
42 中級スクロール職人 4」への応援コメント

  • Would it be possible to redo these status prints?
    It looks good on laptop, but really bad on mobile, it's pain to read. I also wonder if you need to attach formula for each status.

    Instead of:
    腕力   93 : 100×(14/20) +13+10

         知力   193 : 100×(14/20) +13+10+100

         器用さ  303 : 100×(14/20) +13+20+200

    You could have:
    腕力   93
    知力   193
    器用さ  303

    Calculation doesn't need to be included. I don't know a game that gives you status like that

  • 魔法使いのジョブも必要では(੭ ᐕ))?