ケース2 高校生向けぐらいまでの想定で翻訳してもらう

指示 原文を英訳してください。なるべく難しい単語は使わずに、小説らしいテイストを維持してください。高校生ぐらいまでが読める程度を想定してください。


Here is another English translation of the original story, aiming for a novelistic style while using simpler vocabulary that would be accessible to high school students:

The autumn sky was a clear blue, not a single cloud in sight. A lone black crane glided across it, its long tail trailing behind. Far beyond where the bird flew was a river said to have flowed since the age of the gods.

To the east of the river, at the foot of the Hekizan mountains, there was a training ground. In one corner, soldiers in black armor were lined up under a canopy. From above, their helmets looked just like black Go stones arranged on a board.

"Spearmen! Your formation is a mess!" shouted Ogami Jubei, a large man standing in front of them. His voice roared like a lion's.

His mouth stuck out even further than a lion's - almost like a wolf's muzzle. Two holes at the top of his helmet revealed furry, rounded ears, and a gray-silver tail hung from his waist. He was a so-called beastman, fitting the description of a wolfman.

The soldiers he had glared at chattered as they rearranged themselves.

"We got scolded by Jubei. Hey, move a bit more to the right. Your freakishly long arms are in the way."

"What? A warrior of Soga shouldn't sweat the small stuff."

"Oh yeah? Want me to rip that hair right off your head?"

"You lot, can't you just line up quietly..."

Jubei sighed at the men who were taking forever to get in formation.

Half of the soldiers in formation were beastmen like Jubei. And they were all noticeably big. They had different body types from humans, with broad shoulders and long arms and legs.

It wasn't just their sizes that were different. Like Jubei, they all had fur, tails, and fangs. These unusually featured men were a people known as the Soga clan.

This training ground had a mixed unit of Soga and human warriors standing side by side.

Ogami Jubei was the leader of the spearmen. But as for being a leader, he was no different from the other soldiers. He too had come from a small village, a commoner.

"Hmph... Everyone's getting antsy, huh..."

Jubei muttered to himself. The smells of Soga, humans, dirt, gunpowder and oil carried on the wind tickled his sensitive nose. Jubei cleared his throat and lifted his chin.

They were waiting for the arrival of the warlord who would become their commander.

"So, what do you think about the Fourth Prince becoming our commander? He's barely an adult," one impatient soldier said to the man next to him.

"Shut up. He'll be here any minute."

"You say that, but it's already been an hour."


Jubei walked over to the chattering men and banged the butt of his spear on the ground, scolding them.

"You there, quiet. You want your tongues cut out?"

The yellow eyes glaring from his black helmet pierced the soldiers whose guard was down. Cowed by his intensity, the men he glared at lowered their tails and shut up.



As Jubei went back to the front of the unit, the soldiers straightened their postures again under his silent pressure.

Then they heard the sound of hoofbeats approaching. Several soldiers noticed and began to stir, but a drum sounded to silence them.

Boom! Boom-boom!

The deep, echoing sound rang out. Everyone snapped to attention, facing the direction their commander signaled.

Jubei's nose caught a strange scent among the approaching group - a youthful human scent, yet reminiscent of aged wood. His nose twitched, chasing that scent.

"Sorry I'm late," said the one who entered the tent. Jubei was sure this was the source of the scent.

Clad in black lacquered armor much finer than the lowborn soldiers', and attended by retainers, the Fourth Prince advanced to the front.

All eyes were on him. Jubei too gazed steadily at the young commander as he stepped before them.

The man who now stood as their leader was short in stature. The lips visible beneath his helmet were painted red, and his chin was small and delicate. But he wore the heavy armor as if it were everyday clothes, and his steps were powerful.

Still, Jubei couldn't help but feel the prince looked like he was dressed up for a festival.


"Hey, can you see him?"

"No... Not from here."

"Did he really show up?"

The soldiers were whispering, but Jubei could hear them.

Even Jubei, who had just scolded his men, felt his own motivation waning at how small his commander was, his delicate face, his childlike height. He started thinking about how to raise the soldiers' morale.

But the moment the young lord opened his mouth, the mood completely changed.


