

  • 編集済

    괴롭힘으로 협박하는 부류의 소재는 너무 질렸다

  • 編集済

    Maybe she doesn't know but she walk with a guy who bully him and go to hotel with him it's fucking cruel than bully. I hope he can move on and surpass it. She is cruel than bully guy who bully mc. Although she make it for mc but if she has brain, she can talk with mc, talk a video and share it to public. It's clear this problem. Fighting and surpass it. become a guy who stronger than asshole guy who bully you and stupid girl who destroy your heart.

    PS. I'm Sorry. I can't use Google translate to translate my word to japanese because I fear my word make you misunderstand to my word.

  • 信用できないからって理由で好きな人の息の根を止めるのは切ないな…。


  • どんな理由でとか実際やったかどうかじゃなくて、それを見た人がどう思ったか受け取ったかだからね。クズとホテルに入った時点で誰がどう見てもただの浮気。

  • 情報不足、(中篇?後編?)に続く