

  • Sayu is so so so cute! I have never thought Sayu will kiss www.
    I can still remember the SS of higehiro volumn 5. Sayu must have missed yoshida greatly, even though envy of asami was inevitable. However, she crossed such a long time and distance to meet him. Sayu is very very strong and brave.
    I pray for Sayu's everlasting happiness.
    Thank you very much.



    Thank you very much for your comments!

    Sayu has become even more mature since becoming a college student, but I also want to see a childish Sayu! So, I decided to set it up so that if the child becomes overcapacitated due to alcohol, the child will regress.

    It was told on the Blu-ray bonus CD for the first volume of the anime, and it was so heartbreaking that Sayu cried when she remembered Yoshida while studying in her room at her parents' house at night.
    Even things you would never say or do normally, you can release them with the power of alcohol, so stay tuned!