第8話 体験入部への応援コメント
Kondo- san took Akiyama-san and Shinonome-kun to the photography club room, she explained the club activities, and told them the names of the other two members, when they said that they would try out the club temporarily, she gave them a camera to borrow, as they headed home Akiyama-san asked "are you free tomorrow after school," he answered "yes," "then you want to go out after school tomorrow," "nice," Akiyama-san was happy. Akiyama-san say's "she wants to help Shinonome-kun have fun while living his youth," but the truth is, she wants to share a happy youth with him, he helped her, without expecting any return, he accepted her despite all the dirty rumor's going around about her, and he's open and friendly, she can't help but fall for the first person who has treated her decently in a long time, and he keeps doing and saying things that attract her to him more all the time. Thanks for an interesting update, I'm waiting for more!💞
近藤さんは秋山さんと東雲くんを写真部の部室に連れていき、部活動の説明をし、他の部員二人の名前を告げ、一時的に体験入部するというと、 カメラを借りて家に帰る途中、秋山さんが「明日学校終わったら空いてる?」と聞くと「はい」と答え、「じゃあ明日学校終わったら遊びに行きたいね」「いいですね」と秋山さんは嬉しかった。 秋山さんは「東雲くんの楽しい青春を応援したい」って言ってますが、本当は東雲くんと幸せな青春を送りたい、見返りを求めずに助けてくれた、色々あったのに受け入れてくれた、ということなんです。 彼女については汚い噂が流れていて、彼はオープンでフレンドリーで、彼女は久しぶりに自分をまともに扱ってくれた人に惚れずにはいられません、そして彼はいつも彼女をさらに惹きつけるようなことをしたり言ったりし続けています。 。 興味深いアップデートをありがとう、もっと待っています!💞
Kondō-san wa Akiyama-san to shinonome-kun o shashin-bu no bushitsu ni tsurete iki,-bu katsudō no setsumei o shi, hoka no buin futari no namae o tsuge, ichijitekini taiken nyūbu suru to iu to, kamera o karite ienikaeru tochū, Akiyama-san ga `ashita gakkō owattara suiteru?' To kiku to `hai' to kotae,`jā ashita gakkō owattara asobiniikitai ne'`īdesu ne' to Akiyama-san wa ureshikatta. Akiyama-san wa `shinonome-kun no tanoshī seishun o ōen shitai' tte ittemasuga, hontōwa shinonome-kun to shiawasena seishun o okuritai, mikaeri o motomezu ni tasukete kureta, iroiro atta no ni ukeirete kureta, to iu kotona ndesu. Kanojo ni tsuite wa kitanai uwasa ga nagarete ite, kare wa ōpun de furendorī de, kanojo wa hisashiburini jibun o matomo ni atsukatte kureta hito ni horezu ni haira remasen, soshite kare wa itsumo kanojo o sarani hiki tsukeru yōna koto o shi tari ittari shi tsudzukete imasu.. Kyōmibukai appudēto o arigatō, motto matteimasu! 💞
第7話 部活の勧誘への応援コメント
Going out at night taking pictures of the fireworks festival, a two day trip taking beautiful scenery shots, maybe a girlfriend in skimpy summer clothes, or a bikini on the water, going around historical sites for a week , maybe having to share a room? Thanks, for the update, I have to wait for the next episode.
花火大会の写真を撮るために夜に出かける、美しい風景を撮るために1泊2日の旅行、おそらく露出度の高い夏服または水辺のビキニを着た彼女、1週間史跡を巡る、おそらくルームシェアする必要があるでしょうか? 更新してくれてありがとう、次のエピソードを待たなければなりません。
Hanabi taikai no shashin o toru tame ni yoru ni dekakeru, utsukushī fūkei o toru tame ni 1-paku 2-nichi no ryokō, osoraku roshutsu-do no takai natsufuku matawa mizube no bikini o kita kanojo, 1-shūkan shiseki o meguru, osoraku rūmushea suruhitsuyōgārudeshou ka? Kōshin shite kurete arigatō,-ji no episōdo o matanakereba narimasen.
