
第129話 エンジョイSUMMER⑮」への応援コメント

  • まるでユーリィだな。

  • 財津成長してるやん!!👍

  • 勘違いするな、か。久々に聞いたぜ。


  • Zaitsu stepped in and told Takayuki that if he stayed he'd just be in the way, what he wanted was for Takayuki to run off leaving Zaitsu and Kurumi behind to go and get the lifeguard and bring them back, that stopped the fight of two to one, and the two thugs were taken care of, Zaitsu and Takayuki talked a little bit and kakayuki asked if Zaitsu was wearing a mask. Thanks, waiting for the next update.

  • 財津君のこと、ちょっと見直したかも。

  • 財津君と、大人になってまたあった時、そんな時があれば、きっとお互いのいい友達として会えますよ。