The voice that rang out the instant he spoke was far louder than any Soga's howl. It made the very air tremble. The soldiers were so surprised it felt like a drum had been struck right by their ears. Jubei's fur stood on end, and the unit fell silent.

"I am Prince Atsumi Yukinari, fourth son of the Emperor. I have been charged with leading you, my venerable soldiers. I ask you: what is our mission as we head into battle?"

His question hung in the air. The intimidated soldiers couldn't answer. A heavy silence fell, broken only by the wind rustling the grass.

The prince lifted his chin and declared:

"Listen well! Our mission is not just to defeat the enemy. It's to defend the people and land behind us from the wicked emperor of the West!"

The wicked Western emperor ruled the rival court across the river that divided the country.

The old imperial court had tried to oppress the Soga clan, so the Emperor's younger brother had started a rebellion. This was his domain, the Eastern Court's front line against the Western Court.

"We will never lose to the cruel Western ministers who look down on the people, call us lowborn, and covet our land, forests and you yourselves!"

The young commander paused, then drew his sword and thrust it skyward, crying out their battle cry.

"The divine founder's sacred banner is ours!"

A retainer raised a banner bearing the crest of a sacred treasure from the gods. It rippled in the wind against the sky.

Everyone gasped at the majestic sight.

"Prince Atsumi! The founder's sacred banner is here with us!"

It was Jubei who bellowed in response to the prince's powerful words.

Standing at the front, gazing at the young commander, Jubei gripped his spear tight, his beastly ears trembling with excitement. Atsumi's scent, his beautiful and dignified form that made one forget his short stature, and his clear voice echoed in Jubei's mind.

Before he knew it, Jubei was breathing deep and raising his voice too, as if a storm were raging inside him.

Jubei's roar triggered an outburst from the men, as if countless gongs were struck at once.

"The founder's sacred banner is here!"

"The founder's sacred banner belongs with us!"

The young warrior with jade-green eyes stared at the silver wolf Jubei, the first to howl, his gaze full of expectation as he faced the soldiers overflowing with fighting spirit.

One week later, that petite but ambitious young warrior led his unit to victory, repelling an invasion by the Western Court. The soldiers came home boasting of his ferocious bravery, granting the land and people a moment's peace.

"Has it already been five years?"

Far to the north of that old battlefield, Soga villages dotted the mountains.

At the end of winter, snowmelt flowed in the rivers and the first mountain greens of spring began to sprout. An old waterwheel creaked beside a hut.

Inside the neighboring house, a blind man muttered as he massaged a middle-aged man's back.

"Jubei, you still hung up on Otoki? Ow, ow, ow!"

"Please don't mention my wife, sir."

That blind man was Ogami Jubei. Arching his broad back, he pressed and kneaded the client's hips with both hands.

His gray-silver fur, which would've blended right into the snow, was hidden under an indigo kimono. The keen amber eyes he once had were gone, covered by a blue cloth to hide his scars.

"You think I can just let it go? The Soga's greatest spearman, Jubei... Now you're a masseur in the middle of nowhere 'cause you couldn't bear to see your wife die."

"Being a masseur's not so bad... This cane is my spear now, sir," Jubei said, massaging the client's shoulders and chuckling. His animal-like ears twitched and drooped.

"You know, I still have that bulletin."

"Why don't you use it to wipe your butt or something?"

"No way! It says your name - says you're one of the mightiest warriors. Says how you shielded that young prince even as you were wounded, and then you went and killed ten or twenty of those backwoods samurai from the west."

"Well now... Sounds like the story got exaggerated. At most..."

"And then you came back, and your wounds, of all things..."

The client grieved on Jubei's behalf. Jubei had taken a bad hit to the face during the war and lost his sight.

As Jubei worked out the kinks in the man's body, he changed the subject and patted the client's right shoulder.

"Sir, you always carry your hoe on your right shoulder, don't you? And when you lie down, you lie on your right side too."

"Huh, I guess you're right."

"Your left side's getting lazy."

This time Jubei patted the client's left shoulder. The man laughed, "Can't be letting it slack off."

After getting paid, Jubei left the client's house and walked through the village, cane in hand. Luckily, everyone knew his situation and treated him kindly.