第6話 噂の正体への応援コメント
Akiyama-san started talking about her past ant what those girls had said earlier, how there had been a girl who had liked the same boy as she did, how she had started some rumors when she lost, than she broke up with buy because he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at his status raising if he went out with her, so she broke it up and he started to spread rumors about still dating her, and her cheating on him. Shinonome-kun accepted what she said, and he sad "she did the right thing, as he wouldn't go out with any girl that thought he was a status symbol, even if he liked her a lot, there's no guarantee that she would stay with him, or that she wouldn't cheat on him. He told her that she had told him her story, because it help him to know her better, and he would like to get to know her even better, she answered him by saying " she would like to get to know him better too, [quietly she said I starting to like Shinonome-kun} it was the first time in a long long time that she was actually enjoying being out with someone else. Thanks.
秋山さんは自分の過去のこと、女の子たちが前に言っていたこと、自分と同じ男の子を好きだった女の子がいたとか、負けたときに噂を立てたとか、彼が買ってくれたから別れたとか、自分の過去のことを話し始めた。 彼は彼女を見ていたのではなく、彼女と付き合えば自分の地位が上がることを狙っていたので、彼女は別れ、彼はまだ彼女と付き合っている、そして彼女が浮気しているという噂を広め始めました。 東雲君は彼女の言葉を受け入れ、「彼女は正しいことをした、彼は自分をステータスシンボルだと思っている女の子とは付き合わないから、たとえ彼女が大好きだったとしても、彼女がそうする保証はありません」と悲しんだ。 彼は、彼女が彼女のことを彼に話したのは、彼女のことをもっとよく知るのに役立つから、そして彼も彼女のことをもっとよく知りたいと思っているからだと彼女に言いました、と彼女は答えました。 「彼女も彼のことをもっと知りたいと思っています。[静かに彼女は私が東雲くんのことを好きになり始めていると言いました] 他の人と出かけるのを本当に楽しんだのは本当に久しぶりだった。 ありがとう。
Akiyama-san wa jibun no kako no koto, on'nanoko-tachi ga mae ni itte ita koto, jibun to onaji otokonoko o sukidatta on'nanoko ga ita toka, maketa toki ni uwasa o tateta toka, kare ga katte kuretakara wakareta toka, jibun no kako no koto o hanashi hajimeta. Kare wa kanojo o mite ita node wa naku, kanojo to tsukiaeba jibun no chii ga agaru koto o neratte itanode, kanojo wa wakare, kare wa mada kanojo to tsukiatte iru, soshite kanojo ga uwaki shite iru to iu uwasa o hirome hajimemashita. Shinonome-kun wa kanojo no kotoba o ukeire,`kanojo wa tadashī koto o shita, kare wa jibun o sutētasushinboruda to omotte iru on'nanoko to wa tsukiawanaikara, tatoe kanojo ga daisukidatta to shite mo, kanojo ga sō suru hoshō wa arimasen' to kanashinda. Kare wa, kanojo ga kanojo no koto o kare ni hanashita no wa, kanojo no koto o motto yoku shiru no ni yakudatsukara, soshite kare mo kanojo no koto o motto yoku shiritai to omotte irukarada to kanojo ni iimashita, to kanojo wa kotaemashita. `Kanojo mo kare no koto o motto shiritai to omotte imasu. [Shizuka ni kanojo wa watashi ga shinonome-kun no koto o suki ni nari hajimete iru to iimashita] hokanohito to dekakeru no o hontōni tanoshinda no wa hontōni hisashiburidatta. Arigatō.
第5話 友達としての敬意への応援コメント
she was happy that he didn't listen to the jealous women, it's something she has been fighting since before junior high school, girls being jealous, and saying bad things about her, boys just lusting after her saying cruel things after being refused. THANKS, it's an interesting, inviting story, I would like to read more!
第4話 映画デート?への応援コメント
She was shocked when she was approached by other women saying thungs to hurt her
第1話 学年一美少女を救うへの応援コメント
Basically a nice person who keeps to himself
第8話 体験入部への応援コメント