
第42話 遅すぎた思いと告白」への応援コメント

  • 編集済


    →今はバレーボールに打ち込んでいるんだ。女は二の次だね ?
    →今はバレーボールに打ち込んでいるから、女は二の次だ ?

  • Unrequited love, Kirari was looking at Mako from afar with love in her eyes, but she waited to long and he met Kiri. Shunsuke was looking at Kirari the same, he noticed her feelings for Mako, and he didn't talk to her, then late the last night of the trip, at the hot spring, he approached her, he told her that he had been watching her and knew how she felt about Mako, she said that she had thought up the trip for some last memories before letting him go, then Shunsuke let her know how he felt about her, and that he hadn't said anything before because of the way she felt about Mako, but he was letting her know now because Mako had a girlfriend, they talked for awhile and decided to start out as friends. It was a sweet moment, now there are three couples, only Miina is left out of a relationship. thanks.