
第4話 宣言」への応援コメント

  • リンゴジュースの紹介でもあった!?

  • ( ^^) _U

  • >しかし、今はクッソイケメンになっている。かっこいい系女子というやつ。ウルフカットめっちゃ似合ってんじゃん。胸があるから分かるだろうが、顔だけならも


  • り、りんごジュースがここでもオススメされてる.......!?

  • 編集済

    Ukai brought in another ex-girlfriend, is that what the phone call about, did he go out to meet her. Riku has another ex-girlfriend he's doesn't want to be near at the moment, it's not that he doesn't still like them, it's that he has been abused by their hidden followers, that the girls, if they knew about them, they didn't need or want them, and some of them were even disliked by the girls, Rin is the second ex-girlfriend to approach him, and it sounds like she broke up with him on the last day of high school, telling him it was only until she got strong enough to protect him, she doesn't understand how she hurt him, it made him think that he had realised that he was to inferior to go out with her, and he thought that was what she was saying, so when she asked to get back together he said no, she is not about to take that as an answer, THANKS!

  • なぜそこできつねうどん!?゚∀゚)・∵. ガハッ!!ww

  • タイトルに惹かれて読み始めたのですが、とても面白かったです!