"Hey Jubei, I saw someone heading to your place earlier."

Today again, a villager called out to him and Jubei stopped.

"Someone came to my house? Not a villager?"

"Nope, never seen 'em before. Dressed in rags, looked like a ghost. Definitely not Soga."

So a stranger had come all this way to see Jubei. Jubei grunted in thought, then laughed and said goodbye to the villager.

Jubei's hut was on the edge of the village. On the path leading there was a small gravestone.

It wasn't grand, but it was tidy and polished. Here rested Jubei's late wife. The blind man's daily ritual was to pray at this grave every morning and evening.

As he swept his cane, feeling he should be near the grave, a familiar scent reached Jubei's nose.

Led by that scent, the image of a certain noble flashed in his mind, along with memories of the battlefield. His heart thudded heavily.

"It can't be..."

Right in front of his wife's grave, Jubei stopped short.


Someone was there. This path was usually empty. But wafting on the breeze was a scent that had been seared into Jubei's instincts. He furrowed his brows in disbelief, but there was no mistake.

"Lord Atsumi," Jubei said, removing the cloth from his face. He set his cane down, knelt before the noble, and bowed his head.

"It's been too long."

"...Is that you... Jubei?"

After a pause, a flute-like voice rang out. Weary, but the same as five years ago. The young warrior slowly stood up from where he had been crouching. Jubei could vividly picture a lock of his hair slipping down.

Looking down at the bowing Jubei, he said gently:

"Do you remember me?"

"Yes. This Ogami Jubei may have put down his spear, but his loyalty to you, Prince Atsumi, hasn't wavered for a moment—"

"You... were one of my finest warriors."

Leaves crunched as the small figure stepped forward and collapsed.


"I order you... to take care of me..."

His chilled body settled into Jubei's arms like snow sliding off a roof.

"I never thought I'd see you again," muttered Jubei as he laid the unconscious prince on his bedding.

The chill of Atsumi's skin lingered on Jubei's arms from when he had caught him. The mud- and grease-stained clothes, the wild smell of a body that hadn't bathed in days—it struck Jubei anew as he recalled it.

"I figured you'd be famous at the imperial court by now... Maybe we're too out of the way... We don't get much news. And yet..."

Jubei loudly cleared his throat, sighed, and covered his face with both hands, his furry ears drooping.

He thought back to the noble scent, raw and heavy, of the living creature in his arms. He gulped loudly.

But no—such shameful fantasies had to be because he was hungry. Trying to convince himself of this, Jubei took a deep breath to calm his pounding heart.

"Prince Atsumi, can you eat?"

"...Yes, I can. Something... smells good."

Atsumi sat up slowly, his clothes rustling. Jubei heard a soft, smiling breath.

"It's fish balls and taro porridge. Made from whatever I had... Don't know if it'll suit your taste..."

"Heh... Are you mocking me?"

More rustling as Atsumi sat up straight. Jubei's face grew hot. The prince's voice reminded him of his late wife. His nose stung like he'd eaten wasabi. He took a deep breath and stepped back, holding out the meal he had prepared.

"Sorry I don't have a proper table in this shack."

"No matter. Let's eat."

The prince's knees slid across the blankets. He blew on the food and sipped the porridge. Jubei heard him start to eat.

"Jubei, what are you doing? Aren't you going to eat?"

"Ah, no... I'll eat after you, Prince Atsumi..."

"It's hard to eat with you staring at me."

"My deepest apologies. But..."

Atsumi was still looking at him. Jubei stroked the scars over his ruined eyes.

"I don't have eyes to stare at you anymore... Not like that..."

"...Heh, haha!"

Atsumi, who had been holding in his laughter, finally let it out.

"Wha... I...!"


Jubei felt like his heart was in a vise.

"You were staring at me with your mind's eye."

Jubei's throat went dry.

"I'll... get some water."

He stood up as if to flee, his fur even more puffed up than usual.

He went out back to the well, whining softly, his ears flat. Hunching over, he drew the cold water and gulped down a ladleful.

"...Gotten chilly."

From the feel of the air on his skin and the calls of forest creatures, he knew it was already night. He filled the jar and went back inside. Atsumi called out to him.


