[Summary] 【梗概】

Miyahara Tsumugu, who works for subcontracted video production, heard strange and a strange rumor while interviewing young prostitutes and male prostitutes in India and Thailand. It was said that there was a black market for all-purpose organs that would not cause rejection with any recipient. Of course he couldn't believe it right away, becouse organ transplantation is always accompanied by biological rejection. A lover who has a close relationship with Miyahara, Risako Sakashita concluded that "iPS cells are preferable to biological clones for that purpose."

After that, information about the mysterious all-purpose organ came from a surprising place. Harumasa Saegusa, an information expert working at N newspaper, told him that "the CEO of one of the world's leading high-tech companies has returned from pancreatic cancer because of all-purpose organs." He also said that the rich, presumed to have received a similar transplant, did not appear to be taking immunosuppressants, which should be essential after the transplant.

Saegusa suddenly disappeared. It was the day before Miyahara went to the Philippines to cover the sale of organs. Miyahara relied on an acquaintance to make an appointment with Abdu, the reporter of Manila Bulletin Co., Ltd. who lives in the interview destination. Abdu was one of the people Saegusa who disappeared left behind in his memorandum. Abdu told Miyahara that all-purpose cells are miracles. He also said that the miracle came not from a religious miracle but from the person who caused the miracle. The signature of all-purpose cell is "David's Bread," which is Jesus Christ himself, who has survived to this day. Moreover, it is the Jewish association that controls the sale ...

After Miyahara returned to Japan, Saegusa returned to work as if nothing had happened. There were rumors that he might have been persuaded at the abductee. As soon as Miyahara contacted him, Saegusa said, "If you want to know the facts, come to me." Forcibly pushed by Risako, he headed for Saegusa's life Prolonging treatment association with her. Then, they were simply told by Saegusa, "The all-purpose organ supplied has the same HLA as the Repicient. That is the true identity of the miracle." He said that if the recipient's tissue was partially removed and implanted in the donor's body, the donor's original HLA would be transformed into arecipient's HLA. Then, Saegusa promised Miyahara and Risako, "If you really want to see the origin of the organ, I will arrange to go to the headquarters of the association."

Miyahara and Risako, who went to the headquarters of the United States Life Support Society in Phoenix, Arizona, were further boarded on a medium-sized plane and guided to the association's research facility. The first thing they were shown by the people in the association was the actual life-prolonging surgery. Miyahara and Risako discovered some of the world's leading business people in the tour booth. Finally, they were guided to a large room with more than a hundred tanks, which seemed to be for culturing. What was floating there was a tofu-like human-shaped caricature about 1.5 meters long and 0.5 meters wide. The guide, Dr. Goldstein, explained, "It was already in that shape when the association found it." He went on to say that even if we stop it's heart, pull it out of its organs, or hurt it until it becomes incapacitated, it will surely come back to life after a few hours. He further explained that although the recovery rate is low, it can be cultivated in a special way and that many of it are being cultivated because the number of patients in need of life-prolonging treatment for associations continues to grow around the world. In addition, he explained that he showed Miyahara and Risako this place because of the need for proper rumors of all-purpose organs, and the secret is important, but the organ transplant business itself would not be possible if it were completely hidden from the world. (The End)







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Strange recoveries, and... 奇妙な復帰、そして…… り(PN) @ritsune_hayasuki




