
第140話 イライラ」への応援コメント

  • タイトル通りになってきたなー!!!




  • So Sakura got first wife something good wonder what it is, probably not cuffs, i'm guessing an aphrodisiac to empty him with the three of them before school, so he has no desire to go after others.

    Curious what Sakura perspective is as a new wife and how it will continue at school, there is the Nurse, Aria Student Council girl and all the others seem to be going after him, wouldn't surprise me if even teachers joined the hunt.

    The men's protection agency must be very happy that he already has 3 wives who are in intimate relations and managed to make a stranger happy, i can see them wanting to meet him, find out more about him and try to increase the number of both wives and stranger women help have children.


    Thank you for your comment!

    So, what did Sakura bring to Shigure's request...
    If it were an aphrodisiac, Yuki would probably dry up!

    Look forward to seeing what will happen after Touka informs the Ministry of Men's Protection!