A long day...... EP2

If we don't operate immediately, this patient will die.

The symptoms that change the condition every moment.

Even if it's good now, what about later...

The word absolute is out of place in medicine.

Saying that it's absolutely okay is just a stopgap word. No, that word should not be used unless there is a certain confirmation.

But sometimes that word makes the sick heart positive and gives courage to take a new step.

It brings back the flame of life that wanders on the brink of death.

Even if that flame is like a candle in the wind, we never give up until the end.

No, I, we must never let go of that feeling.

"There is a suspicion of bleeding from the hepatic vein"

If we don't operate immediately, this patient will die.

As she watches the situation, the resident Okanaka Aiko cries.

"Just until a little while ago, he was talking normally... really"

Nurse Nishina gently puts her hand on Okanaka shoulder.

"This is what it means to be on the scene... and it's still better than the accident site. You have to see unimaginable sights at the accident site..."

Nishina used to be a part of the delivery staff who went to the scene in the north.

She had experienced that hellish scene many times.

The CT image of that boy was sent.

Iwamishita examines the image intently.

"As expected..." she mutters.

"The brain tumor in the center of the brain. Between the right and left brain. It has ruptured. There is also a hematoma there. We have to operate right now or this boy won't make it"

"How is the situation in the operating room?"

Iwamishita asks the nurse.

The nurse who inquired looked a little gloomy.

"Currently all the operating rooms are in use," she replied.

"Is it hopeless..."

As I sigh, Iwamishita's body moves.

"Check how long it will take for the hybrid operating room to be available. And prepare as much cooling material as possible"

Iwamishita gives instructions to the nurse one after another.

I involuntarily call her name "Rituko" What are you going to do?

"I won't give up. If there is still a possibility... even if it's only a few percent, I want to do my best"

My memory comes back.

That time when Mayumi was brought in... what I said.

She said it in front of me now.

To bring back Mayumi who was on the brink of death.

I put everything I had into it.

To bring back that smile to my face again...

"Rituko, leave it to me. I..."

I will bring back this life that is about to die.

For that I will put everything I have into it. Because that's me...

"Open him up here"

"What, here? On the stretcher? And in the hallway?"

"Yeah, I know that. If you have time to cry, help me Okanaka!"

As he throws a punch at Okanaka, her face finally returns to battle mode.


The number of seriously injured people brought in from today's highway accident. 7 people.

Moderately injured people. 12 people

Among them, confirmed deaths... 2 people.

We couldn't save two lives.

A long day was over.

The sun had already set and the outside air felt a little cold.

Let's go home today. It's not like I don't have a home to go back to.

But no one is waiting for me. It's just a room that's nothing but space...

As I head for the parking lot for doctors, I saw her, Rituko, ahead of me.

I was going to ignore her and head for my car, but for some reason my voice came out.


At that voice, she stopped and looked back.

At that moment, her face and Mayumi's image overlapped.

I felt a feeling that squeezed my chest.


She looked at me with a soft expression that was different from when she was working.

It made me feel like I was back in those days.

Yes, when Mayumi was still showing me that smiling smile...

What a joke.

Why did Rituko appear in front of me? She said it was "just a coincidence". If that's true, did Mayumi bring us together?

Did she bring her back to me, to bring back that figure that I can never touch again, that body that I can never touch again?

Did Mayumi bring her to me to bring her back to me?

That can't be.

Rituko is Mayumi's sister.

Yes, sister....

"Tanabe-kun, Tanabe-kun"

I came to my senses at her voice.

"What's wrong? You look really tired."

"No, nothing. Are you going home?"

"Yes, you too, it seems like you're going to your own home today."

"Well, yeah. I have to go back once in a while. There's no one waiting for me though..."

"...I see. I thought you might have someone nice by now."

"There's no way there's such a person. A woman who would stick with a selfish bastard like me."

"Hahaha, maybe you're right. But if you say that, I'm the same."


Thinking about her today, it would be hard for any ordinary man to handle this woman.

"I'll take you."

She hesitated a little at those words.

I thought she was commuting from her parents' house.

Her parents' house is a little far from here. It takes an hour by train.

But Rituko said "I haven't gone back to my parents' house." She said she was still staying at a hotel.

"I see, is the hotel close?"

"Yes, it's not too far."

Then there's no need to force her. I was about to head for the parking lot when.

"Tanabe-kun... If it's okay with you, can we have dinner together?"

She said that with a slightly downcast look.

She hadn't changed. She was no different from back then.

Rituko always looked away when she asked me something.

I felt nostalgic as I looked at her.

"Is a pub okay?"

"Yes, that's fine." She said with a little embarrassment.

Iwamishita Rituko, this might be the first time we came to drink alone.

When Mayumi was here, we used to drink together often.

We were all busy, but we walked together.

Mayumi was always late.

And it was Rituko's job to complain about it. And I would mediate between Rituko and Mayumi. That was our usual trivial routine.

But... Mayumi was gone, and that trivial routine was now a distant past in the depths of my memory.

Japan after three years, for Rituko it was like time had stopped in Japan while she was in America.

She seemed to really miss the atmosphere of this pub.

She ordered two beers as usual and held the mug. "To celebrate our reunion," I said something out of character and clinked glasses with her.

Rituko immediately gulped down the beer as if she was thirsty. The mug was empty in no time.

"Auuuu!! This stimulation. Ah, I feel like I finally came back to Japan."

She smiled with a thin layer of beer foam on her upper lip.

Time changed not only people's appearance but also their inside.


"What, Tanabe-kun?"

"---You've become an old man since I last saw you"

"What are you saying!! That's so rude. This is because I'm still young and..."

"Young and?" I stare at her face.

Rituko looks embarrassed.

"It's nothing!" She glares at me with a sulky face.

It's really nostalgic.

"You're enjoying looking at me, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'm enjoying it. Is that bad?"


She blushes slightly and lowers her head as she says that word to me.

At that moment, the core of her personality doesn't seem to have changed.

And then, she complains in a somewhat grumbling tone.

"Japanese medicine is really different from America in terms of direction. I felt that today."

"Hmm, is that so? From my point of view, the comparison is narrow. And I'm in a world where there's a university hospital, which is like a different world. I don't feel much. And they only care about papers, reports, cases, and stuff like that. I admit that."

"Yeah, you've always hated writing reports and stuff."

"Hahaha, was that so?"

"Yeah, you always asked your sister for help, didn't you?"


I was at a loss for words.

"I'm sorry. I made you remember again."

"No, it's okay..."

I took out a cigarette and lit it.

Rituko's eyes seemed to gaze into the distance as I did that. She said "Can I have one too?" and took one out of the cigarette case on the table and lit it.

She didn't smoke before. She used to complain about the smell when Mayumi and I started smoking...

That anti-smoking Rituko...

"When did you start smoking?"

"I don't know. I just realized I was smoking."

She said that and quietly exhaled white smoke. Just like Mayumi's way of smoking.

"Hey, can we change places?"

"Yeah, sure. Weren't you comfortable here?"

"No, we can't talk about work here. I want you to tell me about Jyoukanetu if you can."

"Hmm, I don't mind, but it's hard to talk outside. Especially about the university."

"Then your apartment is fine. It's nothing if we're just talking about work."

Rituko said that without changing her expression.

As if there was nothing behind or in front of it.

But Rituko had already started to cut into my heart little by little.

And unconsciously...

I felt it.


The copyright of this novel belongs to "Etuha Sakakihara さかき原枝都は".

Copying or resembling this novel is prohibited.

Click here for the original Japanese text

emergency doctor


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