"Was the food to your liking?"

"Bit salty."

"Ah, the miso here's probably like that compared to the capital. I'll make it milder next time..."

"No, don't do that."

Atsumi stood up, bowl in hand. Jubei lifted his head at the sound of a soft, laughing breath.

"This is your taste, isn't it? It's fine as it is. Now... where do I put this?"

"No, I'll clean up! Please relax."

Jubei set down the water jar and felt his way toward Atsumi. The prince grasped his hand and pressed the empty bowl into it.

"Then I'm going to bed first. I hate the cold, Jubei."

"Yes, I'll prepare a hot water bottle..."

"No need."

A chilled, slender hand brushed Jubei's kimono and grabbed his elbow.

"Prince Atsumi?"

"...Sleep next to me, Jubei. That's better."

Jubei's blind eyes went wide.

"But... I'm..."

"Are you disobeying an order?"

In Jubei's mind, he could see the young man from five years ago, glaring at him with his head cocked. Jubei caught his breath, furrowed his brows, and reluctantly nodded.

"As you wish."

Atsumi tugged Jubei's sleeve once more, stroked the back of his hand as if cherishing it, and let go.

From the rustling, Jubei could tell Atsumi was only pretending to sleep. Jubei scarfed down his own meal.

After boiling water and drinking some hot tea, he approached the bedding. Atsumi had been lying there quietly, but Jubei could tell from the subtle change in his presence that he was just faking. Jubei was sensitive to such things now that he was blind.

"...Excuse me."

Jubei lifted the covers and slid in. Lying next to the prince for the first time in five years, he realized Atsumi's back was taller than before. But when Jubei's head rested against his chest, Atsumi's toes only reached his shins.

"Jubei," Atsumi whispered, and Jubei's ears twitched at the husky voice.


"...Hold me."

Every hair on Jubei's body stood on end.

"I couldn't possibly do something so improper..."

"...It's fine. It's only you and me here."

Under the blanket, Atsumi's slender body nestled closer. His skin was smooth, unlike Jubei's fur. A concentrated human scent.

The scent of the prince he had shielded on that battlefield. A scent he wanted to keep breathing in, raw and primal.

"Do I... smell, Jubei?"

Jubei was embarrassed that the prince could see right through him.

"Ah, we should heat some water tomorrow. Or go to the bathhouse..."

"...I see."

Atsumi, with his beastly stench, settled into Jubei's arms. Jubei's brow furrowed. The smell was so strong, so close. Jubei faced away and wrapped his arms around Atsumi, quietly drifting off.

A passionate cry, full of ache.

Someone was calling Jubei's name.

"Mmh... haah... ah..."

Sweet, panting breaths. The lewd squelch of soft flesh being kneaded.

"Jubei... take me..."

A pale hand pulled aside a robe, reaching between spread knees. Black hair spilling everywhere, he stared at Jubei with dewy eyes.

"Your manhood... your seed... your essence... aah, haah!"

Slurp, smack, suck...

He fondled his own rear hole like a woman.

"Look, Jubei... my hole... it's already like this..."

When he spread his legs, the air seemed to grow hotter. His plump, pink hole glistened lewdly. He thrust three fingers inside, stirring the fluids to a froth. He showed Jubei that wet, twitching flesh.

Pulling his fingers out, he reached for Jubei.

"Jubei... aah, hah ♡ I... I'm..."

That scorching, aching, melting voice.

He was calling Jubei's name.

In the moonlight, the jade eyes of the debauched man shone bright with tears.


Beside the startled Jubei, he sensed Atsumi still pretending to sleep. He couldn't feel the sun's warmth yet. His sweat-soaked body quickly cooled.

"What the hell kind of dream..."

It had to be a dream. There was no light in Jubei's world. He couldn't be seeing such things.

"Even if I'm pent-up... damn it."

Growling low, flattening his ears, Jubei covered his face. He sighed between his fangs.

His groin throbbed painfully, hard as a rock.

Jubei's manhood was longer and harder than a human's, so much that other Soga teased him for it. And it was tenting the blanket obscenely.

Jubei slipped out of bed and quietly went outside.

