Changed Points : First Iteration

2023/11/13 First line of the first paragraph

For Sariel, the meadow surrounding the house was just a small part of the world.

For Sariel, the meadow around the house was just a small part of everyday life.

2023/11/13 Lines 1-2 of the first paragraph

Sariel knew that beyond the meadow, there was a forest, and beyond that, a town.

Due to the influence of her father, Sariel had long been aware that beyond the meadow, there was a forest, and beyond that, a town.

2023/11/13 Lines 3-4 of the first paragraph

However, Sariel was unaware of what lay beyond that.

However, Sariel was unaware of what lay beyond that, and even when asked, her father refused to reveal it.

2023/11/14 Lines 4-5 of the first paragraph

Was it another meadow, a forest, or perhaps the town itself?

It could be the vegetation covering the land, or perhaps the rumored expanse of the sea, or even the unknown... but Sariel had no clue.

2023/11/14 Lines 6 of the first paragraph

Sariel became curious.

Sariel's expectations soared within her chest.

2023/11/14 Lines 6-7 of the first paragraph

Even when trying to stay still inside the house, both feet and heart were reluctant to comply.

I thought about quietly reading a book inside the house, but I couldn't suppress my feelings at all.

2023/11/14 Line 7 of the first paragraph

Eventually, Sariel burst out of the house and raced through the meadow.

Sariel burst out of the house with vigor and descended gently through the meadow.

2023/11/14 Line 9 of the first paragraph

With every step, the sound of metal clashing resonated from the pocket.

With every stride, the jingling sound of metal echoed from the pocket.

2023/11/15 Line 10 of the first paragraph

Sariel thought it was the sound of coins.

Sariel was convinced that it was the sound of the house key.

2023/11/15 Lines 10-11 of the first paragraph

As the edge of the meadow came into view, the ground suddenly took on the hues of sunset.

The edge of the meadow came into view, and as it did, the sky suddenly began to darken.

2023/11/15 Lines 11-12 of the first paragraph

Just as the forest became visible, the earth was bathed in the colors of twilight.

And when the forest began to come into view in the distance, the intense light, reflecting off the earth, had faded away.

2023/11/16 Lines 15-16 of the second paragraph

Sariel wondered if beyond the town, the forest might continue, or if there would be another meadow.

Sariel pondered what lay beyond the town, thoughts swirling in her mind.

2023/11/16 Line 16 of the second paragraph

The thought intrigued Sariel.

Such contemplation spurred the weary Sariel into action.

2023/11/16 Line 16 of the second paragraph

With each step on the grass-covered ground, Sariel's pockets jingled with the metallic sound of coins.

With each attempt to extend her fatigued legs forward, Sariel's pocket indicated the presence of the key.

2023/11/16 Lines 17-18 of the second paragraph

Sariel was determined to find out.

Sariel resolved to confirm with her own eyes.

2023/11/17 Lines 19-20 of the second paragraph

As the forest at the edge of the meadow appeared, the land transformed into the evening's warm embrace.

At the edge of the meadow, a forest emerged, and the warm air transformed into a cold breeze.

2023/11/17 Lines 19-20 of the second paragraph

Passing through the forest, night might fall, or perhaps it would turn into morning.

When passing through the forest, it might already be dawn.

2023/11/17 Lines 20-21 of the second paragraph

Sariel didn't mind. In the pursuit of discovering what lay beyond the town, Sariel was prepared for such uncertainties.

For Sariel, the time it took to travel was not as important as personally confirming what lay beyond the town.

2023/11/18 Lines 21-22 of the second paragraph

Guided by the markers left within the forest, Sariel continued forward, step by step.

Sariel traced forward along the narrow artificial path her father had created.

2023/11/18 Line 24 of the third paragraph

However, the forest didn't seem to reveal what lay beyond it.

However, the forest seemed reluctant to reveal the town that should be beyond it.

2023/11/18 Lines 25-26 of the third paragraph

Even though there should be a town after the forest, Sariel felt lost, retracing the same paths multiple times.

And so, following a narrow artificial path, but inexplicably, it abruptly ended along the way, leaving Sariel lost.

2023/11/19 Lines 25-26 of the third paragraph

The darkness of the night made it difficult to see, and Sariel admitted to being lost.

The haphazardly grown vegetation obstructed the view, and Sariel had to admit that he had lost his way on the path.

2023/11/19 Lines 27-29 of the third paragraph

Returning to the last confirmed location of the markers, Sariel rested, realizing there was no need to navigate in the dark night.

Sariel returned to the location where the artificial path abruptly ended and, navigating around it, became aware of the dangers of the night road.

2023/11/19 Lines 29-30 of the third paragraph

Sariel concluded that there was no need to move in the dark and slept until the morning sun rose.

Sariel gave up on being active during the time when beasts might appear and chose to sleep to rest her weary body.

2023/11/19 Lines 32-33 of the fourth paragraph

In the morning, with sunlight filtering through the trees, Sariel, rubbing her eyes and stretching, set out towards the place beyond the town.

In the morning, awakened by the shrill cries of birds overhead, Sariel rubbed her eyes and, covering her ears, set out towards the place beyond the town.

2023/11/20 Lines 33-35 of the fourth paragraph

As Sariel walked through the forest, eventually emerging into the town, the longer the distance from the forest, the more bustling with people it became.

As Sariel exited the forest and entered the town, the silence dissipated, replaced by a bustling energy that seemed to envelop the entire space.

2023/11/20 Lines 35-36 of the fourth paragraph

The place beyond the town was, indeed, another town.

Sariel realized that the expanse beyond the town was also something familiar.

2023/11/20 Lines 36-37 of the fourth paragraph

A seamless blend of numerous towns, each adjacent to the other, where many people lived and worked across the vast land.

In the vast space, many people utilized it as an indescribable and impersonal place as a part of their daily lives.

2023/11/20 Lines 37-39 of the fourth paragraph

Realizing the true nature of what lay beyond the town, Sariel felt a mix of surprise and a tinge of regret.

Having learned what lay beyond the town and feeling no excitement, Sariel was greatly disappointed.

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