Was Nanase-chan a girl 👧 that had her face wrapped in bandages in elementary school 🚸, did Hasebe-kun pay attention to her, and stopped others from bullying her?? Thanks for the story.
七瀬ちゃんは小学生🚸の時に顔に包帯を巻いた女の子👧でしたが、長谷部くんは七瀬ちゃんに注意を払ったり、他の人のいじめを止めたりしたのでしょうか?? お話をありがとうございます。 Nanase-chan wa shōgakusei 🚸 no toki ni kao ni hōtai o maita on'nanoko 👧deshitaga, Hasebe-kun wa Nanase-chan ni chūi o harattari, hokanohito no ijime o tome tari shita nodeshou ka? ? Ohanashi o arigatōgozaimasu.
Was Nanase-chan a girl 👧 that had her face wrapped in bandages in elementary school 🚸, did Hasebe-kun pay attention to her, and stopped others from bullying her??
Thanks for the story.
七瀬ちゃんは小学生🚸の時に顔に包帯を巻いた女の子👧でしたが、長谷部くんは七瀬ちゃんに注意を払ったり、他の人のいじめを止めたりしたのでしょうか?? お話をありがとうございます。
Nanase-chan wa shōgakusei 🚸 no toki ni kao ni hōtai o maita on'nanoko 👧deshitaga, Hasebe-kun wa Nanase-chan ni chūi o harattari, hokanohito no ijime o tome tari shita nodeshou ka? ? Ohanashi o arigatōgozaimasu.