three quickly climbed to the roof as the boars continued to assault the house, unsure how long it would hold up.

"Brother Chen, your talent is self-healing, right? Can you distract them for a bit?" Mo Ying suggested. "Why don’t you ask Hu Tong, who can use fire? With so many boars, I'd be dead meat before I could heal anything!" Chen Xiao retorted, rolling his eyes.

"It’s fine, they’re coming," Hu Tong said, pointing to the distant sky. Mo Ying looked up and saw two figures, a man and a woman, becoming clearer as they approached. Their backs glowed—wings! They quickly flew to the rooftop and landed gently. Seeing them, Hu Tong smiled with relief. "If you’d been any later, you might have had to build us a grave here. We’d be nothing but ashes."

Ignoring Hu Tong’s joke, Chen Xiao turned to the girl. "Jingyi, hurry, this house won’t last much longer." Wang Jingyi nodded and pulled two strands of pale blue light from the foreheads of Chen Xiao and the boy who came with her. She then looked at Mo Ying. "Let’s not use yours just yet." She injected the two strands into Hu Tong’s forehead.

"Little Mo Ying, these are all the members of our team. Now, watch my performance again!" Instantly, huge wings sprouted from his back, and flames erupted, burning his skin, only to be replaced by new skin regenerating continuously. Hu Tong soared into the sky, diving straight into the boar herd like a burning comet, exuding endless power and majesty.

The boars, intimidated by Hu Tong’s presence, instinctively retreated. But Hu Tong did not relent. He whipped up a scorching whirlwind with his wings, drawing the boars into it. The steel bar in his hands, sharpened and heated by the flames, slashed through the air with every swing, leaving deep scars on the boars.

The boars roared in anger, attempting to fight back, but Hu Tong’s speed and strength were overwhelming. He moved swiftly among the boars, his flames dancing through the air, creating a beautiful yet terrifying sight. Hu Tong’s eyes were filled with determination and resolve as he mercilessly attacked every boar that came close. His wings kept him aloft, maintaining his advantage, preventing the boars from getting near.

"Enjoy chasing your father!" Hu Tong roared. All his power converged into one moment. He gripped the steel bar tightly and raised it high above his head. Suddenly, a massive fire vortex appeared in the sky, like a black hole swallowing everything around it. The boars, terrified by the sight, tried to flee but found themselves immobilized. With a powerful swing, the flames from the vortex erupted like a volcanic blast, crashing into the boar herd.

Wherever the flames touched, the boars were instantly incinerated, leaving no trace, as if they had been judged by an apocalyptic force. The factory fell into silence, with only the smell of burnt boar lingering in the air. Hu Tong's wings retracted slowly, and he breathed heavily, exhausted. The flames on his body gradually extinguished, revealing the newly grown skin underneath his burns.

"It seems I went overboard. Lin Yi, there’s one left in the factory. Bring it back," Hu Tong said.

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