
第130話 エンジョイSUMMER⑯」への応援コメント

  • 残念だけどラブコメで非処女が選ばれることは有り得ません残念、くるみ

  • Kurumi has some regrets for her past choices, she can't help that she was taken advantage of her first time getting involved in romance. She learned to not trust boys and thought she liked girls more, but when she was helped by Takayuki, he was different, he helped her without expecting any reward, he didn't look at her like other boys did, he disregarded his own risk to help her, this caused her to have feelings that at first she didn't comprehend because they were to different from any she had experienced before, and she came to realise that she was falling in love with him. Thanks for the update.

  • 相性的には秋名が一番合いそうだよね

  • くるみちゃんも色々あるんだねー!


  • 人間、感情が爆発すると涙が出るもんです。
