Episode 6: Walking Outside the Venue Part 2
I haven't seen everything yet, but for now, let's head to the second floor. As I search for a way down, I pass by several players. No one looks upset; instead, their eyes sparkle with excitement.
The one who greeted me was a blond man. He had a well-proportioned face, almost like an idol.
"I'm Okabe Ryo. I just left the venue and don't know anything yet. If it's okay with you, could you tell me what you know?"
Now, what should I do? There are two choices: ask for compensation or not. The option of not telling him isn't available from the start. Currently, players with information have a significant advantage, but there are limits to what one person can achieve alone. Whether it's exploration or discovering skills, having trustworthy allies for information sharing is crucial. The question is, can I trust him?
I'll have to assess that as we go along. With that in mind, I started the conversation while carefully reviewing the information I could share.
"I'm Hiroto Saeki. I've only explored this narrow passage so far. Mr. Okabe, what do you have with you right now?"
Okabe seemed a bit surprised by the abrupt question but quickly began searching his pockets.
"All I have right now are this card and a piece of paper."
He said so, taking out the same metal card and a thin piece of paper similar to what I had.
"I got these at the venue. It seems like a tutorial bonus."
He provided information even without being asked. He might be a decent guy.
"Thank you. I think I'll go pick mine up later. As for the card, it seems to be a room key for our cabins on both sides of this narrow passage. I touched it and was able to enter. Honestly, it's not exactly comfortable, but it seems suitable for sleeping."
After exchanging information, Okabe went into the cabin floor.
Now, I wonder if he'll solve the mystery of that paper when we meet again.
Thank you for reading! If you found it enjoyable, please consider giving it a ☆ or ♡; your support is appreciated! Also, feel free to provide any advice on writing—I'm looking forward to it!
【Skill Activation】 Real Escape Game すぱとーどすぱどぅ @spato-dospado
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