Cane in hand, he walked the opposite way from his wife's grave.

He felt the crunch of hardened snow underfoot. Lots of snow was still left here since people rarely came this way. After sweeping his cane to make sure he was alone, he took out his throbbing arousal.


Jubei's cock was already scorching hot, throbbing fiercely without even being touched. His musk mingled with the scent of snow.

"To imagine Prince Atsumi doing that... damn it."

There was no way the prince would ever act like that. They'd barely spent a year together between training and war, but Jubei swore he'd never seen him as an object of lust.

"You idiot... hah..."

Jubei berated himself, but his hand grabbed his rock-hard shaft. In his mind, he saw the prince as he remembered him.

His long black hair, his pale skin. But with a sword in hand, shouting orders on horseback, his cheeks were flushed. Even caked with dirt, he was beautiful. Those eyes that looked black at night shone jade green in the light. They had even bathed together. Though slender, he had a warrior's back.

"I'm proud to fight alongside you Soga."

Muttered by Atsumi as he glared at the enemy camp during the long days of war, those words had stabbed Jubei through the heart, showing the prince truly accepted them despite their inhuman looks.

Now, seeing his former lord again after five years, clearly having been through hardship, Jubei burned with shame and anger at his own bestial desires, wanting to claw at himself.

"Hah... ngh, ungh...!"

He pumped himself roughly, violently.

Was it his dirty hand's fault, or had this been what he really wanted all along?

The slightest breeze carried Atsumi's scent to him. Not just a beautiful scent, but a musky, heavy, raw one. Jubei's mouth watered and he gulped.

Using his own slick fluid as lube, he abused himself with brutal motions, as if to punish himself.

"Prince Atsumi..."

The sweet, lisping voice from his dream rang in his head like a bell.

"My... prince..."

He wanted to touch that windblown hair. Rub his nose in it, damp with sweat. Seize those thin wrists and sink his teeth into those shoulders. Grab those narrow hips, sash and all, and slam his throbbing cock against them. Drench him in the thick, sticky seed that threatened to erupt...


Jubei had never had such thoughts even about his late wife. But now, tormented by the debauched image of the prince from his dream, he couldn't hold back his primal urges after so long.

His groin tightened, his thighs trembled... Something surged up from deep within...


Holding his breath, his abs tensed. Jubei's manhood twitched and throbbed on its own. His hands made lewd squelching sounds as he fantasized about the prince's touch. His fangs looked ready to bite into something.

"Tsk... ah...!"

Spurt, splort! Splurrt! Spurt, spurt, spurt!

"Hah, ha!"

Spluuurt! Splurrt!

A beastman's seed, far more than a human's, came gushing up. Hunching over, one hand cupping his cock, Jubei bit back his voice and scattered the endless white fluid onto the snow.

The semen spurting from the tip flew as far as he was tall. It melted the snow where it hit, then was chilled again until only Jubei's scent filled the air.

"...My... prince..."

Dripping the dregs, he exhaled hotly through his fangs once more.

If only that had been his lordship's hole... No, the depths of his belly...


At Atsumi's voice, Jubei spun around without even putting himself away.


He couldn't see, but he knew. He couldn't make out his expression, but he felt his gaze. Jaws agape, Jubei froze.

Steam rose from his body, having just reached his peak.

How long had Atsumi been watching? No, Jubei wanted to believe he would've sensed him, but he knew he wasn't his usual calm self.

"Even you must miss your wife's touch sometimes... I'll overlook it."

Atsumi said something Jubei didn't deserve.

Jubei couldn't say anything. He just sensed Atsumi's sleeping face beside him.

The next morning, walking to the village bathhouse, Jubei still couldn't get the previous night's dream out of his head.

He felt pathetic for wanting to embrace Atsumi.

His feelings for his lord weren't mere lust.

The bond they had forged in battle. The prince's broad-mindedness in accepting the Soga. His gallant yet beautiful bearing.

It was Atsumi's everything that Jubei adored.

So he would lock these feelings deep in his heart.

He would repay his debt by looking after Atsumi.

Spring was in the air. The sound of the thawing river marked winter's end.

A new chapter in the blind ex-warrior's life had begun.

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