
ちょっとエッチ? なSS3【タイミング】」への応援コメント

  • I can easily image the chaos after asami knock the door www. It must be very noisy inside. After asami leave the house, yoshida and sayu must be very embrassing, but soon they will have sex again www.
    Besides, merry christmas!



    Thank you for always commenting! m(_ _)m

    I think it will be exactly like that.www

    I'm a day late, but Merry Christmas!
    The story scheduled to be updated tomorrow will be at a different time, but it will be appropriate for the end of the year, so please look forward to it♪

  • 編集済

    This episode is a bit serious compared to last week's w. I enjoyed last week's episode though it is still giving thoughts that are R18. Im glad you didnt write Sayu in a sleeping lingerie in this episode or the thoughts would have went worse www.

    That aside, im glad that this is a bit serious before the conclusion of this chapter and the beginning of the new one few weeks from now.

    Don't make the series too serious though. The R18 stuff still makes the story fun www.



    Thank you for always commenting! m(_ _)m

    The last episode was quite chaotic, so this time I tried to be a lot quieter (⁠^⁠^⁠)
    Asami probably didn't just do it once.www

    Chapter 7, which begins in the new year, will focus on "certain parts" that were barely covered in the original work, so please look forward to it! m(_ _)m