
第19話 冬の訪れ」への応援コメント

  • あんま好きなキャラではないけど好きな人と話したいってとこがあるから憎めないんだよなぁ財津くん。

  • 現実だと財津君みたいな奴は割と良いやつだったりするけど創作では嫌な奴であってほしい

  • Zaitsu is still playing the friendly helpful guy, not realising Hinata and Akina are not interested in him, Hinata is only into Shima and Zaitsu only talk to Akina because she was next to Hinata and he needed to keep up his front. Shima could say something but he is not that type of person. Thanks for the story .

  • イケメンクソ野郎か…(笑)

  • 編集済
