
第63話 あなたに会いたい⑤」への応援コメント

  • なんか志摩くんこんな感じで色んな人惚れさせてるけどお礼はいらないって逃げてるからぼっちしてたのか。

  • Yuzuki is moving fast, she wants to get ahead of Hinata, who she knows likes Shima too,. Shima is just happy to have more friends, he didn't realize what was going on at the coffee shop, he just thought he was the but of teasing. Hinata can only get more frustrated with Shima at this rate, maybe she needs to invite him over to play with her sister. Thanks.

  • 友達ふえたね

  • 何はともあれ、友達増えて良かったね。


  • これライバルになるやつやん

  • 中々の強敵では...

  • やったぜ。