


 Sara was shy and passive, reluctant to engage in anything. However, she had been feeling that she wanted to improve this aspect of her personality for herself. She couldn't put off anything anymore. All she needed were action and the courage to push forward into the future.

 And when she took that first step, something changed within her. Realizing it, she continued to sacrifice something at every opportunity and kept moving forward. However, despite her efforts, she couldn't get any closer to her dreams, and months turned into years. She reached her mental limit, feeling even irritated. For that reason, she needed something to serve as a trigger to relieve stress.

 So she sought advice from her friend. Thus, she was recommended to do something. It was mountain climbing, something she had never experienced before. So she deliberately chose a distant foreign land. Though she could have settled nearby, she couldn't resist the allure of new encounters.

 And unfortunately, at the very beginning, her spirit seemed to falter. But, giving up without even trying is not a good idea. However, that wasn't the only issue. Because right after, she encountered another problem.

 So much was happening that she had to stop in her tracks. For just a moment, she didn't understand what was happening. Yet, subsequently, she devised a solution and carried it out, surmounting the obstacle. She was relieved by this and was able to take a breather. But around that time, it was also a fact that visibility had deteriorated due to the weather. It might be better to take a rest, if truth be told. However, she continued to move around without doing so, fully aware of the drawbacks. Then the sun emerged once again.

 As she took a short break and sat down, she noticed something in the distance becoming aware of her presence and fleeing. It appeared humanoid in form, but its features were clearly not human. She wondered if she was imagining it. But when she saw the same thing again, she regarded its presence as something real. The desire to see and observe more closely drove her to take risky actions, unaware of the potential consequence of death.

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