

  • It's really hard for me to imagine sayu and yoshida living in a big house, I like the original small apartment www. Besides, after sayu and yoshida become lovers, yoshida think and talk more about the future, which makes me very happy. This is the power of love!
    ps. I'm also looking forward to the X'mas SS!



    Thank you for always commenting! m(_ _)m

    If they were to live in a big house, it would probably be after they got married and had children (⁠^⁠^⁠)

    Sayu also knows that because of Yoshida's age, dating means marriage, so it's nice to see them talking about their future together.

    thank you!
    It looks like all four stories will be slightly naughty stories with different types, so please look forward to it! m(_ _)m

  • The excitement of both the main characters, or Sayu at least, can be felt with the amount of content to be unpacked in this chapter. Seeing the simplicity of Sayu's happiness rekindles her innocence. As for Yoshida, I guess his attachment to the idea of being happy together with Sayu is finally growing on him www. He still deserved to break down and cry in Vol 5 Ch 13 for failing to realize the importance of Sayu to him (・`ω´・)

    On an objective note, correct me if I am wrong but does this chapter involves two different scenarios? that is, the search for a new apartment, and Yoshida and Hashimoto chatting over on a lunch break? If so, perhaps placing some form of indicator that there is a change of scenes will be helpful for next time. For example, the LN usually uses asterisks to (*) indicate that scene 1 has jumped to scene 2.

    Also, I am now lost on the time periods of the story. I dont know which chapters are flashbacks and which chapters are ongoing at the present because of the change in the apartment (@_@).

    Anyway, I can't wait on how Yoshida and Sayu will set things up in the potentially new apartment (o^▽^o).



    Thank you for always commenting! m(_ _)m

    Sayu is more excited than Mr. Yoshida who has put it into action lol
    As for the person drawing it, the mature Sayu is good, but the innocent Sayu is also attractive and easy to draw (⁠^⁠^⁠)

    That's right, episode 62 consists of two parts.
    That would give more focus to the story.