13. Japan Life Prolonging Treatment Association 13 日本延命治療協会

Saegusa designated Miyahara as the office of a medical corporation set up in the Marunouchi Building. He met Risako at the nearest station and headed for the building together.

"Yeah, Japan Life Prolonging Treatment Association. It's interesting."

Risako said when she saw the sign on the information board of the building.

"I hope it's not a bad joke."

The Japan Life Prolonging Treatment Association was located on the 12th floor of the building, which was robust in content but stylish in appearance. Miyahara told his name at the reception, which was located on the left side of the elevator, immediately after they got off it. Then the receptionist made an extension, and soon Saegusa himself appeared.

"Welcome to our association. I'm sorry for your efforts."

Saegusa said in a polite tone as usual.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Saegusa," Miyahara responded with a little nervousness. "It looks fine and above all. But did you lose weight a little?"

"I think I've returned to a healthy body, even if only a little."

Then Saegusa turned his eyes to Risako Sakashita, who stood dignified beside Miyahara, and said, "Mr. Sakashita. Nice to meet you, I am Saegusa," and bowed deeply. In response to that, "Nice to meet you, I'm Risako Sakashita," said Risako, who also hung her head on her Saegusa. "I'm sorry. I've unconcernedly followed him ." Then Saegusa smiled at Risako and responded, "We knew you would appear here within the scope of the assumptionas." "Then, please come here."

After greeting each other, Saegusa guided Miyahara and Risako to the reception room at the back of the association. There were about fifty desks on the floor of the association, where members of the association and perhaps clerks hired by the association continued to work quietly.

"It's a pretty good place. Mr. Saegusa, do you have a job with N newspaper company?"

When he sat down on the sofa in the room, Miyahara asked him the first.

"No, as soon as the procedure is complete, I will leave that company," Saegusa replied. "What I do at this association will be my job from now on."

"What are you doing here?"

"It's just what the association says. I just help prolong the lives of those who come here for help."

"Are you using ’that'? But you will be charged an exorbitant amount."

"Even if various organs that do not cause rejection have a value of tens of millions to billions of yen in Japanese yen, it cannot be said that it is expensive."

"It depends on how you think about it, but in any case, it's a flower of Takamine for the common people."

"But If I explained that in order to build a system to supply cheap organs that are not owned by the poor people who are currently organ donors, we are getting money from those who can pay for them, and then can your thoughts change? Of course it will take decades to come to fruition. "

"If there is clear evidence, of course I believe it, but no matter how much Mr. Saegusa says so, I can't just trust the words that come out of people's mouths. Even though I've been carefully raised by you since I was young."

"It makes sense. Hmm. So what would you do if you saw it with your own eyes?"

"I can't answer the hypothetical story. I either believe or disbelieve."

"I believed, so I took on the job here as well."

"Maybe it's because you had your daughter's case as you were told. Isn't it?"

"Yes, of course there was, but it's not the only one."

"I don't think the Jewish people's idea of selection is linked to the medical practice you just mentioned."

"It is true that Judaism is the only Jewish ethnic religion that worshiped the god Yahweh in the ancient Middle East. It features the idea of elected people and the belief in the Messiah. However, Messianic thought is nowadays alienated from its central position, with the exception of a few factions. Judaism believes that "all the people on earth" can approach the holy and get salvation, regardless of their pre-conversion religion. Do you know the word "Love convert"? In Deuteronomy 10:19 of the Jewish commandment (Mitzvah), we can also see the words, "Love the resident (Gale), because you were resident in Egypt." Besides, Judaism sees death as a reality. Therefore, the concept of "posthumous world" found in general religions does not exist in Judaism. At the time of the Last Judgment, all souls will be resurrected, and those who have achieved good deeds such as salvation of the poor in this world will have eternal souls, and those who have done bad deeds will fall into hell. "

"In other words, researching cheap organs that should be accessible to the poor is a good deed."

"Yes, as Mr. Miyahara says, but that is still a long way off. The research of the association officials has not progressed to that extent yet. Besides, researching organs costs money anyway. The association is now receiving that money from those who have it. "

"I see. It may be selfish, but I understand the theory itself. So, Mr. Saegusa, I can think that the Japan Life Prolonging Treatment Association which you decided to join, is the local agency in Japan of the Jewish organ transplant research and operation association that was the origin of it. "

"Basically, that's right.

"Then, I still have to ask you about that premise. Let's ask straightforwardly. Is there a universal organ derived from Jesus himself in this world? Or is it just disinformation that acts as a way to keep another secret out of public interest? "

"When I say that it is here, Mr. Miyahara can't believe it right away, right?"

"Yes, that's right, but it will increase my belief in the possibility that the organ may exist. But to be honest, I can't believe the existence of a universal organ, and the possibility that its source, Jesus, is actually alive. "

"The all-purpose organ supplied has the same HLA as the Lepicient. The reason has not been clarified yet, but when a part of the lepicient's biological tissue is deleted and embedded in the donor's living body, the HLA originally possessed by the donor changes to the lepicient's HLA. That is the true identity of the miracle. And for that donor organism, well, I encourage you to see for yourself. "

Note 12: A cloth that is said to have wrapped the body of Jesus after he was crucifixed and died.

Note 13: In 1988, it was carried out by carbon-14 dating at three universities, Oxford, Arizona, and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.

Note 14: Between 1260 and 1390.



















「例のものを使ってですか? でも法外な金額は請求する」



「けれどもそういった庶民の方々にいずれ――現状では臓器提供者となっている貧しい人々のものではない――安価な臓器を供給するシステムを構築するため、それらの代金を持てる人たちから頂いているとご説明したら宮原さんのお考えはお変りになられますか? もちろんそれを実現するためには、この先何十年もかかるでしょうが……」








「確かにユダヤ教は古代の中近東で起こった唯一神ヤハウェを神と崇める選民思想及びメシア信仰などを特色とするユダヤ人の民族宗教です。もっともメシア思想は今日ではごく一部の派閥を除いて中心的位置からは遠ざけられていますが……。ユダヤ教では改宗前の宗教に関係なく『地上の全ての民が』聖なるものに近づくことができ、救いを得ることができると考えています。『改宗者を愛せ』という言葉をご存知ありませんかな? ユダヤ教の戒律(ミツワー)の申命記10・19には『「寄留者(ゲール)を愛しなさい。あなた達がエジプトにおいて寄留者であったからである」という言葉も見受けられます。 それにユダヤ教は死を現実的なものとして捉えているのですよ。ですから一般的な宗教に見られる『死後の世界』という概念は存在しません。やがて訪れる最後の審判のとき、すべての魂が復活し、現世で貧者の救済などの善行を成し遂げた者は永遠の魂を手に入れ、逆に悪行を重ねた者は地獄に落ちるとされています」





「……とすると、やはりその前提について伺わなければなりません。単刀直入に問いましょう。この世界にイエス本人由来の万能臓器は存在しているのですか? それともそれはまた別の秘密を世間の関心から遠ざける方便として機能しているただの偽情報なのですか?」




 註12 イエスが磔にされて死んだ後、その遺体を包んだとされる布のこと。

 註13 一九八八年、オックスフォード、アリゾナ、スイス連邦工科の三大学において炭素14年代測定法により行われた。

 註14 一二六〇年から一三九〇年の間。

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